chapter one

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Lyanna Stark was a happy child. Always causing trouble with her brothers in the halls of Winterfell. Her father was Rickon Stark, the King of the North. His wife was Gilliane Glover who died shortly after giving birth to their youngest son. There were four mischievous Stark children, Torrhen was the eldest, a tall brunette with light blue eyes. As scary as he looked he was kind. A very protective older brother and a man of honor he was. Cregan was the second son, just a tad shorter than his older brother but with dark brown hair and dark eyes. Cold eyes, he was barely a man grown but his soul was that of an old warrior. Lyanna their only daughter was next, she was a trouble maker but still carried herself with grace as a princess should. Growing up with three brothers strengthened her. Though she was a wild one, she was still known as the beauty of the North. and Willam, the youngest. A spitting image of his sister, dark hair and kind eyes. Such a sweet young boy he was. He was the least wild out of the four and kept the peace.


"I do not wish to meet the Targaryens." Just eight years old, Lyanna huffed. She was sat infront of her brother Torrhen on horseback. The Starks were traveling for the wedding of Aegon and Helaena Targaryen. The North's royal family was kindly invited.

"None of us wish to go sister, but father has forced us here!" Cregan said dramatically from his horse. Willam a small child sat with Cregan who had just turned thirteen. Torrhen was already seventeen.

"It will not be so bad Lya, the young princes are your age. I'm sure you'll find a friend." Torrhen said ruffling her hair with a smile.

"Are we there yet!" Young Willam cried out playing with a toy wolf.

"Just beyond this hill is Kings Landing, we will be there before the sun sets." Torrhen reminded his brother. The siblings traveled along with their father and his kings guard made up of northmen.

Meanwhile at the Red Keep, the Targaryens prepared for their guests.

"You need to be at the gate to greet our guests! Stop playing in the halls!" the Queen Alicent spoke to her two boys as she swiftly made her own way to the gate. Aegon rolled his eyes but Aemond nodded at his mother. The two boys followed quickly behind her.

"I hear the princess is your age, perhaps you could ask for her hand in marriage!" Aegon teased as they walked. Aemond huffed.

"I will never marry some unruly northern girl. Starks are just as much savages as the rest of the Northmen." Aemond spat. He found it easy to hate them. A disobedient kingdom he thought, they should've bent the knee to the Targaryens long ago.

The King and Queen stood with their children to welcome the Stark family. The gate slowly opened revealing men in fur cloaks upon giant steeds.

"Rickon Stark King in the North! Lord of Winterfell and his children prince Torrhen, prince Cregan, princess Lyanna, and young prince Willam!" A guard called while they marched into the castle grounds. Aemond furrowed his brows at the Northerners. He imagined them looking less tame. He couldn't help but notice the extravagant braids done through all the Starks hair. He looked up at the oldest brother, Aemond grew curious of the scar that crossed his face. Torrhen caught the boy staring and stuck out his tongue at him showing him all his teeth in a warrior type grin. Aemonds eyes darted away from the frightening prince. Lyanna laughed seeing the dragon prince flinch.

"Welcome King Rickon! We are so pleased to have you in our realm for awhile. Perhaps you would like a tour it has been so long since you've visited." The Queen spoke. The King hopped off his horse and gave the Queen a smile.

"Why thank you my Queen, but I cannot bore myself with tapestries and paintings." Rickon laughed and King Viserys joined in.

"I'm sure the children would like to meet." Alicent said patting Aemond on the shoulder. Aemond looked up at his mother with furrowed brows and she tightened her lips at him to behave. Torrhen helped his young sister off the horse and rested his hands on her shoulders protectively. Lyanna watched the silver haired boy argue with his mother but he eventually rolled his eyes and looked over at Lyanna. Aemond thought she looked like a lost pup.

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