chapter thirty-one

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The army marched in the early hours of the morning. They would meet their enemies when the sun was at its highest point of the day. Cregan side  by side with Errick and Cedric. Lyanna, Willam, and Aemond were right behind.

The pack moved in a heavy silence, one full of nerves awaiting battle. Willam began to hum softly, an old song of the North. He softly began to sing, his voice weaving through the cold air.

(To the tune of Misty Mountains.)

Long before, the dragons flew deep North.

Wolves reigned as Kings, and earth was cold.

There Torrhen sat, his throne of ice.

The King who never, kneeled to fire.

Men who marched hummed along to the young princes singing. A soldier even played on his flute from his horse. The singing was low and echoed through the woods. Cregan stood tall on  his horse, nicknamed The Mountain.

Aemond felt himself shiver, it was getting colder by the day. Even after years of being North, he never did get used to the cold. He looked over at Lyanna, who was singing quietly along with the men. Aemond smiled proudly at his wife, she had always been a warrior at heart.

The low beating song rang over the hills alerting the enemies army that they had arrived, and they were out for blood. This settlement that Rayric had built over the last few years was mighty, but even they shook at the sounds of the Northmen singing. Rayric stood at the head of the army, he sat tall and lanky on his horse with his long dark hair blowing loosely in the wind.

The two armies stood across the field from one another, Cregan rode foreword from his men to meet their eyes.

"Brothers and sisters of the North! It has been many long winters and many long nights, Yet here we stand!!" He spoke strong and true, as a King should. The soldiers pounded against their shields and hollered out standing behind their King.

Lyanna held her sword to the sky with her brothers and cheered on Cregan.

"Winter has come for the Pretenders! They stand against their blood and honor, And they killed my brother, your rightful King." He sighed looking across at the men that stood in front of him. "I cannot promise you all will live, yet you stand behind me. That is honor, that is the Northern way. Let us kill these traitors and pretenders and take back what is ours!!" Cregan yelled, and his men cheered along.

"Shield wall!!" Errick commanded. The sound of clattering boards echoed across the field.

"Advance!" Rayric roared allowed, and his army began to march foreword.

The armies stood across from each other. Cregan stared into Rayric's eyes. Six large dire wolfs stood outside of Cregan and growled into Rayrics direction. Rayric winced slightly at the sight of the dogs drooling mouths.

"I give you one last chance to yield cousin, die with some dignity left." Cregan spoke allowed to him. Rayric chuckled, ignoring him.

"This land is ours, and its going to stay that way." Rayric spat. Cregan nodded.

"Then you will die, screaming." Cregan said simply. Rayric held up his sword with a blood hungry smile on his face.

"Attack!!" Rayrics voice shouted aloud. Cregan let out sharp whistle alerting the dire wolves.

The wolves barked and ran towards the enemies army, The soldiers followed after them shields up and horses sprinting. The wolves pounced onto the army and quickly tore men into scraps on meat. Cregan came foreword on his horse and started to slash into every man that met him. Cedric and Willam were right behind him. Willam was terrified but still fought as bravely as his brother.

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