chapter twelve

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Aemond stood with his back against the door. He licked his lips, her taste still lingering there. He closed his eyes and sighed pushing himself from the door and walked down the dark halls of the Red Keep. Apart of him regretted leaving her there, maybe he should've gone back. He just couldn't look at her, he thought if he did he might fall in love. But he was Aemond Targaryen, the rider of Vhagar, a prince of the blood. He couldn't love, he didn't have time for it. He worked so hard to become this strong and she made him weak. He paced the halls trying to rid himself of the soft feelings he had for her once again. Maybe he shouldn't have done what he did, at least not in the way he went about it. It wasn't supposed to be like this, he thought to himself. He wasn't supposed to care about her... but he did, and doing what he did made him want her even more. He sighed looking out at the balcony before him.

"Fuck.." He grumbled annoyed at himself for caring. He marched himself back to his chambers, his heart full of regret. He stood outside of the door hesitantly trying to think of something to say to her. He opened the door and walked in swiftly. "Lyanna.." He said gently but when his eyes found the bed he left her in she was gone. He looked around the room and as he did sadness filled his heart, he wanted to be with her. His lips turned down into a frown and he sat himself at the end of the bed. He ran his hand over the crumbled bedsheets and sighed. It all smelt of her now, like oak and honey with a hint of lavender. He pulled the sheets to his face breathing in what was left of her. Gods he was a man obsessed. When he threw the sheets back down he noticed a silver ring with a blue sapphire that sat in the middle. It must've fallen off her finger. He held the small ring in his fingers, the blue gem reflected the one he wore in his eye. A smile pulled at his lips while he twirled it around his pinkie, the only finger it would fit on. He wondered what her fingers felt like, he would've liked to hold her hands in his. Aemond chewed on his lip in thought for a moment, he quickly decided to leave his chambers to find her.

"He is cruel, Errick.." Aemond heard a whisper and immediately froze before being seen. Lyanna and Errick were standing in the hall together talking. Aemond furrowed his brows and listened in.

"Tell me what he did to you." Errick said softly, with anger in his tone. Aemond peaked from behind the wall to find the two standing close to each other. Errick had his hands on her arms securely. Lyanna sighed looking at the floor.

"The prince does not show kindness nor love in his touch.. I believe he is the monster that people say he is." She whispered softly and Errick pulled her into his arms protectively while she cried. Aemond became angry as he leaned against the wall. Everyone thought he was a monster. He was tired of it, and now her. If she thought him a monster he would give her one. He slammed his fists against the wall before storming back to his chambers.

Aemond threw his door closed in a rage. He paced his room as he threw off his leather coat. His breathing was quick and his mind a blur. He looked at himself in the mirror and barely recognized the man looking back at him. He stood watching his own chest rise and fall with heavy breathes. He pulled off the eyepatch covering the blue sapphire that sat in place of his eye. Aemond held her ring in his fingers and just huffed upset with her. He just watched himself in the mirror for a moment. Maybe the people were right. He looked the part so he would give them what they wanted.

A monster..


Things were changing quickly for Lyanna. As the days passed she fell into the same routine. She'd wake in separate chambers from her husband, go about her day as she always did but every night Aemond would call her to his chambers. Every night was the same, he'd always be waiting in his chair for her. Lyanna would enter in her night robe and he'd wait for her to undress, sometimes he would watch other times he would just stare into the fireplace. But she knew what was expected without much talking between the two. She would lay on his bed and he would come fuck her when he was ready. He could never look at her while he did it, she laid with her head shoved into a pillow while he did it from behind. He did it that way because he couldn't let himself love her, he couldn't let himself grow weak for her. He would only let himself have so much of her, just enough to keep him sane. Lyanna on the other hand found no pleasure during these nights. Once he was finished she'd dress herself and quickly leave his room returning to hers. She found it hard to fall asleep these days, her nightmares kept her awake. Her once bright eyes now heavy with sadness. Her brothers were the first ones to notice the change.

Today Lyanna stayed in her chambers reading old history books. She found it was an easy escape from her reality. She sat at her desk when a soft knock was heard at her door. Her head lifted and she was met with her younger brother. She was not the only one who lost a brightness in her eyes, Willam was too young to be dealing with so much already.

"Sister.." He said softly meeting her eyes. He was watching his sister fall apart before him and there was nothing he could do.

"Yes Will?" Lyanna asked standing from her seat. Willam sighed and looked down at his feet. Unable to look into her broken eyes.

"The rest of Cregans men have gathered in White Harbor, Cregan is to march North to meet them there and take back Winterfell." Willam said while Lyannas face grew worried.

"Will he let us accompany him?" Lyanna asked sadly, already knowing the answer.

"Our brother wishes for us to stay here, under the protection of King Viserys. He will return to the North with the northmen still here, Along with Daemon and his dragon." Willam sighed taking his sisters hand. "Errick is to go with him. You should go see him." He whispered it like it was a secret not one soul could here. He knew Errick was her only sense of peace these days. Her eldest brother was always busy with the King and Willam could only do so much to comfort his big sister, she never told him the details of what Aemond did to her, she never wanted him to worry. But Willam saw her eyes change, he heard the whispers in the hall. He knew things weren't okay.

"I will go see him, thank you." Lyanna said with a half smile before leaving her brother. Willam sighed and looked around his sisters room in thought. Maybe he could save her. While Lyanna headed to find Errick, Willam made his way to the princes apartments. He knocked abruptly on prince Aemonds door and stood tall awaiting him. Apart of him feared the dragon prince, but he had to do something. His sisters well being was at stake. Aemond opened the door and looked down at the young wolf prince.

"Prince Aemond, may I come in?" Willam spoke confidently and sweetly, as a prince should. Aemond raised an eyebrow at him but moved aside letting him into his room. Willam looked around keeping his hands behind his back.

"Can I do something for you?" Aemond asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Willam looked into his one good eye with heated eyes of his own.

"Do you love my sister?" He asked quickly tilting his head to the side in question. Aemond sighed standing a bit taller now.

"She is my wife." Aemond said plainly, shrugging his shoulders. Willam scoffed at him.

"You can't even say it can you? You know, I am the one who hears her cries in the night, her screams from her nightmares. Do you not care what you do to her?" Willam spat back at him. Aemond froze wide eyed. He didn't know what to say to him, he didn't ever concern himself with what happened with Lyanna. Willam shoved him against the wall, angry at his silence. He was younger than him but just as tall and strong, he was a Stark after all. "She gave her freedom to save Winterfell and you treat her like some whore that you can just call anytime you want!! That is my sister and you will treat her as the fucking princess she is!" He was yelling now, he had Aemond pinned against the wall. "Do you not see the pain in her eyes that I see??" He questioned shoving him deeper into the stone wall. Aemond huffed letting the boy shove him. He felt shame for what he had done to her.

"I do not look into her eyes, if I did... I think then I would love her, but love makes a man weak and I am not weak." Aemond spoke calmly to the young prince. Willams eyes grew dark.

"You will start to treat her well Aemond, I am no killer but if I hear her cries once more you will not wake from your sleep." Willam said softly but harshly.

"You are just a boy, you won't do it." Aemond chuckled. Willam sighed angrily.

"My brother was Torrhen Stark, the greatest warrior The North had ever seen. My other brother, Cregan, the greatest swordsman in all the land. They've killed many men easily. I could kill you, if you give me a reason to. Because when dragons sleep, wolves are out to hunt." Willam spat, throwing Aemond out of his grip and storming out of his chambers. Aemond held onto what he said, that soft spot in his heart for Lyanna returned once more and this time he didn't shove it away.

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