chapter twenty-six

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The Stark siblings along with, Errick, Cedric, Aemond, the children and Cregans wife and son, sat together at a long table to eat. Cregan stood from his seat and raised his glass. A toast to my family, to my brother and sister for disobeying my command and coming here without warning." He said, the table laughed under their breaths. "But alas, I am thankful they are here. To the health of my niece and nephew, Daella and Daeron who have grown into a bright pair. And to my wife, Arra and our boy Torrhen. To friends, to family, to The North!" He said raising his glass high. The table followed and all sipped at their drinks.

The night was full of laughter and smiles. Remembering their past and looking forward to the future. Cregan looked out at his family, he never imagined it like this. He did not mind it, he was happy with what things were even if they weren't what he wanted. Cedric and Errick sang old war songs while they drank ale and Willam told tales to the children. Lyanna leaned on Aemonds shoulder, relaxing for the first time in years, she closed her eyes and listened to the noises that surrounded her and smiled. The sounds of her family together again.

"You are drunk, my love." Aemond laughed, helping Lyanna down the halls to his chambers. Lyanna giggled, twirling around the halls.

"I am not!" She called out as she spun, holding the end of her gown. Willam had taken the children to bed while Aemond attempted to take Lyanna to her own.

"You are, very much." Aemond said, holding onto her arms and shaking his head at her.

"I am happy, that is all." She said looking up into his eye. She smiled, chewing on her bottom lip. Aemond just admired her gaze.

"I have missed you, little wolf." He whispered pulling her into his chambers.

"I have missed you more, my prince." Lyanna said back with a softness in her voice. Aemond smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I am sorry that I have missed so much. You were alone and you needed me, I am sorry I was not there." He whispered, leaning against her forehead. Lyanna ran her thumb over his chin and sighed.

"Do not apologize, I am not helpless I survived. I had Willam, and the children to keep me strong." She said reassuring him as best she could. Aemond watched her sadly.

"I should've been there when Rickon was born, You had to suffer that all alone and I-" He felt tears fill up in his eyes before he could go on. Lyanna held onto his cheeks and looked at him deeply. Aemond calmed just at the sight of her eyes. She was so strong, stronger than him. The last twelve years had been hard and long without Lyanna. But she was here again and she was okay.

He could finally protect her again, he would never leave her side ever again. He felt relief looking into her reassuring eyes.

"Let us not mourn the past Aemond, he is with the gods. I remind myself of that everyday, you should too." She whispered resting her hands on his chest. Aemond nodded and sighed.

"I love you so much, Lya." Aemond whispered, leaning into her watching her lips. Lyanna smiled slightly and felt herself blush.

"I love you too, Aemond. Only you." She remined him.

Aemond couldnt help himself anymore, he gently pressed his lips against Lyannas. Cupping both her cheeks his with hands she tied her arms around his neck. The kiss deepened and Aemond held her up against the wall wrapping her legs around his waist. Lyannas dress was wadded up in Aemonds hand, holding it up over her thighs. Lyanna fumbled with with buckles over his furry leather jacket. Aemond held Lyanna against the wall with his lips while he threw his jacket off over his arms, revealing a bare chest. Lyanna noticed how he looked different now, covered in scars from many battles. Scars ran across his chest and back and Lyannas hands lingered over them.

"You look frightened by me my love." Aemond whispered almost upset by the way she gazed at him. He thought maybe she saw him differently now. That she maybe didnt enjoy his looks anymore.

"I am not frightened, though I worry about you in battle." Lyanna said looking up through her eyelashes. Aemond smirked and kissed at her neck.

"I will do what I must do to defend your home, princess." He said against her neck.

"And if you die in battle?" Lyanna said worriedly. Aemond looked up from her neck and into her blue eyes.

"Then it will be for you." He said with a smile. Aemond was furiously loyal to the Princess of Winterfell. He was hers, completely and fully. Lyanna pulled off his eyepatch and looked into the cold stone. Aemond blushed and looked down, watching her chest move up and down with every nervous breath. He held her thigh tightly and loosened the back of her dress with the other hand. "I do not plan on dying anytime soon I will have you know." He chuckled, freeing her shoulders from the dress. She smiled, looking down.

"I am glad to hear." She whispered, before their lips connected once again. All that went through Aemonds mind was her and wanting to make this moment with her last as long as possible. He only allowed himself to kiss her gently and slowly. Making sure not to miss any piece of her. Her skin was cold as it always had been. Cold against his warm lips. He slipped her dress down her back so it sat wadded up against her stomach. Aemond felt his member grow against his pants and he wined grinding against her. Lyanna giggled to herself at how bad he wanted her, She wanted him too and just as badly. Lyanna hummed, feeling his member pressed against her.

"I want you so badly, I want to feel you around me." He whispered into her ear, unbuckling his belt, still keeping her pushed against the wall. He had become so strong over the years, he could easily hold her up with one arm. Lyannas hands gripped onto his shoulders as he moved his cock in between her legs.

"What are you waiting for, my prince?" Lyanna breathed out impatiently. Aemond chuckled, teasing her center with himself.

"I want to hear you, tell me that you want me to." He ran his tip against her folds and she whimpered wishing he would not tease.

"I want you, Aemond." She said ever so softly. Aemond smirked.

"Hmm, you'll have to make it sweeter than that my little wolf." He continued to tease her center just barely pushing himself inside her. He loved watching her squirm before him and whimper for him. Lyanna grew frustrated, she just wanted him to fuck her and stop playing this game.

"Please Aemond, I want you inside me. Don't make me beg." She whispered into his ear followed by whimpers and moans. Lyanna knew exactly what she was doing to him, she knew what would make him fall apart for her. Aemond couldn't help himself at the sounds of her pleads, he pushed himself deep inside her letting out moans himself.

"Gods Lya, I have missed you and your lips." He said in between kisses as he moved in and out of her against the wall. Lyanna held onto him tightly and smiled.

"I have missed you more Aemond." She mumbled. Every time she said his name it was like music to his ears. His hand went to her hair and began to undo the braids that tied her hair back. Her hair had gotten so long since he last saw her. It fell down past her chest now and was softer than he remembered. He ran his fingers through it gently not to pull.

The two finished together and Aemond could barely hold her up anymore. Out of breath, he managed to walk over to the bed and collapse onto the mattress with her still in his arms. His long hair fell into face and she smiled brushing it out of the way.

"Lya?" He whispered softly, looking down at her.

"Hmm? She whispered, her eyes heavy. He smiled brushing her brown hair out of her face.

"I love you, more than the gods, the sun, the moon, and the stars." He whispered kissing the scar over her cheek. It took him a moment to realize she was already fast asleep. He chuckled to himself and carefully slipped her out of her nice dress and into her night gown. He crawled back into bed and wrapped his arms around her securely, falling asleep.

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