16 - Had to Be

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Scott and I arrived at the hospital and rushed in. Once we informed who we were there to see we were escorted through the ER to a private room. The nurse stopped us before we could go in.

"I need to know if you are her family. With a situation like this we have to inform family first before anyone else." The nurse stated. Scott and I just looked at each other and sighed.

"We are her family. Her parents passed away years ago and we are the only family she has." Scott said and the nurse nodded and then hesitated to open the door.

"Do we need to sign something to go in?" I asked getting anxious and she shook her head. She opened the door so Scott and I could walk into the room. We stopped in the doorway. I couldn't believe it was Ronnie on the bed.

"Oh my god..." Scott said and walked in, and I walked in behind him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I only know what's on the chart." She picked it up. "She was pushed out of a car wrapped in a sheet with a clutch purse in against her in the sheet. The car that dropped her off sped away. We ran some tests but right now how it seems is just the cuts and bruises you see. A severely sprained ankle and broken wrist, dislocated shoulder that was reset, concussion, she is in and out of consciousness, been out since she came in and -..." The nurse stopped abruptly from reading off the chart.

"And what?!" I asked pissed off walking over and easily grabbing Ronnie's hand as Scott had her other.

"She was sexually assaulted, repeatedly." The nurse said not looking at us. I looked at Scott from across the bed and all I could see was red, I just wanted to murder whoever did this to her.

"Thank you." Scott said and the nurse walked out. I got up from where I sat and kissed Ronnie's forehead.

"I'll be back baby." I said and walked towards the door. Scott quickly got out of his chair and chased after me. He jumped between me and the room door.

"Where are you going?!" Scott asked.

"Move Scott."

"Not until you tell me where you're going." Scott demanded.

"I'm going to find the fucker she had a date with tonight and I'm going to kill him!" I spat. Scott just looked at me and groaned.

"Chris, stop okay. I know you're mad, I'm mad too, and I would love to kill them, but we don't know who it was and have no hope in finding them. Chris, I heard what you called Ronnie over there when you kissed her forehead. You need to be here if...when she wakes up. This is your last chance to win her back." Scott explained. I took a deep breath trying to calm down.

Before I could even think about answering Scott, we heard quietly mewling moans coming from the bed. They were painful, we were both watching as she moved a little on the bed and I sighed walking back over. I leaned down and brushed my lips to her forehead again, gently placing a hand on her cheek.

"Ronnie, sweetie, relax, it's okay. Scott and I are here." I whispered and she stopped moving.

"Chr -...Ch -..." Ronnie struggled to get out.

"Shh, yeah baby girl...I'm here." I whispered and kissed her forehead again. She instantly relaxed and was out again. I looked over at Scott who was watching this interaction.

"You have to stay with her Chris..." Scott whispered, I just looked at him. "It wasn't my name she was trying to say..." Scott trailed off. I sighed and sat down in the chair I had been in and grabbed her hand gently.

"I just don't know what to do Scott. What if she wakes up and I'm not who she wants to see?" I asked.

"We will cross that bridge if and when we come to it." Scott said. I just looked down at Ronnie and sighed.

We were silent as we both just sat there looking at Ronnie.

"Chris..." Scott spoke up breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" I asked not taking my eyes from Ronnie.

"Should we call Ma?" Scott asked and my eyes snapped up to his.

"What?! No! Not now. Ma will want answers and I don't know if I can give them to her. Not yet at least." I said and Scott nodded in agreement.

We went back to sitting in silence except for the heart monitor that was hooked up to Ronnie that informed me she was alive and was going to be okay...she had to be okay.

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A few hours later Scott went to get us something to drink, some coffee hopefully but I just sat there with Ronnie, holding her hand, stroking her knuckles and looking at her.

"Veronica Malcolm, I need you to listen to me because I know you hear me. You are stronger than whatever happened to you and keeping you away from us. You need to pull through this and come back to us. We all love you. When you pull through this though, you are done with the escort service. I love you too much to see this happen to you and I know you love me. I was too stupid to see it before and neither of us would say anything but I'm here now. I need you to come back to me." I said and I felt her gently squeeze my hand. I looked up at her and sighed. I then stood up and kissed her forehead.

"Chr -..." Ronnie whispered.

"I will always be here Ronnie." I said and ran my fingers gently through her hair and just stayed there looking at her.

Scott walked in as I was running my fingers through her hair.

"She wake up?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"No, she squeezed my hand and tried to say my name but nothing else after that." I explained.

"She will wake up Chris..." Scott reassured.

"Yeah...I know..." I said.

I just looked at her and sighed. This woman in front of me was beaten, bruised and damaged yet all I could see was the woman who was always there for me and now it was my turn to be there for her.

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