chapter twenty-two

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War continued on in The North. Cregans men continued marching and would soon meet Theons men between The Dreadfort and Castle Cerwyn. If they won this next battle they would be one step closer to Winterfell. Cregan sill did not use the dragons for flame but rather for tracking and scouting. He made great use of Vhagar and Caraxes, the dragon princes were finally being seen as more than just a destructive pair of silver haired men from The South.

Cregan halted his men in the forests. They had been marching miles but the sun was setting and Cregan needed to prepare them for the battle to come.

"We make camp here!" Cregan announced from his horse.

"Thank the gods, I'm getting sick of the back of my horses head." Cedric chuckled to the men around him.

"Thank you for that Cedric." Cregan chuckled. Even amidst war the men kept their spirits high. Aemond was almost annoyed at the Northmens mood. It seemed they were rather hungry for blood and battle. Aemond found their honor in dying in battle rather silly, he didn't understand what was honorable about dying at the hand of another's sword. He'd rather die by his own dragon.

The men set up camp at the edge of the woods, looking out at the valley ahead. Tents were set up all across the hill and men covered in furs from head to two surrounded the camp. Some trained with the other while others cooked and prepared the fires. Cregan marched around the camp speaking to different men about the journey and the plan to come. Cregan made his way to the group training and playing sword games with one another. He stood by Aemond and Daemon who stood watching Errick sword fighting against one of The Northmen.

"Why don't you go in there." Cregan whispered to stepping next to Aemond. He chuckled looking at Cregan.

"A fight against Errick? I stole the princess from him remember?" Aemond said sarcastically. "He'd be out for more than blood with me." He finished looking back at at the two fighting.

"Yes probably, but it would be fun to watch him beat your ass." Cregan chuckled as Errick disarmed yet another man.

"Like he could actually beat me." Aemond said under his breath. Cregan raised an eyebrow and playfully shoved Aemond onto the field infront of Errick.

"The dragon prince thinks he could beat you Errick!" Cregan chuckled. Errick laughed as well and held his sword towards Aemond.

"Lets see you try little prince." Errick called out playfully taunting Aemond to come fight. Aemond sighed and unsheathed his sword starting to study Erricks movements.

"The Bear and The Dragon! A scruffy northern man called out. "A fight you don't want to miss." Cregan smirked to himself as the two circled one another, aiming their swords at each other.

"Well this should be fun." Cedric said, taking a swig of his Ale.

"thirty pieces on the Mormont boy." Daemon wagered. Cregan and Cedric laughed.

"Do you except us to side with the twig of a prince?" Cedric said, raising his eyebrows. Daemon shrugged and and watched as the two slashed swords.

"Deal." Cregan said watching the two. Cedric laughed at him, and Daemon smirked.

"Your throwing away your silver my King." Cedric said shaking his head while they watched.

The two huffed as sword thrashed against sword. While Errick was the stronger bigger opponent, Aemond was quite quick on his feet. Erricks sword was fast but not as quick as Aemonds movements. It was like he was one step ahead of Errick. Errick threw his sword down towards Aemond who swiveled out of the way, unarming Errick and holding his own sword towards his neck. Errick chuckled to himself at Aemond.

"Not so bad, little prince." Errick smiled and Aemond held his sword to his side, nodding at him with respect.

"Someone owes me thirty pieces." Cregan smiled over at Daemon who rolled his eyes.

"Well I bet my nephew cannot beat you, Your Grace." Daemon called out. Cregan laughed watching Aemonds gaze become almost frightened at the idea.

"Let us find out!!" Errick announced loudly to the cheering crowd. Cregan laughed and pulled out his sword and Aemond gripped his tightly.

"Thirty pieces on the dragon prince!" Cedric said, raising his ale towards the air. The men laughed and the fight began.

Aemond luckily could hold his own pretty well against Cregan at first, but Cregan was going easy on him. Cregan was a very skilled swordsman who trained his whole life in sword skill. Though he enjoyed fighting with an axe as well he found it easy to fight Aemond. He stood not only taller than him but wider as well.

Aemond was fast but Cregan slowed him down. Cregan was fast and kept Aemond moving till he was exhausted. Aemond, out of breath, blocked another blow from Cregan but suddenly found himself unarmed with two swords held up towards his throat. Cregan smiled and handed him his sword back.

"Not too bad prince Aemond, save the rest of your energy for battle, let us eat!" Cregan said and the men cheered. Aemond sighed relieved he was done fighting Northmen. At least they were treating him with some decency now, though Errick still did not enjoy his company he attempted to strangle him less.

The North feasted while south it was another story. Lyanna was very pregnant so that kept her bedded. She kept busy with her children most of the day, Willam kept her company when he could but he also had to keep up in his training and his studies. Helaena visited every afternoon for tea and embroidery with Lyanna. Though Lyanna did not participate she liked to watch Helaena and listen to her talk.

Another afternoon had rolled around and a smiling Helaena entered Lyannas chambers. She was sat in bed watching out the window. The princes dragons soared the skies outside The Keep.

"How are you today Lyanna?" Helaena said, seating herself at the end of her feet.

"The same as I was yesterday, and the day before that, and I am sure tomorrow will be like today, and I know that because today is exactly like yesterday." Lyanna sighed rolling her head back. She hated being bedridden, she wanted to be outside, playing with the children, riding horses, or even training.

"You have quite the outlook on life." Helaena said sarcastically with a smile.

"I just wish for the babe to be born, then I may be free of these sheets and serving girls around me. Watching me, telling my secrets to your mother." Lyanna said with a hushed tone. Helaena sighed.

"My mother is going to drive herself mad, she is too concerned with you." Helaena said quietly.

"She will never leave me be, Willam and I must get out of here." Lyanna said, picking at her nails.

"She will not let you leave, neither will my father." Helaena said, working on her embroidery.

"Then I will sneak away into the night." Lyanna said with a laugh. The palace was too heavily guarded and Lyanna seemed to always be watched by someone from The Queen.

"Why dont you focus on your rest and the baby." Helaena said with a smile. Lyanna sighed and looked back out the window. She hummed old northern lullabies while Helaena sat stitching a moth into her embroidery.

The days were simple in Kings Landing. There was nothing exciting keeping Lyanna on her toes. She rubbed her swollen belly and smiled, thinking soon she'd have another baby. But saddened at the thought of having to raise more children here. In the place that was making her heart rot away.

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