chapter twenty-nine

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Days had turned to weeks and Winter would soon be here once more. The army was preparing to march towards the first settlement held by young Rayric, the Starks cousin. It sat between a forest and the next settlement between Winterfell and them. Lyanna carried her satchel of belongings out to her horse to prepare him for the journey tomorrow.

Lyannas hair fell down her back and Aemond watched her from afar. She looked dazzling in the moonlight. Her skin seemed to glow and her dark hair even shimmered in the night. Aemond made his way over to her with his hands behind his back.

"I thought Cregan wished for you and Will to stay here." Aemond whispered, not wanting to scare her. Lyanna paused, realizing she was caught. She turned looking up at her husband who held a smirk on his lips.

"I will not sit here whilst men die, don't try to stop me." She said crossing her hands over the other. Aemond sighed, and smiled taking her hands in his.

"I know better than trying to stop a Stark from doing something. It is Cregan that will not let you my love." He said, looking into her deep eyes.

"He cannot stop me either, I am free to do as I wish I am not a child anymore." Lyanna huffed, looking down at her feet. She hated how much Cregan babied her. She didn't think he believed that she could be anything more than a lost princess. But she wasn't the same girl he left in Kings Landing. Lyanna had grown into a strong young woman, capable of amazing things.

"I know Lya, but maybe it is safest for you here. I refuse to ever lose you." Aemond said, brushing her hair aside.

"You will not, I know how to fight. You should know I am far from helpless." Lyanna argued. Aemond nodded and kissed her head.

"I know you are not, I just wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to you." He whispered, running his thumb over the scar on her arm. Time had heeled the wound but there was still a fierce hatred between Aemond and Errick.

"I must do this Aemond, for Winterfell." She said, looking up at with him a reassuring smile. Aemond smiled softly back and kissed her hands. The pair had truly refused to be separated ever again.

The next day men marched from Torrhens square east, towards Winterfell. Cregan and his men marched for hours, not realizing Will and Lyanna snuck into the crowd of men. The children stayed put in Torrhens square, protected by many trusted men. Lyanna and Will stayed behind the main pack, keeping their cloaks on over their heads.

"Cregan is going to kill us when he sees us." Willam said nervously. Lyanna smirked.

"We are far too valuable to kill brother, do not be dramatic. The most he will do is send us back." Lyanna said quickly. She looked up at the sky to see Vhagar and Caraxes flying overhead, wondering what Aemond was up to in the clouds.

The army would set up camp to prepare for the battle tomorrow. The young pair of Starks were lucky to have gotten all this way and not get caught, but that luck would quickly end when Cedric found the pair hidden away in a tent.

"Now what do we have here? I couple lost pups?" Cedric chuckled at them. "On your feet, the both of you. We go to The King!" He smirked, knowing the pair were in absolute trouble. The two looked at each other in defeat and made their way with Cedric to the main tent holding the council and a war table. Aemond hid a smirk at the sight of his wife. She was quite the disobedient, and something about that made Aemond shiver.

"Gods.. Now what is this?!" Cregan shouted, seeing his siblings in front of him. "I swear I commanded you both to stay put in Torrhens Square!" He hissed, Willam held his head down while Lyanna watched Cregan lose his head.

"Do not be angry-" Lyanna began but was quickly cut off.

"Do not be angry??" He said with an annoyed glare. "How often must you disobey my command Lyanna?!" Cregan shouted. The men at the table all stood by watching the scene.

"We just wish to help! A few extra soldiers wont cause harm! You know we can fight!" Lyanna continued to argue but Cregan slammed his fists on the table.

"I will hear no more from you!" Cregan shouted.

"I would gladly set The North ablaze if it meant Lyanna could go home." Aemond interrupted but it was quickly put to an end by Cregan.

"You do not speak here boy!" Cregans voice was a growl. The table sat looking afraid of their King in that moment. He glared at Aemond who could not even look at him. He sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Errick, take Lyanna she will be under your watch. Keep her safe. Aemond you will take Will." Cregan said with an annoyed sigh.

"Shouldn't Lyanna be with me?" Aemond asked confused. Cregan leaned his head back annoyed that he would question him.

"She will not be rewarded with such things, Errick." He gestured at him to take her away. Errick nodded his head, making sure to smirk at Aemond who only glared back at him.

"My lady." Errick said, holding an arm out for her to take. She sighed and wrapped hers around his. Aemond chewed at the insides of his cheeks watching them walk away. Willam stood still next to Cedric with his head down.

"And you, why are you here?" Cregan asked his youngest brother. Willam looked up and met the eyes of angry Northmen.

"Lyanna told me to get on a horse or she would cut off all my hair." Willam admitted. Cedric held back a laugh as Cregan rolled his eyes at him.

"Gods be good.." Cregan grumbled. "Go make yourself useful in the stables Will, Aemond will accompany you." Cregan commanded.

Aemond huffed and quickly walked out of the tent, with Willam following close behind.

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