chapter twenty

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In the courtyard stood a teary eyed Lyanna with her brother Willam close at her side. Each of them held one of the twins in their arms as Aemond stood saying goodbye to his family. Lyannas gaze never left the ground, she thought if she looked up at the man who had stolen her heart she would fall apart completely. She wasn't ready to say goodbye. Aemond finally came up to the Starks and rested a hand on Willams shoulder.

"I trust you will take care of Lyanna for me, do not let any harm come to her." He whispered in his ear. Willam nodded.

"Of course, don't die a martyr out there." He said sternly, Aemond chuckled but his smile saddened at Lyanna. He kissed the top of each child's head and left a gentle kiss against Lyannas cheek.

"You will be a stranger to them when you return." She muttered, looking down at her children. Aemond brushed her loose hair out of her tired face.

"I pray it will be no more than a few months, my love." He whispered to her, but her eyes only teared up more. She would not let them fall though. Willam stepped away from them noticing the saddened look on his sisters face.

"You swear to come back to me?" She said, her eyes still lowered. Aemond pressed another kiss to her head, lingering there for a moment.

"I swear it.. My Lyanna." He said bringing her chin up to meet his eyes. She gave him a sad smile, hoping for the best. "I love you." He said only loud enough for her ears to hear. A part of her was stunned, he had never said it so sweetly. She looked at his face searching for the words.

"Aemond.." She began but he cut her off with a kiss.

"You can tell me when I return to you, I must go." He said with a sigh. Lyanna had no more words but Aemond knew by her eyes that she felt the same.

"Farewell, my prince." Was all she could say. Aemond smiled and stepped away, looking at her as long as he could till he lost sight of her.

Lyanna watched the silver haired prince disappear from her sight. A tear fell down her scarred cheek as he vanished.

"Come sister, let us not linger here." Willam whispered, looking over at the group of Targaryens that stood at the other side of the courtyard. He didn't trust any of them one bit, especially not The Queen. The way she watched Lyannas every move angered him. She seemed to be obsessed with the princess. The Queen seemed to be out just to torment his sister.

The pair took the twins back inside to their room. Lyanna sat in a rocking chair with young Daella in her hands. Willam played with Daeron on the floor with a toy wolf. As Lyanna hummed a lullaby a soft knock was heard at the door.

"A raven has arrived from The Northern King." A maester spoke, handing Willam the folded up paper.

"Thank you Maester Munkun." Willam stood from the floor unrolling the letter. Lyanna watched him closely as his eyes scanned the paper. He let out a sigh and handed the letter to his sister. Lyanna handed young Daella to him as she read over the letter.

To my brother and sister,

Word of Torrhens death has traveled all through the realm. We have many allies in The North but there are few who have taken the side of our Uncle Theon. House Bolton and Dustin have sworn allegiance to Theon. Our uncle now waves a banner with a black dire wolf, signaling his separation from House Stark. We have the support of House Glover and our mothers brothers have traveled down to White Harbor where we have made camp. Mormont, Manderly, Ryswell, and Karstark, all stand at our side. I have hope that we will win this war, and with the help of Daemon and soon Aemond I believe we can take our home back.

In other news I have been blessed with a son, We call him Torrhen after our brother. He is growing quickly but raising a son in the middle of war is not easy. I am praying for the health of my niece and nephew and hope all is well in Kings Landing. Stay safe.

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