11 - Grown Up

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I woke up in New York, the day after I arrived. My first full day since I arrived early morning my first day and spent the whole day in the hotel. I texted Lisa when I arrived, but I hadn't heard back from her which worried me she was mad at me.

I grabbed my cellphone from the nightstand and took it off the charger. I walked out to the small balcony I had in my room that overlooked the city. The phone only rang twice and there was an answer.

"Ronnie! Oh my god! I miss you so much already! Come home please!" I heard Scott panic. I just smiled and shook my head.

"SCOTT ANDREW EVANS! Give me my phone back!" Lisa yelled in the background.

"Ronnies on the phone! Give me the phone!" I heard Chris say.

"It's my phone!" Lisa yelled.

I heard a fight and struggle for the phone.

"OW!" Was all I heard from Scott and Chris knowing then Lisa played dirty somehow and got her phone back.

"Hey sweetie." Lisa said in her sweet mom voice.

"Hey, sorry I didn't know Scott and Chris were around."

"Yeah, Scott came over this morning, but Chris came over in the middle of the night. Scott and I were over at his house the night you left getting on him about everything." Lisa said and I groaned.

"I wish you wouldn't have..."

"No Ronnie, he needed to know he fucked up and if it took me and Scott, both telling him then so be it." Lisa said and I sighed. "You okay?" Lisa asked.

"I'm just wondering if I was overreacting by leaving and cutting him out of my life..." I trailed off.

The truth was on the train ride to New York, I really thought about my life with and without Chris. I hated every aspect of being with Chris. Did he hurt me? Of course, he did! Did he course a line? A major one! Was he always going to be in life? Yes, he was an Evans, and the Evans were my only family. Did I ever think I could forgive him for what he said? That was left blank.

"Only you can answer that for yourself Ronnie. I know you love Chris and I know he loves you. He just makes stupid choices. I know I don't know all the ins and outs but just know you two will work through this, I'm convinced of it." Lisa said and I half nodded to myself, not fully believing her.

"Well, I'm going to be heading out to the city today, so I just wanted to make sure you got my text that I got here, and you weren't mad at me for something." I said and Lisa sighed.

"No sweetie I wasn't mad, I was dealing with grandkids and my own children acting like a bunch of wild animals. You leave town with not a lot of explanation people tend to lose their shit." Lisa said and I laughed.

"I'll remember that for next time." I spoke.

"Please do." Lisa said.

"I love you." I spoke.

"I love you too sweetie." Lisa said and we hung up with each other. I took a deep breath and headed inside. I ordered some room service and got some coffee and breakfast. Once I was done eating, I took a shower. As I was getting ready to go out to the city to do some shopping and visit the sites, being a real tourist, my cellphone pinged with an email. I opened my email thinking it was maybe something for work but then I saw the email address and the name along with it. He would figure out how to get in touch with me. I almost went and deleted it but thought I would keep it and read it later, if I decided to. Right now, was just about going out and having time, just for myself.

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Later that night I got back to the hotel with my shopping bags and a smile on my face knowing it had been a good day, I didn't want anything to ruin it. As I sat on the bed and flipped through the tv channels getting ready to order some room service I came across Avengers: Age of Ultron, my favorite Avengers movie. I smiled knowing that this was a movie premiere Chris wanted to take me to with him, but I was so nervous to be in his world. I ended up not going but I flew to LA for the premiere and Chris took me to a private screening the day after the premiere only he invited Scarlett and RDJ to go with us knowing they were good friends of his and he wanted them to meet his best hometown friend. Scarlett and I really hit it off, even ended up exchanging numbers. I knew she lived in New York, so I thought about calling her, since I had her number, and seeing if she wanted to do lunch while I was in town.

I quickly ordered some room service and then watched the movie. As I was going through my phone, I came across the email from Chris that he sent this morning. I just sat there looking at the email, I knew I needed to read it and I knew once I read it Chris would see that I did. I only knew this because I set up his email to get notifications when it was read so he knew when emails for work were seen. I bit the bullet and just opened up the email, not matter how mad I was, it felt like I should see what he said.


I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for everything I said, especially when I called you a whore...twice. It was uncalled for, and I don't know what came over me. I don't want to make an excuse for it other than I was being as asshole.

I know I fucked up, I had no idea what kind of life you were leading, and I hate you couldn't talk to me about it.

I will never be able to say I'm sorry enough to you. I need you in my life Ronnie. I can't imagine a life without you in it.

Love, Chris-

I just re-read the email 3 times as tears filled my eyes more and more each time. He needed me. He was sorry for the whore comment. He was right that in the fact he had fucked up. Did he think a simple email of apologizing constantly would make me run back to his arms and accept the apology? Be back in his life like nothing happened and forgive him like I always did growing up. Well, I hated for him to have to figure this out on his own, but it wasn't going to happen. No more childhood Veronica, she has grown up now.

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