chapter three

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"Come sister, we must make it to Kings Landing before the sun sets!" Torrhen called to his sister who was practicing her sword skills with a guard at their camp. Lyanna now four and ten was growing into a fine warrior. Though it was frowned upon in the south for women to be fighters it was encouraged in the north. The Starks were once again headed to Kings Landing for a peace treaty between the two realms. This would be celebrated with feasts and tournaments. Within the last three years northmen had started their own uprisings against the upper regions of Westeros. Raiding and fighting for unnecessary reasons. Both the Kings wanted an immediate end to the crime so King Rickon sent his children in his place to call for peace with Westeros. The trip was mostly for Torrhen to take but he insisted on bringing the pack with him.

"I present the princes and princess of the North!" A guard called as they marched through the gate. Lyanna rode her own horse now. It was a dusty white male with a bright white mane. Her two eldest brothers rode black horses, they were the size of war horses. Willam still small enough to ride with his brother, sat perched in Torrhens seat. Lyanna looked around at the grounds she hadn't been to in years. She hated Kings Landing, it was too warm and there wasn't enough wooded land to run through. The air smelt heavy of dragon, she remembered the smell from that night in the dragon pit. The Starks were greeted by the King and Queen happily. While Torrhen and Viserys spoke of manly ordeals Lyanna found her chance to sneak away but as she did Cregan grabbed her fur cloak and pulled her back.

"Not so fast little sister, where are you headed so quickly?" Cregan asked with a smirk on his face. His sister was always one to wander away and get into trouble.

"I am not sure yet, but if you let go of my cloak I could find out." Lyanna looked up at him with her big doey eyes and a smile, he laughed. Unable to say no to his little sister he shoved her away playfully.

"Do not go too far, you are expected to be at supper!" Cregan reminded his adventures sister. Lyanna nodded and went on her way. She wandered up the steps to get a better look at the training fields. She had to stand on her toes to be able to clearly see over. She noticed Aegon right away, his hair was now cut shorter and he was just a bit taller. She searched the field for other faces. Quickly finding Luke and Jace. She frowned when her eyes fell upon the silver haired boy with an eyepatch. He almost looked like Aemond but something was different. He looked colder, harder. He seemed to be getting taller just like the rest of the boys and his hair still sat at his shoulders. He was also now four and ten and he as well was becoming a fine swordsman. The eyepatch made Lyanna chuckle to herself, what could he possibly have done to do that to himself. She walked down the steps to the training field and watched the boys train from afar. That's when Aemond noticed her.

He knew exactly who it was by her big doe eyes and braided brown hair. He couldn't help but notice there was more of her to look at now and that made him feel strange inside. He watched her glide across the field in a deep grey gown. Her fur cloak was black and it complimented her fair skin. Aegon caught him watching and shoved his younger brother.

"Your little wolf is back I see." Aegon whispered in his ear and laughed. Aemond shoved him back and went back to throwing his sword at the hay filled dummy. Every so often his eyes would glance back at her. He kept shaking the thoughts from his head and going back to training ignoring the northern girl.

"Lyanna!" Little Luke yelled before rushing over to meet her. She smiled and hugged the boy tightly.

"Luke it's so good to see you." Lyanna said, he was still shorter than her and that made her laugh. Jace had grown to be just above her now.

"Welcome back princess, im glad you've arrived safely." Jace said bowing his head to her. She gave him a small curtsy.

"Thank you my prince, I see you're both becoming swordsmen now. I would love to spar against you while I am here." Lyanna said excitedly and the boys both nodded.

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