25 - I Quit

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A few days later Chris moved me into his house. We informed Lisa and everyone as to why leaving out that we were together and they were happy I moved just to feel safe. Scott helped me and Chris got me packed up. I took what I needed to his house and we were working on getting everything planned out. 

I was sitting in Chris's office after having a video therapy session and we talked about me and Chris being together and what me moving in meant for Chris and I. She wasn't too happy when I explained that Chris and I were leaving our relationship a secret from the family for now. We didn't want too much pressure on us as a couple since everyone had been waiting for it.

Once I was done on that I sighed and knew another video chat I would need to make since she had been contacting me, wanting to speak. She wanted to video chat to see me since I refused to come to the office. I knew Chris was busy on a Marvel group video chat in the living room and I was safe to have the conversation in private. I opened the video chat and just waited while it rang.

"Veronica, it's so great to finally see you." Tammy said and I just gave a small smile.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't want to have a conversation with the way I looked when it happened." I said and she just sighed and nodded.

"So how are you feeling?" Tammy asked.

"Well, a lot of the bruising is fading but the internal bruising is still there. My ankle is healed but my wrist isn't getting any better. They are talking surgery but I'm still in the cast for a few more weeks." I explained.

"Veronica, you will never know how sorry I am for what happen to you on a company meeting. We always try and make sure our girls are safe." Tammy said.

"Problem is Tammy with allowing us to meet them in private settings and be with them right away like that, it's a problem." I explained.

"That the aspect of the job Veronica, you have sex with men, you go to a hotel with them and do the job if that's requested." Tammy said.

"I get that and at one point I felt safe, but I don't feel safe anymore and neither should any of the other girls! I mean I was ambushed by 3 men, I was raped, I was beat, I was tied down, I was choked. There were a lot of things wrong here! No one should feel safe anymore! You need to hire someone who goes with the girls or something." I explained and Tammy just sat there taking all of it and I just shook my head knowing she wasn't caring anymore. "You don't want to worry about the safety of your workers that's fine, but this will happen again, I guarantee it" I continued.

"I'll see what I can do to cover their safety, Veronica." Tammy said.

We were silent for a few minutes, and she finally sighed.

"Now after how this conversation just went, I think I know the answer to what I'm about to ask but I need to ask it anyway..." Tammy trailed off. I knew what was coming and I really didn't want it to happen, but I knew there was no reason to beat around the bush anymore. "Are you coming back to work when you are fully healed?" Tammy asked.

I just shook my head. "No, I wanted to have the conversation with you to tell you that I'm done, I quit." I said. Tammy actually sat in shock and just looked at me on the screen.

"You're really done?" Tammy asked.

"You're shocked?! I can't believe you're shocked." I said and she shook her head.

"I guess I shouldn't be. With what you went through." Tammy said and I nodded.

There was silence and I just wanted off this phone call.

"Listen I don't want to go through this anymore, I'm leaving, and I won't be back and I won't be dealing with any of it ever again." I stated and Tammy just nodded.

"Then consider your contract terminated." Tammy said and I saw her pull out my contract from her file. I watched her put it in the shredder. I just half nodded. "Nice seeing you are well." Tammy said and I just gave a small smile.

"Thank you. Please consider everything I said to help ensure the safety of everyone still working for you." I said and she nodded.

"I will, have a good life, Veronica." Tammy said and quickly ended the phone call.

I sighed and leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes.

"You did it." I heard his voice say from the doorway and I looked and saw Chris leaning on the doorframe.

"I did. I quit and it's all done." I said. Chris came over and gave me a small smile. He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"Do you feel relieved?" Chris asked and I nodded. I got up from the chair and then pushed Chris into the chair so I could sit in his lap. I cuddled myself into him and he smiled wrapping his arms around me.

"I do. Sorry I didn't tell you I was calling her. I just wanted to get it done." I said and Chris shook his head.

"No, it's okay. It was something you had to do alone, I get it." Chris said and I nodded. "How did your therapy session go?" Chris continued.

"I told her about us." I said and Chris looked at me shocked.

"What did she say?" Chris asked.

"Well, she doesn't agree that we are keeping it from everyone." I said and Chris just shrugged.

"I just want you all to myself. I mean we can talk about when we plan on telling everyone but until then I just want you." Chris said and I nodded. I lifted my head from his shoulder, and I leaned in to passionately kiss Chris. As the kiss got deeper, I moved to straddle Chris's lap and helped me get situated. I bore down on him, and he groaned.

"Ronnie..." Chris moaned pulling our lips apart. "I know you aren't ready, and I won't rush you." Chris said and I placed my forehead against his. I knew he was right, I wasn't fully ready yet, but I was getting there. All I wanted was Chris, all I needed was Chris and soon I would be ready and be able to not be the broken girlfriend I feel like he has.

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