chapter thirty-five

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Lyanna stood over the table that held a map of The North. Grey and black statues of the dire wolf spread across the board. Lyannas hand picked up one of the pieces that sat atop Winterfell. She studied the black iron in her grip, a reminder that Winterfell wasn't hers anymore. That for over twelve years this has not been her home.

Tears filled up in her eyes, but before they could spill Errick walked into the room with Willam.

"Princess?" Errick said with a nod towards her. Lyanna took in a breath, wiping her eyes before turning to the pair.

"Ser Errick, Will, has The King made a deal?" She asked, setting the iron piece back in its spot over Winterfell. Willam stepped to his sister and took her hands in his.

"Robb has agreed to the betrothal, but the marriage will resume once the war is finished." Willam said softly. Lyanna felt the tears come back.

"But that could be in just weeks if the gods stay at our side." Lyanna spoke back in a hushed tone. "Daella is still just a little girl.."

"I know, I do not want this for her either. I do not understand Cregan sometimes, why this was our only choice." Willams gaze fell to the floor.

"He has lost many years of his life to this war. He is desperate, we all are. Mayhaps, this is all we can do." Lyanna whispered looking at her brother with tired eyes.

"We mustn't feel so hopeless yet. We have many men at our side." Willam reassured, more for himself than Lyanna.

"Youre right little brother, we have much to be hopeful for." She gave him a smile before looking over at Errick who had his head down.

"Could you leave us?" Lyanna asked softly of her brother, sqeezing his hand gently as she did. Willam looked back over at Errick then nodded at her. As he stepped out of the room, Lyanna walked towards him. Errick looked up at her as she stopped infront of him.

"My princess.." He said sending his gaze back towards the floor. Lyanna chuckled and wrapped her arm around his.

"Let us go for a walk." She insisted.

The two walked the treeline around the fortress as the sun began to set. It was becoming colder by the hour, while the sounds of campfires crackled through the air.

"Princess..?" Errick stopped, looking up at her before him. Lyanna turned to meet his gaze, he looked tired. Years of war had drained him, and the sight of Lyanna killed him each time he looked at her. When he left she still wanted him, but now.. It was too late, he was too late.

"What is it?" She said, stepping closer to him. Errick looked out at the woods beside him, and shook his head, holding back tears.

"Why.. Why Aemond?" He asked, anger and jealousy growing inside him.

"I did not choose Aemond, you know that. A person can not control who they end up loving." Lyanna said softly, crossing her arms over her chest. There was a pause before Errick spoke.

"You were supposed to love me.." Errick said, choking back tears.

"I do, but I love Aemond more." She went on. "You have to respect that Errick, that does not make you any less important."

"We are bound, you and I. Since the day I pledged my sword to you." He said, reaching for her hand. Lyanna smiled up at him sadly.

"You will always be my white knight, Errick." She said, squeezing his hand. He looked into her eyes sadly.

"I never thought I would have to say goodbye, to not have the only girl I have ever loved." He brushed his thumb under her chin, Lyanna gently pushed him away.

"You shouldn't." She whispered, scared of what Aemond would do to him.

"I know.. I have lost that privilege." He sighed once more. "Let me escort you back to him, before he kills me for being with you." Errick tried to make laughter from the deep conversation. Lyanna shook her head at him and the two interlocked arms walking back.

Aemond sat up at the sound of a loud knock at his door. He opened it to find Errick and Lyanna locked at the arms. Aemond huffed, trying to stay calm about it. Lyanna looked up at Errick and smiled.

"Thank you for escorting me, Errick." She said softly. He nodded and pressed a kiss to her hand, lingering there far too long to Aemond.

"Alright, off with you then." Aemond said, moving aside so Lyanna could come in.

"Actually, if I could speak to you for a moment. Away from the lady." Errick said with his head held high. Aemond bit his cheeks and nodded, sending Lyanna into their room with a kiss before turning back to Errick.

"This better be good." Aemond spat, standing tall with his hands tightly held behind his back. Errick didn't break eye contact.

"You and I, we have very little in common and I will never like you with the Princess Lyanna." Errick began while Aemond just rolled his eye. "But we can both agree that Lyanna comes before anything. That she is the most important thing." Errick went on and Aemonds tense arms relaxed.

"Of course she is." Aemond said softly, thinking of his sweet wife.

"I just think, maybe we could make more of an effort in getting along. Not for us, but for her and her happiness. Because all I want is for her to be happy, even if that means it hurts for me." Errick finished, feeling tears in his eyes. He knew he had to do this, he had to let her go. "I respect that Lyanna has chosen you, but I want you to understand that The Princess will always be half my life. And I will stand by her side as long as I am breathing." He finished and there was a moment of silence.

"I understand, thank you." Aemond responded, confused at Erricks sudden respect for him. He held out his hand for Errick to shake. Errick smirked and the two interlocked their grip, as a sign for respect towards the other.

"Goodnight, Prince Aemond." Errick said, pleased with their conversation.

"To you as well, Ser Errick." The two nodded at each other before turning to part ways.

Lyanna raised her eyebrows at Aemond when he walked back in with a shocked look on his face.

"I hope you two were not fighting out there." Lyanna smirked, watching Aemond undress for bed. She was already changed into her night dress.

"I have no intention of fighting with him any longer, his brother on the other hand.." Aemond spoke, laying his eyepatch at the bedside.

"I hate seeing you so angry." Lyanna said, watching as he crawled into bed with her. Nothing but his trousers on.

"I am only angry at Robb, and mayhaps Cregan at times. Using our daughter as a pawn for war, she is not a piece to move about the board." Aemond said. Lyanna looked down.

"What other choice do we have, Aemond." Lyanna said as Aemond wrapped his arms around her pulling her close.

"You don't have to defend him all the time, he has made poor decisions throughout this bloody war." Aemond grumbled. Lyanna sat up, hovering above him her hair falling onto his chest.

"I will speak of my brother as I wish, you will not." Lyanna reminded him. He licked his lips at how regal she spoke to him.

"Yes, Princess." He said, taking her hand and leaving a soft kiss against her fingers.

Aemond always reminded Lyanna of how loyal he was to her. He showed it in all his actions, even today with disobeying The Kings orders. He did not care, he had pledged himself to her no matter what. The only thing that would part Aemond from his wolf would be death.

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