9 - No More

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On my way home from the hotel, I called Tammy, my boss and told her what happened. I didn't disclose who Chris was but what I did say was that I knew the client and I couldn't stay. She didn't seem angry at all but then I also asked for a week of vacation. She agreed to it since I had never taken time off.

I got home and started packing a bag. I knew where I was going and I wasn't sure who I would ever tell, if I told anyone. I just wanted to get away for a while at one of the last places I remembered being happy and having a good time as a family. I finished packing after I checked the weather where I was going just so I would be prepared and then I called the train station to get a ticket reserved. I could have flown, and I knew that but I wanted a lot of time to think, weigh some pros and cons and just have time to myself. Not to mention it was how I traveled the last time I went to this place. I called a car service to come and pick me up, so I didn't have to park my car.

When the car service arrived, I got in and just waiting for the long drive into Boston to the train station. As the car drove, I pulled out my phone and knew I needed to send a few text messages.

RONNIE: Need a break from the Evans clan. Will be unable to be reached. If you have any questions talk to your brother.

I sent it off to Scott and quickly he started typing again.

SCOTT: Where are you going?


SCOTT: Does Chris know the truth about you and your job?


I didn't get any responses after that from him. I then sighed and thought of the next person and knew they weren't going to take it easy.

RONNIE: Chris and I had a big fight, no hope of fixing it, he went too far. I'm cutting him off and going away for a while. I will answer if you call or text. Same with Carly and Shanna as well as if anything is needed for the kids. I love you but I need a break from it all, especially Chris. He knows what he did and said.

I waited a minute before hitting send but knew it had to be sent so once I did, I instantly saw it was read and my cellphone started ringing. I answered knowing it wouldn't do any good to ignore the call.

"Hi..." I said.

"What do you mean you need a break? What is going on?" Lisa snapped.

"I just need to get away for a little bit. I don't want to tell you what is going on -..."

"What do you mean you don't want to tell me?!"

Lisa had started using mom voice and I had to admit it kind of scared me.

"Veronica Leigh Malcolm, you need to tell me what is going on."

"You don't know how bad I want to tell you, but I can't right now. I will tell you eventually, I promise." I spoke.

"Are you pregnant?" Lisa asked and I just laughed.

"No! God no!" I exclaimed.

"Are you in trouble? Are you in danger?" Lisa questioned causing me to sigh.

"Ma listen -..." I started off calling her Ma like her own kids since she was like a mother to me. "If I was in trouble or danger, I would come to you guys for help. Please just know I need to get away for a little bit and I just want sometime."

Lisa sighed into the phone, and I knew she was upset and wanted answers, but she wasn't going to get them.

"Where are you going can I at least ask that?"

"Can I give you a clue?" I asked.

"Of course, you can."

"It was the last family vacation with me, mom and dad when we really had fun and I was truly happy."

There was silence and then I could tell the minute Lisa smiled.

"Alright sweetie well be safe and have a good time. Please call and check in with me and let me know when you are safe. Are you flying there?" Lisa asked.

"Taking the train. I need time to think. Also, when I went with mom and dad, we took the train. I'm trying to keep this as much like that trip as I can."

"Okay well let me know when you arrive, and I will let the girls know you are out of town. Do Chris or Scott know?"

"Scott knows, like I said Chris and I are done. I can't deal with Chris anymore Ma, I'm sorry I know he is your son, but recent events have been too much." I explained.

"I get it sweetie, you go on your trip but please check in."

"I will I promise. I love you." I spoke.

"I love you too." Lisa said and we hung up.

Once we were off the phone, I leaned my head back on the seat. I closed my eyes and just wanted to be invisible, but I knew it would never happen. My phone started ringing in my hand and I didn't even look to see who it was and just answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked, eyes still closed and head still back.


I snapped my head up and opened my eyes, hearing his voice was the last thing I wanted to hear. I didn't know what to say or do. I was done I told him I was done and now he was calling me. I just took a big, shaky breath but stayed silent.

"I know you said you were done, and I know you don't want to talk to me, but we need to talk. This isn't us, Ronnie. I know I have crossed the line the last 2 times I have seen you. I can't explain my actions or what I have said I just need you to know I was an idiot." Chris explained.

I stayed silent.

"Ronnie, come on, this isn't us. We talk everything out, we never stay silent to just let things fester. You always work things out and you always forgive me. It's who you are Ronnie, you can never be mad at me." I heard the cockiness in his voice, the over confidence he would get me to talk to him because damnit if he wasn't right, I always did forgive him. No more...

"Chris, stop. I told you I'm done. I always forgive you and I have forgiven you so many times, times I probably shouldn't have. I should have let you go a long time ago...too long ago but you always pulled me back. This time, you don't get that. I told you I'm done, we are done Evans. No longer friends, no longer like family and no longer my person who knew everything. I can't trust you won't hurt me again Chris. So, this is where I leave you. Goodbye Christopher." I ranted and hung up.

As I hung up, I blocked his number, no more contact, no more Chris.

I closed my eyes as they filled with tears causing some to slightly fall. I knew what Chris had said and done and I knew I shouldn't be crying over him, but I was losing my best friend and the secret love of my life...it was over, time to move on.

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