chapter thirty-six

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As the battle for Winterfell drew closer, Cregan sent a hoard of men East. Under Erricks command these men were to report back on Benjens stronghold he had built miles out from Winterfell. While The King and the rest of the men waited for a raven to arrive Lyanna was losing her mind being stuck up in the fortress all day. She was ready for battle, to kill some traitors and put their heads on spikes. She wanted revenge for all she had been put through.

And she had a plan.

She was going to leave in the cover of darkness and march ahead to Errick and his men. She had had enough of sitting aside she was going to make herself useful. But she couldn't tell Aemond, he would only tell Cregan and stop her from going. But she had to do something, sitting on the sidelines was no longer an option.

That night at supper was awfully quiet. The usual echo of voices was but just the silent crackle of the fireplace. Cregan and a few men spoke in hushed voices to one another about war while Lyanna, Willam, and Aemond sat quietly eating.

"I want Benjen and Rayric captured not killed." Cregan was speaking of what was to come when they attacked the last stronghold before getting to Winterfell.

"You cannot be feeling pity towards your cousins, they must pay for what they have done." Cedric said, fiddling with the knife on his plate.

"Trust me they will pay, a hundred times over they will," Cregan spat. Lyanna poked at the food on her plate, thinking about her plan. Should she go? Maybe she should tell Aemond and he would go with her. Or maybe he would keep her from leaving. Aemond noticed her far away eyes and rested his hand on her leg.

"Lya?" He whispered trying to get her attention. She turned to him with wide eyes and he smiled at her.

"Did you say something?" She asked, still a bit lost in thought. Aemond shook his head and squeezed her thigh gently.

"You disappeared again, wanted to make sure you were still here." He smiled, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Just a bit tired is all." She said, looking back towards the table. Aemond frowned, sensing some anxiety in his wife.

"Let us go to bed then, my love." Aemond stood from his seat and put his hand out for her to take. She put her shaking fingers in his and the tension inside her fluttered away at the hold of Aemonds hand.

"Off so soon?" Willam asked the pair.

"The hour has grown late, and I am tired." Lyanna said to him with a sleepy smile on her face. Willam nodded and let them leave down the hall.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on with you?" Aemond asked, closing their chamber door behind them. Lyanna could only watch the floor, she couldn't let him figure out what she had planned.

"Nothing, everything is fine." Lyanna was not very convincing in her tone.

"You are a terrible liar, Lya." He chuckled, pulling her closer by her waist. She blushed and looked up at him thinking of a way to end this conversation.

"What else am I terrible at?" She asked in a seductive tone, while tracing her fingers down his arms. Immediately distracting Aemond.

"What are you doing?" Aemond asked with a smirk. Lyanna shook her head and stepped away from him.

"Oh nothing, Aemond." Her voice itself almost sent Aemond over the edge. Gods she drove him mad. As he went to pull her back into him she playfully shoved his hands away.

"Am I in some kind of trouble my love?" He asked, a little disappointed she wouldn't let him touch her. She giggled and watched him through the mirror.

"Not at all, I just thought I could undress myself tonight." Lyanna said, untying the lace that lined up her back. Aemond chewed on his lips watching her in front of him.

"This feels like a punishment." His voice was low as he stepped up behind her and watched her in the mirror. Lyanna gave him a smirk before pulling her dress down just so it revealed her shoulders.

Aemonds breathing was heavy as he continued to watch her. Lyanna could feel him brushing up behind her, getting as close as he could without touching her.

"Mayhaps you could assist me with the rest?" Lyanna said softly and a wide smile formed on Aemonds face.

"You dont have to ask Princess." He whispered, pulling her dress down to her hips. Revealing her chest his arm wrapped around it securely. While the other gripped at her side, pulling her back to him. He spread soft wet kisses down her neck and across her shoulder before stopping at her arms. He pulled back and turned her around to face him. Lyanna couldnt help but giggle at the way he was looking at her.

"Youre supposed to be helping me for bed." Lyanna smiled, her face flushing before him.

"I just wanted to look at you for a moment." He whispered, tugging her winter dress to the floor. Her skin now freckled with goosebumps from the chill in the air. Aemond held back a smirk as he helped her into her night dress, tracing his fingers down her sides as the cotten fell down her legs. "Now get to bed, little wolf." He said, giving a gentle pat to her bottom.

Lyanna shook her head and crawled into bed while Aemond undressed himself. He threw his jacket to the floor and sat himself at the edge of the bed. He watched his wife who already had her eyes closed and was wrapped under the furs.

His smile faded a bit reminded that they were living in a war. That this bed was once again temporary and their children were not down the hall but miles and miles away. He just wanted to be in Winterfell with his family, instead of in another settlement that would only last days. Lyannas eyes fluttered open and saw her husband with a solemn look on his face.

"Come sleep, Aemond." She whispered, patting the spot next to her. He layed back and hovered himself over her, watching her eyes. She looked up confused trying to search for the emotions he was feeling but she couldn't figure him out.

Aemond hesitated, but gently pushed her shoulder down so she was laying on her back before him. She didn't say anything, just stayed aware of his sudden shyness and pink cheeks. He couldn't look her in the eyes, he was vulnerable. Everything about what their reality was suddenly hit him. His mouth hung open like he wanted to speak but couldnt. He just rested his head down on her torso, something he had never done. Lyanna felt a smile pull at her lips, Aemond had never been like this before. His arms rested against her legs and his hands were secured onto her hips. Lyanna just looked down at him and brushed his loose hair behind his ears trying to give him the comfort he seemed to need.

Aemond faced away from her face not wanting her to see the fear and pain that had suddenly washed over him. He nuzzled his face into her stomach and shut his eye tightly, wanting to be engulfed in her. The last many years had been a nightmare, but now that Lyanna was here things started moving again. Though she was all he ever wanted to have he did not want her to be in this, not right now, not during this bloody war.

Lyanna just stroked his hair gently, as he slowly drifted off to sleep in her lap. She smiled, not wanting to abandon him but she had to do this. She felt it deep in her heart, that she needed to fight for Winterfell as much as she could, even if it killed her. She would put her brother on the throne. She had tears in her eyes as she went through the thought process again. What was right, what was wrong. In the eyes of the gods this was a hateful war between kin. She had prayed to the gods many times to bring her home, but maybe they would not be at her side, maybe she had to stand alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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