chapter eleven

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Aemond huffed slamming his door closed. The sight of her with the Mormont boy made him grow furious. Lyanna drove him mad, she took over his mind everytime he saw her. He hated her for tormenting him with those eyes of hers. The only reason he said those things was because he was jealous of Errick. He was close to her in ways he wanted to be. He couldn't get the image of her in that dress out of his mind. He closed his eyes thinking about it and bit his lip imagining her standing infront of him in that dress. He could see down her sternum and when she breathed in deeply sighing he could see her chest press into the fabric. He felt himself harden against his pants at the memory. He groaned pressing his palm against himself. Gods he hated what she did to him. He hated everything about her.

"Fucking heathan.." He grumbled rubbing his member through his leather pants. He imagined all the things he could do to her, what he would do to her. He quickly shoved down his leathers and sat at the end of his bed. He could easily find a maiden to bed to relieve him if he wanted but he would never become his brother. A whore would never be good enough, but he would have Lyanna soon and that would be enough. She was the one he desired most. She may have been a northern nuisance to him but oh was she a pretty face. He didn't know if he could ever love her but he could fuck her. Maybe if he just did it once she would not be able to torment him so much. He moaned softly stroking his hard cock. He kept his eyes closed imagining her. What it would be like to watch her undress. What did she look like under all those furs and leathers, he thought. He wanted to untie all the braids that held her hair back, he wanted to run his hands over her skin. Would she be as cold as the north that she comes from or would she be warm. He wanted to know, he needed to know. He imagined her laid out on his bed as he came into his own hand letting out soft whimpers as he did. He sighed leaning his head back and breathed in relaxing. Apart of him longed to go to her, even apologize for what he said but the rest of his heart told him no. Told him to not let her pretty face distract him and change him. It took too long to become this strong, he would not throw it all away for a stupid girl. He couldn't.


The wedding day came too quickly for Lyanna. She stood by the window while maids attended to her dress. They decorated her braided hair with flowers and jewelry, a custom in The North. She wore a white silver dress decorated with designs from a weirwood tree. It fell off the shoulders and the sleeves hung to the floor. She wished this day would be different, she wanted a proper northern wedding but she would not get her wish. She sighed watching herself in the mirror, she barely recognized herself.

"Princess, your brothers are here to see you." A maid said to her. Lyanna smiled and nodded.

"Let them in." She said softly. Shortly thereafter, her two brothers walked in wearing leather and fur. They looked like true royals. Cregan even wore his simple silver crown. They smiled at the sight of their sister. "How do I look?" She asked shyly.

"I have never seen anything more beautiful, he does not deserve you sweet sister." Cregan said resting his hands over her arms. She smiled softly but with sad eyes.

"I wish you did not look so sad, you're supposed to be smiling on your wedding day." Willam said sadly. His sister looked over at him and hugged him tightly.

"I am happy you are here with me little brother." She whispered and he felt a smile creep onto his face.

"Doing this will save the north, you are our hero Lyanna." Cregan smiled. He felt an ache in his heart for his sister. He prayed to the old gods this marriage to Aemond wouldn't destroy her. That maybe he could love and care for Lyanna as a good husband should.

"You will both walk my down the aisle right?" Lyanna said with worried eyes. Her brothers laughed as if that was even a question.

"Of course we will you fool!" Willam smiled putting an arm out for his sister. Cregan did the same and Lyanna wrapped her arms around them. The three walked down to the doors entering the great hall where lords and ladies of the realm awaited the arrival of the bride. The great doors opened revealing the Starks to all the eyes of Westeros. Aemond stood at the front of the hall with the septon. He was dressed in his finest black leathers. When his gaze fell to the Stark girl he felt something in him soften. She looked ethereal, a smile even pulled at his lips as she walked down the hall to meet him. Cregan gave him a cold glare as he left his sister next to him, Willam on the other hand gave the dragon prince a hopeful smile. Aemond replaced her fur cloak with a green and black one before the two took each others hands as the septon began to speak.

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