36 - Gift Time

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I woke up when Dodger jumped on the bed and I smiled.

"Good morning, buddy, Merry Christmas." I said sitting up staying covered and kissed his muzzle. I noticed Chris was up and I smelled the coffee. I grabbed my flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt to go with them and headed to the kitchen. I saw Chris pouring us both a cup of coffee.

"Merry Christmas." I said walking in the kitchen, and he smiled. I walked up to him, and he leaned down giving me a small kiss.

"Merry Christmas." Chris said and I took the cup of coffee from him. We headed into the living room.

"You send Dodger in as the wake-up call?" I asked and Chris chuckled.

"I did. You enjoy it?" Chris asked and I laughed with a small nod.

"I did, he was a good wake-up call if it wasn't going to be a kiss from you, I got Dodger." I said. Chris smiled, leaned over and gave me another small kiss.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Chris asked as we sipped our coffee as we sat on the couch.

"Well dinner with your family tonight at your moms but the day is completely ours." I said and Chris smiled. He placed his arm around me on the couch and pulled me close to him.

"I have an idea for something we can do..." Chris said, and I looked at him and laughed. He seemed to read my mind. "Not that...well we can do that but it's not what I was thinking." Chris said and I smiled.

"Okay, then what?" I asked.

"Let's spend all day just cuddling, lighting a fire, watching Christmas movies and watching it snow." Chris said and I nodded.

"I think that sounds like the perfect day." I said and Chris smiled. After we finished our coffee as Chris was getting the fire started, I walked over to the tree and grabbed the three gifts. One for Chris from me, one for me from Chris and our gift to Dodger.

He let Dodger work on unwrapping his and he was happy to have a new toy, he laid on the couch with it on the other end and was just playing with the toy.

I handed Chris my gift and he just smiled at me as he was opening the box. I was so nervous as he was opening the box. As he opened it, he pulled out 2 framed photos. One was a small one of Chris and I as Disney animated characters Belle and Beast from beauty and the beast I was in the gold ballroom dress and Chris was in the beast's tux from the same scene. He smiled at me.

"Ronnie..." Chris said in shock and then he pulled out the bigger picture. It was animated again of Chris and I again in normal clothing with Dodger standing in front of us and we were in front of the castle at Disney World. It was a wall hanging photo. Chris just sat in awe looking at the photos.

"Ronnie, how did you do this?" Chris asked.

"Chris, remember your New York meeting when you met those animators and everything for the Buzz Lightyear movie?" I asked and he nodded. "Well one day when you ran to the store and left your phone at home, they called to ask you something and I answered not thinking. Well, we got talking and I asked if he would do something for me. He was more than happy, and he got them done mailing them to me quickly. I even got something done for your mom." I said and Chris just looked at me in shock.

"Ronnie, these are beyond amazing." Chris said, he leaned over and passionately kissed me. He then quickly got up and placed the smaller photo on the mantel and I smiled. He then took the big picture and walked towards the bedroom. Once inside he walked over to where the desk was in the bedroom and took the picture off the wall behind the desk and replaced it with the new picture. Chris smiled and I smiled seeing it on display.

"It's perfect." Chris said and I smiled as I walked out to him, he wrapped me in a hug.

"Can I go open my gift now?" I asked with a smile and Chris laughed but nodded as we headed back into the living room. Chris grabbed my box from the coffee table and handed it to me.

I ripped the paper from the package and then opened the box to a photo album.

"Chris...what is this?!" I asked opening it up and flipping through it. It started off with pictures of us as kids, in our teenage years, even with the awkward Christmas when he brought Jessica. Then into adulthood which was harder to come by since we were barely ever together. The last pictures were Halloween when Chris and I were asleep together cuddled on the bed meaning Lisa took a picture when she found us and the picture of us in our costumes.

"That one day I told you I was going to Ma's to help her move some stuff around...I was actually there looking through all her albums, she even had some pictures from your parents that you have packed away, making copies and getting pictures printed. I thought we could continue to add to this for us now. I like seeing our life in pictures." Chris explained and I just looked at him in shock as I started going through the book again and he moved closer to look at them with me. Once we were done, I put it on the coffee table and then cuddled into Chris's side after he got up, dimmed the lights to let the tree lights and light from outside come in thought the windows.

We were watching A Charlie Brown Christmas and I looked at the photo album on the table and the situation Chris and I were in and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked and I looked up at him from where my head was resting on his shoulder.

"What are your thoughts on having a baby?" I asked.

"What?!" Chris asked shocked and paused the movie.

"What are your thoughts on having a baby?" I repeated.

"Ronnie...where is this coming from?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know, I mean I think we are pretty much together forever...right?" I questioned.

"Of course, we are." Chris said and I smiled at him given me the reassurance that we were. I sat up and took hold of his one hand.

"Well, I'm just thinking, we finally have this chance to be together, we finally got here, where we needed to be. We both want kids and I just feel like we are in the perfect time of our lives to have one." I said and Chris sighed.

"Ronnie, I love you and I want that future with you. Hearing you say you want to have kids and have kids with me especially is like music to my ears. I love you Ronnie and I want to take that step with you." Chris said and I looked at him excitedly.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Really." Chris said. I squealed and quickly straddled his lap. He laughed and placed his hands on my hips.

"You want to start now?" Chris asked and I leaned down and passionately kissed him.

"You complaining Evans?" I asked and he shook his head as we continued to make out. 

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