chapter twenty-one

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Lyanna sat in her chambers reading over her latest letter from Aemond. Weeks turned into months and she was preparing for childbirth again. It was the one thing Aemond left for her after his leaving. She rubbed her swollen belly and sighed tracing her fingers over the ink of the letter.

My dearest Lyanna,

I am so pleased to hear we are to have another child. Helaena wrote to me wishing to pick the dragon egg this time. I say let her, it has been so long since she was last excited like this. I pray to the gods nightly for your safety and health. I hope my mother has not been too hard on you. Cregan still refuses the idea of dragons being used at war. I wish he would see me as someone who could truly help in the cause but The Northmen see nothing more than a spoiled prince. I will continue in my efforts in aiding your brother in any way I can. He is my family after all. I miss you so much my little wolf, let the rest of this time pass swiftly so I may see you again.

Yours from now until the end,

Prince Aemond

Lyanna felt tears well up in her eyes once more. She hated her life here, especially without Aemond. She took a deep breath and looked at her children that played on the floor. She smiled remembering the peace they brought her. They were the little light that she had in her life. Her brother quickly stormed into the room out of breath.

"Sister! How good it is to see you" Willam called out, searching for a smile. She sighed in relief that he had survived another day of training.

"Will, how was training?" She asked setting the letter down and looking up at her sweaty brother.

"Absolutely grand, I was able to hold my own against Ser Criston today. Only knocked me on my feet once." He laughed, sitting near his sister.

"I am glad to see your not bruised this time." She said in a motherly tone. Willam laughed and kissed the top of his sisters head.

"You worry for me far too much, sister." He said with a smile. Suddenly the door opened once more with one of Queen Alicents serving girls.

"Princess Lyanna, Prince Willam." She said with a bow. "The Queen has commanded the children be brought to her." The young girl said with her head down. Both of the Starks faces went cold.

"Why?" Lyanna asked her angrily. The girl just kept her face low. Lyanna sighed and looked over at her brother.

"What could she possibly want this time?" Willam asked annoyed.

"I will take them." Lyanna said with a groan as she stood from her seat. Willam jumped up and took her arms.

"You are in no condition to be walking around this hell castle for her, I will take them. You stay." He said trying to help her sit back down.

"I will give her no satisfaction, just come with me." She said sternly. Willam could not deny his older sister from her wishes. This was something Alicent did often, taking the children from their mothers sight. Each of them held one child as they walked through the keep. Lyanna struggled with the weight but stayed strong for herself. Willam watched Lyanna closely as they walked the halls.

When they made it to Queen Alicents chambers it seemed like she was shocked to see Lyanna there.

"Lyanna, you should be resting as far along as you are." She said with worried eyes.

"Yes, I should." Lyanna said handing Daeron to Willlam.

"I just wanted to spend sometime with my sweet grandchildren." She said with a smile. Daeron and Daella, just toddlers, waddled over to their grandmother happily. Lyanna sighed slightly not wanting to leave them.

"I'm sure they will be glad to spend time with you, Your Grace." Lyanna forced herself to be kind even though she didn't want to. Nor did Alicent give her any reason to be.

"Go back to resting, I will bring them back later." She said letting the pair leave the room. Willam helped his sister back to her chambers but in his heart he was angry. He wished he could defend Lyanna better than what he could. But he had no voice here, in Kings Landing he was just looked at as the lost prince, who cant go home. He didn't belong here and neither did Lyanna or her children.

Meanwhile the men in The North were celebrating. The Northmen had won a victory in Hornwood and all the men were singing and dancing by a fire. Aemond watched from afar as men drank and feasted. He was glad the war was making progress but all he could think about was Lyanna. He was starting to forget the way she laughed, he ached for it to echo in his ears again. She was so bright, he prayed that Kings Landing would not destroy what was left of her.

As Aemond stood with a far away stare, Cregan walked up to the young prince.

"Not enjoying the celebration?" Cregan asked coming to his side with a jug of ale.

"I'm not one for great gatherings like this. I think The Northmen would rather saw me in half then let me celebrate with them." Aemond said which made Cregan chuckle.

"You're a skilled warrior, the only man out to kill you is Errick." Cregan said with a smirk.

"And you are not?" Aemond scoffed, looking over at the large man that stood beside him. Cregan took a swig of his ale before answering.

"I know that my sister loves you, she's written to me about you. About how you changed, and even though I do not forgive you for what you did to her I suppose I can't hurt the man my sister gave her heart to." He said quietly. Aemond watched his gaze out at the field and smiled.

"Her heart?" Aemond asked, wondering what he meant.

"She is quite fond of you in her letters these days." Cregan said with a smirk, looking over at the prince.

"Tell me more." Aemond chuckled. Cregan smiled and shook his head.

"My sister would put my head on a stake if I told you anymore than that." He said smiling. His smile faded slighty, thinking about his sweet sister. "If anything is to happen to me you must watch over her." Aemond looked over confused at the sudden mood change.

"You will not die, your people admire you too much to let that happen." Aemond reassured him. Cregan chewed on his lip in thought.

"I'm being serious, She is next in line. I do not wish for my boy the burden of this role if I don't finish what we started." He said with a sigh.

"You shouldn't speak of such ill things." Aemond said quickly. "This war will end with you on the throne." Cregan just watched him, searching his face. Aemond felt him watching him and couldn't help being reminded of Lyanna once again. The Starks were all reflections of one another, and he could never escape it.

Cregan rested a hand on his shoulder and smiled, almost proudly at the young prince. He had a bit of trust in Aemond, he was loyal he would give him that. From Lyannas letters he could tell she loved him. He just hoped Aemond loved her as much, little did Cregan know what that boy would do for her.

"Go on, get to bed. We continue forward in our journey at dawn." He said before stepping away from him. Aemond watched him walk away.

He wondered if they would continue in victories. He smiled, thinking he would get to see Lyanna soon. He would see his children again before they grow any older. He had hope, for once he thought things would finally go their way.

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