chapter thirty-four

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Cregan sat at the head of the hall with his siblings on each side. His table of men stood around him, awaiting Robb Mormont and his son. The doors creaked open, revealing the Lord and his kin.

"Robb Mormont, we welcome you. Old friend." Cregan said, as kindly as he could.

"Cregan." He said with a nod before looking over to his side. "Little Will Stark, why you're almost as pretty as your sister." He chuckled at an annoyed Willam before turning to Lyanna. "And Princess, how you've grown." He finished with a lick of his lips. Lyanna shook her head and rolled her eyes. Aemond stood with his hands behind his back, gripping his fingers tight. Gods he hated Mormonts.

"I appreciate your coming here, The North is grateful." Cregan spoke. Robb sighed dramatically.

"I know you want my men, go on what's your offer. I prefer gold to silver." Robb interrupted. Cregan sighed once more.

"A marriage proposal, promising you a princess." Cregan began but Robb jumped back in.

"Selling away your sister now? What the realms men would give to have a taste of that. Make me more than you could ever give me." Robb laughed aloud, but Aemond did not find him so funny. He unsheathed his sword towards Robb and He did the same, pointing back as Aemond.

"Speak again of The Princess that way, and it will be the last time you speak." Aemonds fire grew inside as he spat back. Cregan stood up frustrated.

"Sheath your swords! Robb you will say no more of my sister." He roared but the men did not listen.

"Let us build the square My King, if I kill him his army is ours. If he kills me, well. He won the satisfaction of killing me." Aemond said with a wild smile. Robbs grip tightened on his sword. Lyanna only smirked at her husband, his loyalty to her made her heart skip.

"Who is this Targaryen turd, Cregan? So desperate you had to ask their whore of a Queen for help?" Robb spat, not breaking eye contact with Aemond who only grew angrier.

"I will not have blood spilt in these halls! Your King commands you stop this." Cregan said standing between the two. Lord Mormont gave his son Robb a serious stare that made him slowly lower his sword. Aemond did not follow, instead he kept his sword high. Until Lyanna spoke up.

"Aemond." Her voice drew him in. He turned to see a very disappointed Lyanna looking back at him. He chewed on the insides of his cheeks and lowered his sword.

"Apologies, My King." Aemond said to a very unpleased King.

"So the silver haired turd is The Princesses dog, how nice." Robb chuckled. Cregan looked to him having had enough of this entire encounter. Aemond could only feel his insides burn, he wanted so badly to kill the bloody nuisance.

"If I could finish. I called your son here to offer Princess Daellas hand in marriage. Princess Lyanna and Prince Aemonds daughter. In exchange for your loyalty" Cregan said. Robb looked in between the pair confused.

"Never thought I'd see the day a Stark Married one of those silver haired cunts." Robb chuckled more

"Does he ever shut up?" Willam finally interrupted. Lyanna smiled at her brothers input. Robb glared at him before looking back to Cregan.

"How about we speak alone, My King." Dragging the name out with sarcasm. Cregan huffed and directed him to follow him away. Leaving the hall alone.

Everyone scattered away, awaiting what agreement if any the two men would come to. Lyanna stood out on the parapet, she shivered in the cold winter air. Snow wasn't sticking yet, but it soon would.

Aemond walked around the fortress looking for his wife who had ran off to get away from all the noise of the men's arguing. It was beginning to become too real for her. She had spent so long away she forgot what war was. The constant fear that she could lose everything she loved.

Aemond rushed out to Lyanna with her fur cloak once he found her outside. He sighed coming up behind her and wrapping her fur over her shoulders.

"You're going to catch a fever." He said softly, standing beside her. He looked out at the cloudy sky that seemed to be getting darker with every passing day. Lyanna did not respond, she was having one of those moments where everything disappears for a moment and its just her. How it felt it had been for the last twelve years. She had Willam, but he was her little brother. She could never worry him with what was really going on. So all she had was herself, and she got used to it.

Aemond took her arm in his and just watched her closely, not wanting to disturb her peace. After a moment, Lyanna looked up at him while Aemond was still studying her. He smiled, looking into her cloudy blue eyes.

"Welcome back." He said a bit confused at where she went. Her gaze was still a bit far away but she chuckled at him, remembering she was no longer alone.

"Sorry I, its uhm.." She began but Aemond just shook his head.

"You no need to explain yourself, my love. Stare off into the sky forever, I would just sit and admire you." He whispered, running his thumb under her chin. His warmth seemed to radiate through his thick gloves.

"I am sorry about Robbs behavior, he has always been that way." Lyanna looked up at her husband who sucked his cheeks in thinking about the words between them.

"If he ever speaks so boldly of you again it will be the last time he has a tongue to speak." Aemond was angry, but he had always been full of a certain rage for Mormonts.

"Let us gain his army and then you may take his tongue." Lyanna said with a smirk, she never liked Robb. He teased her a lot when they were younger. Aemond smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Do you think he will take Cregans offer?" Aemond asked quietly. Lyannas smile fell and she looked up at him.

"At this rate, we should pray to the gods he does." She said quietly, looking back out at the trees flow in the wind.

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