24 - Take Me Home

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A few weeks later I was feeling so much better. Chris and I were leaving the doctor's office and I smiled at him.

"So he said everything looks good. The ankle is healed and I can walk!" I said and Chris laughed as I unlinked my arm from his and walked on my own like I was walking down a catwalk.

"Okay America's Next Top Model, take it easy." Chris chuckled causing me to laugh as he caught up to me, I linked my arm back in his. I then looked down at my arm still in the cast, a new cast but a cast none the less.

"Except this damn thing..." I said.

"Hey, it's okay they are just seeing if a few more weeks in a cast helps heal that bone." Chris said and I sighed.

"Yeah I know and I still have the bruising inside and out. I looked like I went 20 rounds with Mike Tyson." I said and Chris sighed as we reached the car. Chris opened my car door for me but stopped me from getting in.

"Hey, you look beautiful. You know you can't blame yourself for what happened. Those assholes pleaded guilty and are in jail. You are safe." Chris said and placed his hand on my cheek. I leaned into his touch and smiled.

"Thank you Chris." I said and he looked at me confused.

"For what? Taking care of you?" Chris asked.

"For everything. For letting me stay with you and being around me all the time even when I wasn't sure." I said and he smiled.

"Ronnie, I wasn't going anywhere. Listen...I don't want to go anywhere..." Chris trailed off.

"What are you saying?"

"I want to be with you Ronnie, I want to be a couple. I want to be in a relationship. We have wasted enough time beating around the bush and bypassing each other. It's time to be together." Chris said and I just smiled at him as I wrapped my arms around his waist and he smiled as I linked my fingers behind his back and he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled him close to me, standing on my tip toes as I leaned up and brushed my lips against his.

"I thought you would never ask." I whispered as his lips crashed to mine. Once we broke apart he looked at me and smiled.

"I figured it was time. It's been too long." Chris said and I nodded.

"It really has been." I said. Chris kissed me one more time and then he sighed.

"Let's get home." Chris said and I nodded. Once we got in the car I sighed.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked and Chris glanced at me and went back to driving.

"Are you taking back us being together?" Chris asked concerned.

"What?! No!" I said and he took my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Okay then, what's going on?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I think it's time for me to go to my house." I said. Chris was silent. "Chris?"

"Why?" Chris asked. "Is it because we just started dating?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"No, Chris, seriously. I have lived with you for long enough. I can do things for myself now, I don't need a babysitter. I can go to my own place and do my own thing now." I explained. Chris was silent. I didn't say anything else but realizing I may have just ruined Chris and I before we even got a change to get started.

"I hate that I have had you in my house for a few months, in my bed and we finally got in this comfortable routine between us and now even being together. I hate you want to leave but I also understand. Guess I'm just hoping now with things getting better you don't go back to work." Chris said. I looked at him a little upset.

"Chris, why do you think I would go back? I haven't talked about it. There are some factors now that would and will keep me away. Chris, being with you now, I wont do anything to mess that up. We are finally going to get what we want and what we deserve. Also, I cant go back to that again. I would never be the same and I don't think anything will ever make me want to go back to that life. I want something new, I will find something new." I said. Chris smiled at me. He stopped at a red light, leaned over and kissed me.

"Thank god." Chris said as we broke apart.

This was the right move, this is what we would need and help us be stronger together.

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It was my first night at home. Chris was dropping me off and walked inside with me. I sighed once I got inside and I just sighed. The last time I was here I was getting ready to go to my date.

"Oh! I have something here for you." I said and Chris just looked at me oddly.

"What are you getting?" Chris asked as I walked to the bedroom and came back out with a wrapped gift.

"It was a birthday gift. I was going to come home and change before your party." I said. Chris laughed as we sat on the couch and he tore off the wrapping paper, opened the box and laughed. It was a pair of whacky designed socks, I knew he loved to wear them.

"I love them Ronnie, thank you." Chris said and kissed me.

"I'm happy you do. You better wear them to the next tv appearance you make." I said and he nodded.

"You know I will." Chris said and I placed my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you for letting me come back home and try this all on my own." I said and Chris sighed.

"I'm still worried but also a phone call away." Chris said and I smiled with a nod.

"Exactly." I responded.

Chris and I just sat in the silence of my house, cuddled on the couch enjoying each other's company and relishing in the happiness of finally being together and having one another.

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I was laying I bed that night and I was getting ready to go to bed. It was weird being in my bed without Chris and Dodger but I did it before and I can do it again. I grabbed my phone. I took a picture of my bed.

Ronnie: Me in bed, all alone.

Chris: I'm with a bed hog, you gave him too much reign.

I saw the picture of Chris and Dodger. I loved seeing them before bed together.

Ronnie: To bed, I'll call you in the morning.

Chris: Please do.

I put my phone on the table and got comfortable and started to quickly drifted off to sleep in my t-shirt of Chris's so I had something that smell like him.

A few hours later I was awoken by a noise in my house. I sat straight up in bed and just listened for more. It sounded like footsteps coming to my bedroom and I pulled my knees to my chest and started panicking.

"GET OUT!" I screamed, not sure what else to do. I heard the noise still so I did the only thing I could do. I ran and locked my bedroom door and then barricaded myself in my bathroom after grabbing my cellphone. I sat against the tub and called the only person I could think of.

"Ronnie?" The tired voice came through.

"Chris...there is someone in my house..." I said.

"I'm on my way." Chris said and hung up.

Before I knew how long it had been there was a knocking on the bedroom door.

"Ronnie! It's me! Open the door!" Chris yelled and I rushed out of the bathroom and unlocked the bedroom door. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest and he just held on to me and Dodger jumped up and down trying to get my attention.

"There was no one here Ronnie, it didn't even look like someone was here." Chris whispered and I just started crying. Chris held on to me and wouldn't let go.

"Take me home Chris." I whispered in his chest.

"What?" Chris asked not hearing me.

"Take me home...please." I said and Chris gave a small smirk.

"Let's go home." Chris said as I grabbed a few things, and we left the house that I no longer felt safe in anymore.

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