12 - One Final Chance

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It had been a week and a half. I had been emailing Ronnie still but never getting answers even thought I knew she was reading them. As long as she was reading it gave me hope she really hadn't given up. It was a lot of apologies and then drivel about what she was missing but it was some form of communication.

I had went to make breakfast this morning in my house and realized I needed groceries. I didn't want to have to go to the store but it was needed if I wanted to have food to eat and not depend on my mother feeding me. She was still upset with me about what happened with Ronnie so I still wasn't sure she would poison my food.

I got to the store thankful it wasn't too busy, I just wanted to get what I needed and get out.

As I went to walk down an aisle I was stopped dead in my tracks. She was here, she was home from her trip...Ronnie. I sighed and thought about backing off the aisle and walking away so she didn't see me but I knew this would be my chance. I needed to see her and she wouldn't cause a scene in public. I pushed my card further down the aisle to where hers was.

"Ronnie?" I asked in a small voice but I knew she heard me. Her freezing as she went to reach for something on the shelf. "Ronnie." I said and she slowly turned to look at me.

"Chris..." Ronnie said and even hear her say my name made my heart stop. She was talking to me, not yelling, not angry just my name.

"So you're back from your trip?" I asked just trying to make conversation with her. I didn't want this connection to end.

"Yeah, I'm back. Got back yesterday." Ronnie said and I just half nodded.

"Ma know your back?" I asked.

"Yeah, I called her and let her know." Ronnie said. I could tell she was uncomfortable with this conversation. It was forced and she didn't want to be here any longer than needed.

"Well, welcome back." I said and Ronnie half nodded. She grabbed what she needed from the shelf and started to walk away.

Now was my chance. SPEAK UP CHRISTOPHER!

"I'm sorry about everything."

Ronnie stopped in her tracks and turned to looked at me.

"Everything? Everything! You think a blanket apology will make this all better?" Ronnie asked and I groaned internally knowing I fucked up.

"No, I don't mean it as a blanket apology I just know I have a lot to apologize for. I fucked up a lot recently Ronnie and I want to make this better. I...I miss you." I said. When I saw her huff a laugh I knew it wasn't going to work.

"Wow Chris, you are a piece of work. I tell you I'm done with our friendship because you fucked up royally and the first time you see me you just blanket apologize for everything you have done recently. You ever think maybe it wasn't just recently? You ever think this stems back years and years and I'm just done?" Ronnie explained and I sighed looking at the floor.

"Ronnie...please give me a chance -..."

"A chance Chris?! I have given you years of chances. I don't know if I have any left." Ronnie interrupted.

"Ronnie, stop. Listen, give me one chance to explain things. Hell you can pick the time and place." I said and she groaned running her hand over her face.

"You're not going to stop are you?" Ronnie asked.

"No, I want a chance." I said.

"Fine, 3pm today. Hattie's." Ronnie said and I knew she meant the coffee shop near her place.

"Okay, I'll be there. Thank you Ronnie." I said and she just half nodded and walked away.

I quickly finished shopping and made sure not to go the same places Ronnie was at so she didn't think I was following her. I was going to do my best to make this situation with Ronnie right.

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I walked into the coffee shop and knew this was probably the stupidest thing I could be doing. Meeting Chris was not something I wanted to do, I told him I was done and I was done but no matter how much I tried to tell myself I was done, he was always there to tug at my heart and make me feel for him or go to him when he needed me.

I saw Chris sitting at a table in the back and I noticed he got me a drink already and I just walked back to him and sat across from him. I knew I had to take control of the conversation the minute I sat down.

"Okay, I say this now. You have one chance with this talk. The minute you fuck it up, I leave and I'm done for good Chris. I mean it." I said and he nodded.

"I know and I understand that. Trust me I honestly didn't think you were even going to show up." Chris said.

To be completely honest I almost didn't, I would never say this to him but I sat in my car in the parking lot for a half hour thinking I wouldn't even go in but no matter how much I hated and disliked this man right now I would never do that to him.

"Well I'm here." I said sitting down in my chair and crossed my arms. Chris just sighed but we both sat there is silence.

"I wanted to talk but I have so much to ask and say that I don't even know where to begin." Chris said.

"How about we start off with one question. You get to asked one question and then we go from there." I said and he nodded.

"Okay...why?" Chris asked.

"Why what?" I asked knowing he could mean a multitude of things.

"Why did you change your looks?" Chris asked.

Out of all the things that man could have asked, this is what he picked...okay.

"Chris, I was tired, tired of being the ugly duckling. Tired of being the one no one looked at. I wanted to date, I wanted to be seen and knew I would have to change a little bit for it." I explained.

"You realize I never saw you that way." Chris snapped slightly.

"No, you probably never did but you never saw me the way you saw all the women you dated in the business. I mean I couldn't compare to those women and I didn't even know if I could have tried." I snapped back.

"You never should have concerned yourself with what others saw or thought." Chris said.

"I'm still me Chris, I'm still Ronnie just in different clothes." I stated. "This change was all my idea, I just asked for help in doing so." I added. Chris just shook his head and huffed laugh in disbelief.

"You don't know what you want Ronnie. This change wasn't just for you, you wanted to appease everyone else and show you could be something you weren't just to get some guys in your life. This isn't you and never will be you, it's like your hiding behind a mask. Technically if you want to think about it your job is also a mask for you. You get to be someone else, fake name, fake façade, fake life. You don't know who the real Ronnie is anymore." Chris spilled out the venom I knew he was holding in.

I just looked at him and slightly nodded my head just knowing what I had to do.

"There you did it, you just fucked this up." I said standing up.

"Ronnie -..." Chris said trying to stop me and I held up my hand.

"I tried Chris and gave you another chance. Have a good life." I said and walked out of the coffee shop.

Once I got to my car, I couldn't hold off anymore and I just started crying and letting the tears fall freely. This man knew how to hurt me and what to say, how could I have ever loved this man...why did I still love this man?

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