chapter six

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"You're falling behind Will! Hurry!" Lyanna shouted from her horse laughing. Lyanna was now twenty years old, a woman grown. Her hair fell in a long braid down her back as it always had. She has a wide look about her, graced with her mothers features. She still had her big doey eyes that always held a glimpse of life in them. The only thing that had truly changed her face was the scar that sat under her eye on her cheek. A memory of the past, left behind forever. The children rode with their dire wolves at their side. Torrhen led the pack as usual and Cregan was right behind. Torrhen was a married man with a child now, his hair was longer and held back with silver jewlery. Cregan had also taken a wife but had no children yet. His hair was longer now and he kept it braided back out of his face. Willam now ten and eight, the youngest but almost a full man now kept his wavy brown hair shorter than his siblings. He did not wear braids nor trinkets in his hair. He was a simple one.

"Last one home cleans the wolfs cage!!" Cregan laughed and began riding ahead of his brother.

"Wait for me!" Lyanna laughed racing alongside Cregan. Willam and Torrhen quickly followed laughing as they did. The four raced home on their horses and their wolves all quickly followed.

"I win! haha!" Cregan said being the first at the stables. Lyanna followed right behind him and then Torrhen, Willam was last yet again.

"Not fair! You guys always beat me!" Willam rolled his eyes from his horse. They all laughed.

"Your horse is slow and fat, you feed him far too much." Lyanna laughed and hopped off her horse.

"He's happy at least." Willam smiled getting off his steed. The four left the stables and headed back into the castle where their father was sitting on his throne dealing with business.

"Go clean up, get ready for supper. I will stay with father." Torrhen said leaving his younger siblings to meet his father in the hall.

Talk of Theon Stark, the Kings younger brother returning was whispered in the halls. Rickon was dying, he knew this. He knew his brother would try to take the throne from Torrhen. The North knew this. Theon lived further north near the wall where he was building an army of men loyal to him. Men who believed he should be heir. Though Torrhen was a grown man his uncle still saw him as a child. Theon believed the boy was not ready to rule.

The three younger ones went to their bedrooms to wash and dress. Lyanna stepped into a bath the maids had prepared for her. She sang old Valyrian songs to herself while she washed herself. She had kept on her studies and had grown into her brilliant mind. She was often found reading history books or training in the field with a sword. Her new favorite weapon was her bow and arrow though, she had come to love it in the last few years. She didn't get into trouble as often but still went on her own adventures when she could.

When she finished washing up she quickly got dressed in something more formal but comfortable for supper with her family. It was a simple black dress with tight sleeves. Silver patterns danced across the bottom and chest. When she opened her door to head to the dining hall she was met by her guard. Errick Mormont, who was once just a boy who served as a squire at Winterfell now a warrior. Lyannas own special guard. His hair hung long and the top half was tied back in a bun. He smiled down at Lyanna and she looked up at him with red cheeks.

"Ser Errick, is there something I can help you with?" She said with a smile.

"I'm to escort you to supper as always princess." Errick said with a chuckle. Lyanna nodded and stepped out of her room. He put out an arm for her to take and she gladly took it. The two walked down the halls of Winterfell with smiles.

"I hear you are really improving on your sword skill." Errick whispered leaning down to the princess.

"You have heard correctly." Lyanna smiled proudly. "I almost beat Cregan the other day." She whispered like it was a secret prize she had won. Errick smiled at her.

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