26 - Jake Wyler & Steve Rogers

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It was time for Halloween. Chris and I were going to be going to Lisa's for a party with the family and even go Trick-or-Treating. Chris and I were both being very secretive about what we were dressing as and not saying anything to each other even though Chris was trying his damnedest.

We were laying on the bed, horror movies playing but we weren't paying much attention. My legs were crossed over his lap, he had on hand on the outside of my thigh, the other on the inside leg on the knee, my arm that was against him was linked in his with my hand resting on his wrist, I had my other hand on the side of his neck making sure his lips weren't leaving mine as we made out.

"You know we have missed this entire movie." Chris mumbled as his lips brushed mine.

"Are you complaining?" I asked and Chris shook his head with a smile as he continued to kiss me. We continued to make out and this was where I was the happiest. Not just kissing Chris but being with him and being together.

"You know my mom will be here soon with your costume...." Chris trailed off as his lips skimmed my neck and then back up to my lips.

"I know, we will break apart when we hear her come in the house." I said and he nodded.

***LISA POV***

I walked into Chris's house. I had Ronnie's costume. She was very adamant on what she wanted to be and I was willing to do whatever I could to help her. I didn't hear much movement from either of them except for a tv playing in the bedroom and I knew they must have been watching a movie together.

Dodger met me in the hallway to Chris's room and I patted his head.

"Dad and Ronnie in there?" I asked pointing to the room, and he gave a small bark. I smiled and finished walking to the bedroom. The door was open, so I walked in and what I saw just caused me to smile. They were cuddled together, practically tangled up in each other and their faces mere inches apart. They fell asleep while making out, I could tell.

I knew it. I knew they had been together. They may have thought they were hiding it from me but I'm Ma, nothing gets past me. I pulled out my cellphone, walked to the foot of the bed and took a picture of them on the bed sleeping. They wouldn't know I took this, and I would have a perfect time to use it against them. 

I finally cleared my throat causing Chris to wake up before Ronnie. He looked over and saw me and he groaned.

"Ronnie, sweetie, wake up. We have been discovered." Chris said and Ronnie groaned but woke up and saw me standing there.

"Well, well, well...look at you two." I said and they both turned a shade of red I thought I would never see.

"Yeah...um...." Ronnie was stuttering and looked at Chris.

"Ronnie and I are together and have been for a while." Chris spit out. Ronnie looked at him like he had 3 heads.

"What happened to not saying anything?!" Ronnie snapped.

"Ronnie, she saw us tangled in each other I don't think there is any way around that." Chris said and I giggled.

"Well, it's about time you two..." I said and they smiled as they worked on getting out of bed. Chris gave Ronnie one more quick kiss and I smiled at this.

"That my costume?!" Ronnie asked excitedly pointing at the garment bag.

"It is. You have all the other components?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile.

"What are you being?!" Chris asked getting out of bed and going to the closet.

"For me to know and you to find out." Ronnie said and Chris just sighed with a smirk as he came out of the closet carrying his own bag. Ronnie and I looked at him confused.

"And you?" I asked him.

"A surprise for everyone." Chris said. Ronnie rolled her eyes and walked into the closet getting everything else out she needed.

"I'm going to get dressed I the spare room." Ronnie said and walked out. I looked at Chris.

"Don't screw this up with her Chris." I said and he just smiled at me.

"I don't plan to." Chris said and I walked out of the bedroom knowing I would be taking pictures before we left to go back to my house for the party and trick or treating.

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I was dressed in my costume, and I was getting ready to leave the spare room I got ready in. I was proud of myself for this outfit, and I knew this would be a shock to Chris. It took some real work but when I told Lisa my idea, she told me she had the most pivotal part of the costume. I checked myself in the mirror and smiled. I walked out of the room and saw Chris standing in the living room with his back to me and I smiled, Lisa saw me and smiled. I grabbed the foam football I had to go with my costume and set.

"Hey Wyler heads up!" I yelled as I threw the ball and Chris didn't turn in enough time, so the foam ball hit him on the back of the head. He turned and saw me and started laughing but mostly of shock. I then saw his outfit and shook my head.

"That was a perfect spiral! Nice throw!" Lisa said and I laughed.

"Not fair Evans!" I yelled as he walked over to me and eyed me up and down.

"And yours is?!" Chris asked and I smiled. He gave me a small kiss.

Chris was dressed in his 1940's military outfit from Captain America: First Avenger, the outfit he knew I found him extremely attractive in. I was dressed as Jake Wyler from Not Another Teen Movie. I was in a white t-shirt, blue jeans, black converse and the letterman jacket that is what Lisa had to bring me since it was at her house. I wore my hair down and slightly curled the ends.

Chris placed his hands on my hips and pulled me gently to him.

"This was the secret outfit?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I love it." Chris said and I grabbed the lapels of his jacket.

"This outfit is very dangerous." I said and Chris smirked at me as he leaned down and kissed me.

"Do you two want some pictures?!" Lisa asked tossing me the football and I smiled.

"Of course, we do. Then off to your house for trick or treat!" Chris said and Lisa started taking some pictures of us together. Our first pictures as a couple.

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