30 - Boop

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I felt groggy and my head was a fog when I fluttered my eyes open.

"Scott's she's awake." I heard a voice say and there he was standing over me, smiling.

"Hey beautiful." Chris said and smiled down at me and I just looked at him.

I heard Scott chuckle.

"Oh, this is gonna be good." Scott said and pulled out his cellphone and started recording.

"How do you feel?" Chris asked. I lifted my wrist and saw the big cast.

"This hurts." I whined and Chris nodded.

"You just had surgery, you'll be okay soon." Chris said and started gently massaging my scalp. I moaned closing my eyes at the feeling but then I snapped my eyes open and batted him away with my good hand.

"No, you can't be doing that!" I protested.

"Sweetie...?" Chris asked concerned.

"I have a boyfriend!" I stated. Scott chuckled.

"Oh really?" Chris asked playing along.

"I do!" I said and then giggled. I lifted my good hand and tapped Chris on the nose.

"Boop." I said with a smile. Then I looked at him again. "You're pretty." I said with a giggle.

"...Thank you..." Chris said and looked at Scott who was still filming me in my drug induced state. Scott just shook his head trying not to laugh.

"Come here...I have a to tell you something." I said in a whisper and Chris leaned down.

"What sweetie?" Chris asked.

"You're cute but my boyfriend is hotter than you." I thought I whispered but spoke at normal volume and smiled. Chris just smiled and slight shook his head and went to stand up. "No! I have more!" I protested.

"Okay what?" Chris asked.

"I'm dating Captain America, but the truth is I'm only with him for his dog." I said and Scott couldn't contain the small laughter anymore and just busted out laughing. Chris groaned and leaned his forehead on mine.

"I know baby, it's okay." Chris said and kissed my forehead.

"I'm tired, I think I'll go back to sleep now..." I trailed off and was asleep right when I finished.


I sat back down in the chair but went back to massaging her head knowing she really did love it and it would help her sleep.

"You get it all on camera?" I asked with a smirk to Scott, and he nodded.

"I did." Scott said.

"She's gonna hate you for that." I said.

"She'll love me for it." Scott said and I sighed looking back at her sleeping. "How much will power is it taking for you not to crawl into bed with her?" Scott asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Everything in me." I said.

"You're here Chris and you two are together. You don't need to be in bed with her to comfort her." Scott said.

"I know I just want her to be okay." I said.

"Why? So she can stay with you for your dog?" Scott asked and we both laughed.

"I mean let's be honest, we all knew that was why she was with me." I said and Scott nodded as we laughed.

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It was a day after my surgery, I was still a little hopped up on pain meds, but Chris had left to go home and get me things to go home in. Scott was there with me, and Lisa was coming in bringing food for everyone since I was allowed to eat regular, non hospital food. The one male nurse came in and I smiled at him.

"OH! Finally, you two are here together!" I said as Lisa and Chris walked in at the same time.

"Everything okay Ronnie?" The nurse asked and I nodded sitting up as well as I could.

"I wanted to introduce you to Scott! Scott this is Steve, he has been here when you weren't, but I wanted to introduce you two! You'd be perfect together!" I said and Scott looked at me shocked. I spilled his secret, I was high, he couldn't blame me, right?

"Ronnie..." Scott groaned.

"She's right ya know..."

"Ma?" Scott asked confused by what she said.

"Scott, you think we haven't noticed you were gay? I mean I knew from the minute you were born and as you got older it was more and more confirmed. We don't care, we were just waiting for you to come out." Lisa said and I smiled at Scott.

"Scott, we love you either way." Chris said. Scott looked at Steve and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Steve." Scott said. I looked at Chris and I smiled.

"I played matchmaker! I did good! When they get married, I can say, I did that!" I squealed and Chris shook his head with a smile.

"You did good babe." Chris said and he leaned down kissing my forehead. Lisa then started handing out the food. I had a burger, I tried unwrapping it with one hand and was getting frustrated.

"You want some help?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"I need to do it for myself, I'm not an invalid." I grumbled.

"No one said you were sweetie." Lisa said and I groaned pushing the burger away on my tray. I then just started eating my fries. Chris groaned and opened the wrapper for me. I looked at him as he winked at me.

"I'm always going to help you, Ronnie." Chris said. He then leaned down to my ear. "I am Captain America after all." Chris said and nipped at my earlobe. I moaned as he pulled away.

"You two need to behave, that heart monitor just went bananas." Lisa said and we laughed.

I looked around and didn't see Scott.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"Well while you were struggling, the nurse and Scott walked out..." Lisa said and I smirked.

"Scott and Steve sitting in a tree K-I-S-S -..."

"Sweetie, they are just talking, give it some time and then sing the song." Chris said and I smiled.

"Okay!" I said and went to eating my food and just wanting to get home and out of the hospital.

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