chapter fifteen

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The days were passing while the war in the North continued. Lyannas belly was growing with the dragon princes babe. She hadn't told Aemond yet but couldn't wait much longer till it would start to show. Her brother was the only one that knew of the pregnancy.

"Sister? How are you?" Willam asked nervously finding Lyanna sitting in the garden alone. Winter was coming but in the South you couldn't feel it.

"The air is growing rotten." She said to her brother who quickly joined her side.

"I feel it too, but what I'm worried about is you right now." He placed his hand over hers and looked up into her eyes, a reflection of his own.

"I am perfectly fine, the maesters say I'm healthy. I just have to tell Aemond." Lyanna sighed closing her eyes. Willam griped onto her hand and nudged her shoulder so she'd look back at him.

"I can accompany you to tell him, I will protect you if anything goes wrong." He said softly. Lyanna smiled thankful for her little brother.

"It's not his reaction Im afraid of, it's his families." She sighed looking back out at the garden. The war was causing tensions to rise. While King Viserys was for aiding the Starks the Queen was not so kind. She found it wasteful of coin and men. Queen Alicent was not fond of Northerners nor did she enjoy the idea of her son married to one.

"Who cares what a few people think, you will be an amazing mother and your children will not just be Targaryen, they will be Starks." Willam said with a smile, he was excited.

"Thank you Will, I should go find Aemond now." She said giving her brothers hand one last squeeze before walking away.

Lyanna fiddled with her rings as she walked the halls of the keep. As she walked she couldn't help but hear a commotion coming from around the corner, it was the Queen and King. Lyanna stayed hidden against the stone walls as she listened.

"First you marry our son off to some plain looking Northern girl who steps on the crown and our gods, now you want to send him off to fight a war he has nothing to do with?!" Alicent was full of a rage Lyanna has never heard.

"Princess Lyanna is of use, the pair will give us children that will finally unit our two kingdoms as one! Sending Aemond North will rally the men behind a Targaryen. Daemon is of no use there by himself." The King argued back. Alicent just scoffed at him.

"Do you truly think those heathens would ever agree to become apart of the realm? Your dreams have become too grand husband. Your plan is impossible." The Queen spat and the couple stormed off together.

Lyanna stood clutching onto her necklace. What plan? Why did Viserys want the North? Did Aemond know of this? All these questions now raced through Lyannas mind. She quickly went on her way to find Aemond. Her breathing grew faster as an anger grew inside her. If Aemond knew of this plan and never told her she didn't know what she'd do. Her heart would break surely. When she finally found him in his study she froze, unable to find the words to say. Aemond looked up from his book to find a wide eyed Lyanna staring into him breathing heavily. He rose from his chair and walked over to her quickly.

"Lya?" He whispered trying to get her attention on him.

That name. Why gods did he say her name that way, the way Torrhen would say it.

"You do not get to call me that!" Lyanna spat back, tears filling her eyes. Aemond, confused stepped back from her but still took her hands in his tightly.

"What's going on?" He kept his voice soft not to create anymore frustration.

"Did you know??" Lyannas eyes filled with tears. Aemond shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" He asked running his thumbs over her hands trying to calm her. She just shoved him away.

"Your fathers plan! You're only married to me to make The North apart of the six kingdoms! Our children are to 'unite' the realm?!" Lyanna was crying.

"My love I-" Aemond was quickly cut off.

"No, no I will not be a pawn in a game of thrones! I am Princess Lyanna Stark and this child will be a Prince or Princess to house Stark!" She held her stomach with frustration. Aemond was frozen at her words. He had no idea what she was on about but he knew then, he knew she was with child.

"Lyanna.. You must believe I do not know what you speak of." He knelt down infront of her and put his hands over hers, cradling her belly. "and I swear to you I will not let anyone else rip your home away from you. But tell me, are you truly with child?" He asked nervously. Lyanna closed her eyes tight trying to calm her breathing, she nodded.

Aemonds eyes softened as he stood back on his feet, pulling her into his arms. She didn't shove him away, she trusted his words even if it was hard to.

"They're going to send you away.." Lyanna whispered. Aemond looked down at her confused. "I heard your mother and father in the halls. They're going to send you north to rally the northerners behind Targaryens instead of my brother. To take the north as your own." She finished and Aemond just sighed.

"I will not aid my father in his schemes, and I won't be going anywhere until our baby is here." He said cupping her cheeks in his.

"I'm sure your mother would rather you be far away from me. Perhaps you'd find a girl less plain and.. heathan." Lyanna couldn't help but smirk. Aemond kissed the top of her head.

"You aren't plain at all, heathan or not you will always be my wife." He said looking into her bright eyes. Lyanna smiled and wiped away her tears.

"I will never understand you." She whispered.

"Why is that my love?" He asked her. She looked up at him and searched his gaze.

"I remember a young boy who made it quit clear he wanted nothing to do with a savage northern girl like me." Lyanna whispered. Aemond thought for a moment. Thinking back to the first time Lyanna had kissed him. They were both young, playing with swords.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He paused looking down at her. Lyanna nodded.

"When you were here visiting all those years ago, we were playing that stupid game where we hid and chased each other with swords. You took my sword from me and kissed me. You laughed running away from me." Aemond smiled looking down at the floor. "Ever since then Id been a man obsessed. You ruined me, I was a prince of duty and honor now.. Now I don't know what I am." He said not removing his gaze from the floor.

Lyanna was shocked that he remembered such a silly thing. She had never thought about the times they had as children for they were often unpleasant memories.

"You were the only part of our trips to Kings Landing I looked forward to. It may not have seemed like it, but I did always enjoy our time together. Even when it ended in fights." Lyanna laughed a bit and Aemond smirked. He looked over at her and just admired her.

"Lyanna?" He asked ever so softly. She looked over at him, her cheeks still stained from tears.

"Yes Aemond?" She replied. He melted everytime she said his name.

"Ao issi brighter than mirre zaldrīzoti perzys."
(You are brighter than any dragons flame.)

Lyanna smiled at the Valyrian words and looked down with a blush filling her cheeks. Aemond wasn't always so big and scary. He was soft and kind when he tried.

Her heart continued to grow softer towards the dragon prince. Everyday he showed her that he was loyal and faithful to no one else but her. Aemond was also falling deeper in love with the girl he once hated. He would never leave her side now.

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