chapter eighteen

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"I don't understand what you are telling me, the north is my home! Not yours!" Lyanna spat, still rocking young Daella in her arms. Aemond stood in the doorway and his eyes darted around at the nurses.

"Leave us, and take the children." Aemond said quicky. They scurried around the room gathering their things and the young twins before disappearing into the hall. Lyanna sat her hands together tightly in her lap. Trying  to hold back her anger. Weeks had passed since the birth of the twins and preparations to go north were beginning.

Aemond had received a raven from Cregan himself saying that he wanted Lyanna and Willam to stay in Kings landing. He claimed that's where they'd be the safest, Aemond couldn't help but agree.

"It is your own brothers wish, it is his wish as king. I will be back before you know it, but I must go to satisfy my fathers wish." Aemond said coming to her side. Lyanna looked over into his violet eye sadly and a tear sat in her eye.

"I just want to go home.." It came out soft and broken, Lyanna hated this place. It was anything but where she wanted to raise her children, it was the last place she ever imagined herself.

"I know my love, I'm going to do everything I can to help Cregan win it back." He said taking her cold hands in his. She was always cold to Aemond, it was like a piece of the north truly lived inside her.

"Do you swear it to me." She said as her lips quivered.

"I swear it. On every one of the gods, old, new, and tomorrows." He said, pressing a kiss against the scar on her cheek. She sat up tall and took in a deep breath. She was so tired of fighting, so she would stay in Kings Landing. For now.

Winter was coming once more, which only reminded Lyanna that more time was passing. Another winter here would make her go mad, she thought to herself staring up at the weirwood tree. She ran her bare fingers over the white bark and thought of home. The place she didn't know if shed ever see again. Tears filled her eyes once more, staring at the bleeding face carved into the tree.

"Princess Lyanna?" A soft voice said from behind her. Lyanna turned to see a wide eyed Targaryen looking at her with a smile, it was Helaena.

"Good sister, did you need something?" Lyanna said, wiping any tears away from her eyes. Helaena stood looking up at the clouds.

"I thought we could go for a walk, while the nurses watch the children." She said with a far away smile. Helaena always seemed to be living in another world. The pair had been spending more time around each other since they had the children, they could bond over something for once. And Helaena found a true friend in Lyanna, something she had never had before.

The pair walked arm in arm through the garden of Kings Landing. Helaena talked on of the types of flowers they walked by and where they came from. While Lyanna, still thinking of Winterfell could barely hear the girls words. Lyanna seemed to tune out most of what anyone said to her these days. Cregan could barely write back to her with how busy he was. Lyanna often worried for him, she just wanted to go north to help.

"I assume you will be at the feast tonight?" Helaena asked as they circled back to the weirwood.

"A feast?" Lyanna asked, unsure. Helaena raised her eyebrows and sucked in some air.

"You don't know? Its a send off celebration for Aemond. He goes north tomorrow." She said quickly.

"Tomorrow!? I didn't think it'd be so soon?" Lyanna became quickly overwhelmed and took Helaena by the arms gently. "I apologize Helaena I must go." She said while rushing away from the garden into the castle. Helaena stood still watching her brown hair disappear behind the great doors.

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