chapter ten

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After weeks of traveling the northmen had finally made it to Kings Landing. Cregan stood with his siblings and the few men they had infront of the iron throne with the King. The queen shortly arrived along with their three children. Aemond had an annoyed look on his face as they all stood around the throne.

"King Viserys, how good it is to see you again." Cregan began.

"I hope your travels were easy, you seem to have gotten here in one piece." Viserys said with a smile. Cregan chuckled.

"Yes your grace the journey was long but we are here.. and we need your help. I assume you already know of our brothers death, we need soldiers. We need alliances to get our home back." Cregan spoke like a true king now. He had always been the most playful of the Stark bunch but now, he was a leader of men.

"Yes of course, but aid does not come for free young king." Viserys said. Cregan nodded.

"What do you propose?" Cregan asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"A marriage, between the Starks and Targaryens. Truly binding our two realms together." Viserys said with a smile.

"A marriage between who if I may ask?" He said curiously. Aemonds hands were held tightly behind his back awaiting his father to propose the marriage between him and Lyanna. He couldn't find her in the group that stood infront or the King.

"The princess and my son Aemond, they are both of age and it's about time they both got married." Viserys said. Lyanna froze hiding behind her brothers with Errick by her side. "Where is the princess? if I may ask?" He said with a relaxed smile. Cregan and Willam moved apart revealing Lyanna behind him. She removed her hood and stepped forward looking up at the King.

Aemond felt his chest tighten at the sight of her. He almost didn't recognize her when she pulled her hood down. She had blossomed like flowers do in the spring. He couldn't help but stare at her and her big doe eyes. Her lips curled into a half smile and all Aemond could think about was how soft they looked. He remembered their kiss and wondered if she remembered it too. If she knew the madness it sent him into.

"My how you have grown my dear." The queen said with a smile. Lyanna chewed on her bottom lip looking up at them. She glanced over at Aemond who seemed to not be too focused on what was happening. He looked different now, stronger, and wiser. Deep down she still had a fear of him, after all that had happened between them as children.

"So you wish for me to just hand over my sister? To the boy who attacked her just years ago?" Cregan scoffed at them. "I won't let that happen."

"Then you will find no ally with Westeros." Viserys said harshly. Cregan grew angry and was ready to yell but Lyanna took his hand and squeezed it.

"This is not what I wished for, but I want our home back. If I have to marry him to achieve that I will." Lyanna said softly, just for Cregan to hear. She hated the idea but she wanted Winterfell back. "I have a duty as princess of Winterfell, if this is what I must do.. Then I will do it." She said. Cregan gave her a sad smile. She was willing to give up her freedom to save her home. He admired her for that. Cregan sighed and watched the floor for a moment before looking back up at the King.

"Fine. Lyanna shall marry the prince, then we can discuss the future of our home." Cregan said with a sarcastic smile. Viserys smiled back happily.

"How wonderful! We shall celebrate the engagement tonight with a feast!" Viserys cheered. Lyannas smile faded and her gaze fell to the floor.

Servants had brought the Starks to their sleeping quarters but Lyanna didn't have much to unpack. She left her room quietly and snuck down the halls of the red keep. On her way she met Luke, Jace, Baela, and Rhaena.

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