chapter twenty-seven

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The Stark siblings stood around the map of Winterfell alongside the small council. Cregan was going on about supplies getting to the other posts of men in The North. Errick and Cedric stood on either side of him while Aemond, Lyanna, and Willam stood across with a pair of old Northmen on either side.

"Within the next moon we should be prepared to move our army forward and into the camps that Benjen and Rayric hold." Cregan said moving the Steel Wolf pieces among the map.

"That is not soon enough." Lyanna spoke, scoffing at her brother. Everyone looked up at her, no one ever interrupted The King before.

"What do you suggest, sister?" Cregan said with furrowed brows. Lyanna looked around at the table heavy with men.

"We hold a power that has not been seen since Aegons Conquest south, dragons. We could easily free our path to Winterfell by burning their settlements to the ground." Lyanna said, as the table of men laughed. Aemond and Willam glanced at each other agreeing with Lyanna.

"Aegons dragons weren't enough to scare The Northmen into bending their knee to him the first time. What makes you think dragons will scare these men now." One of the old men chuckled, rolling his eyes at her. Lyanna huffed.

"Then not to scare them but to kill them, they are all traitors to the realm why not set them ablaze for their crimes." Lyanna said harshly.

"Enough! These settlements sit in the land of families that have been here for generations. We are not going to burn it to the ground." Cregan said loudly.

"But that is-" Lyanna started but what cut off.

"I said Enough! Dragons will continue to be used for tracking and scouting only." Cregan sighed. "If we could get back to what's important.." He began but Lyanna interrupted once more.

"Twelve fucking years you have had dragons and all you've done is waste it!! You would rather kill off more men in more fighting!" She hissed, slamming her fist against the table. Cregan looked up at her with fierce angry eyes.

"Clear the room." Cregan said, keeping his gaze connected to Lyannas. The men all left the table except for Aemond, he stood tall by Lyannas side. Cregans glare turned quickly to the dragon prince.

"Did you not hear me boy?" Cregan said angrily. Aemond breathed in, keeping next to his wife.

"Aemond." Lyanna sighed, looking at him to leave. He huffed under his breath and walked away from them. Cregan sighed rubbing his temple.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking up at his sister. Lyanna crossed her arms over her chest.

"I am trying to help us go home." She said, only watching the table. Unable to look at her older brother.

"You will never be able to convince these men to burn down The North. This land has been taken care of by Starks for generations and you want us to do the very thing our ancestors fought so hard against!" He went on trying to make her understand.

"For the better of The North! What is a few burnt settlements!" Lyanna argued back. Cregan only grew annoyed at her pushing the idea.

"I will not be The King of ash and bone. These men would rather die in battle then burn this land that has sat untouched by dragons for thousands of years. I intend to keep it that way." He said standing over her. Lyanna looked up at him with angry eyes.

"Fine. Continue losing." She spat, storming away from him.

"Lyanna!" Cregan called for her to come back but she stormed out of the room where the rest of the men stood waiting. Aemond took her arm meaning to stop her but she pushed him away quickly.

"No!.. Just leave me." She sighed leaving the men.

Lyanna found herself at the weirwood that sat outside the castle in the garden. She sighed letting herself fall to her knees before the tree. She stayed there for awhile, just sitting with empty thoughts. It happened often, her moments where her mind would disappear and she sat, staring away into space.

"Princess?" A familiar voice said from behind. Lyanna looked over her shoulder to find Errick. He held a cloak in his hand.

"Yes, Ser Errick." She said standing, quickly wiping her eyes. Errick smiled looking down at her.

"I thought you'd get cold out here. Winter is coming." He said putting the cloak over her shoulders. Lyanna nodded keeping her head down.

"Yes, it is." She said breathing in. Errick frowned at her and brushed his thumb under her chin.

"How can I make it better?" He asked, trying to find her eyes but she kept her head down.

"It is not your job to look after me." She whispered, turning away from him.

"It once was, and it can be again." He whispered, resting his hand against her arm. Apart of Lyanna had missed Errick greatly, he left with no goodbye but she didn't love him the way she used to. The way Errick still did.

"Errick I-" She began but Errick stopped her. He pressed his lips against hers and held onto her arms. Lyanna was so shocked she didn't know what to do.

Lyanna, confused pushed him away as hard as she could.

"Wh- What are you doing?!" She asked flustered and wide eyed.

"I'm, I'm sorry.." Errick said disgusted in himself. He just wanted her, she was all he ever wanted. Lyanna felt tears pull at her eyes and ran off away from him. Errick stood with his head hung, wishing everything was different. If only he would've stayed with at her side all those years ago in Kings Landing.

Aemond had been watching everything from the window. He gripped onto the dagger that hung from his belt and chewed on the inside of his cheeks. A fire full of hatred for Errick grew in his chest, he huffed watching him in the yard. Aemond had always been quick to anger, and right now he was ready to kill Errick for kissing his wife. Aemond was quite possessive of his little wolf.

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