chapter five

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Lyanna sniffed looking at the stitches in her face. She was afraid of the scar it would leave, maybe it would make her look strong like Torrhens. She wandered the halls in her night dress, it was late but she couldn't sleep. She would go back home tomorrow and she was ready to leave after what happened today. She hated Aemond Targaryen and was afraid of him. The words he said and the way he said them cut deeper than the gash on her face. He saw her as nothing more than a dirty northern girl, that's all she'd ever be here. She didn't belong in Kings Landing or Westeros. The North was her home and it's where she longed to be.

Aemond was also up late wandering the halls. He caught a glimpse of Lyanna sitting by an open window. He made sure to stay behind the corner to not frighten her or get caught by her. He could only see the side of her face lit by the moonlight. His eyebrows furrowed watching her. He listened carefully to her, she was singing softly. It was a song in Valyrian. How did she know Valyrian? He thought while he listened.

Oh hūra isse se jēdar ūndegon these fireflies dancing isse se woods issa muñnykeā calls issa lenton perzys breathers leghagon se jēdar se nyke dakogon, dakogon, qrīdrughagon

Oh hūra isse se jēdar leghagon these trees rūsīr ōños nyke kostagon find issa ñuhoso naejot ao isse se jelmāzma ill lilagon se lilagon till nyke jiōragon konīr

*Oh moon in the sky catch these fireflies
dancing in the woods my mother calls me home
fire breathers fill the sky and I run, run, away

Oh moon in the sky fill these trees with light
I may find my way to you in the storm
Ill dance and dance till I get there*

Aemond watched her wide eyed while she sang softly. It was beautiful. He stepped closer to her staying out of her line of sight which was easy because her gaze was watching the moon in the sky.

"You know Valyrian?" Aemond said softly not meaning to interrupt but doing it anyways. Lyanna jumped from the sound of his voice. She looked back at him her eyes glowing under the moonlight.

"Just a little, it's important to study the language of other kings." She said softly returning her gaze back to the moon. Aemond stood there in silence for a moment trying to think of what to say next. She looked as if she wanted to be left alone.

"Aōha vāedar istan gevie" *your song was beautiful* Aemond said softly before leaving her again. She turned back watching him walk away and a small smile crept onto her lips. He wasn't always so bad when he tried.


The next morning the castle was in a rush. Servants packed together the Starks things while Lyanna had one last adventure around the castle. She quickly got dressed in the last dress she hadn't worn. It was a light purple covered in plum colored lace leaves. She walked down the familiar halls one last time admiring the artwork that hung from the walls. She stood looking up at a painting of Balerion the black dread. She imagined what he would've looked like in person, she was curious of dragons. Always had been since that night in the dragon pit, she imagined what it would be like to fly in the sky. While she stood in thought, prince Aegon had snuck up on her.

"Princess." He said with a small bow, it was early in the morning and he already smelt of alcohol.

"Prince Aegon, can I help you with something?" She asked annoyed at him. She had never been a fan of Aegon. He had always called her silly names and looked at her like a piece of meat.

"You could help me with a lot of things." He chuckled to himself and Lyanna scrunched up her nose in disgust looking up at him.

"You already seem to be drowning in your cups my prince, perhaps you should leave me alone." She spoke softly but sternly. Aegon smirked and grabbed her chin with his long fingers and pulled her close.

"If my little brother wasn't in love with you i'd do so much to that pretty little mouth of yours. Fuck, I would do it anyways." He said harshly. Lyanna tried pulling away but he had her jaw locked in his grip.

"Let me go." Lyanna hissed at him but Aegon just held her tighter. Running his hand down her side and squeezing her hip.

"What a pretty little wolf.." He whispered with a smirk on his face. Lyanna felt her stomach turn in fear, what was he going to do to her.

"Aegon?" Aemonds voice shot from the other side of the hall. Aegons grip loosened and he growled swatting her face away.

"Ah if it isn't your prince come to save you." Aegon whispered letting go of Lyanna. "Next time then.." He said softly before disappearing into the halls. Lyanna rubbed her jaw and thought about what Aegon had just said. Aemond was not in love with her, she could laugh at the idea. Aemond noticed her rubbing her jaw and felt bad for her deep down. He knew the kind of man Aegon was, he saw the grip he had on her, he saw him touching her, but did nothing. He should've done something.

"You are to leave today?" Was all he could say walking up to the girl. She kept her eyes to the floor, for she had a new fear of the Targaryen brothers. Had Aemond seen what his brother did? Is that why he called out to him? Lyanna wondered to herself while he stood infront of her.

"Yes my prince." She said softly keeping her eyes on the floor. Aemond inspected the stitches that etched across her cheek, when he lifted his hand to it she turned the other way. Aemond cleared his throat moving away from her, feeling the tension between them.

"Have a safe journey home, princess." He said trying to give her a reassuring smile but she wouldn't look him in the eye. She stayed silent and quickly walked away from him. He stood in the hallway watching her go. He wondered for a moment if she was okay, but as soon as that questioned popped up into his mind he brushed it away. He had no reason to care or worry about her. She would never see him the same way. He looked down at his feet when she faded into the shadows of the hall. "Goodbye princess." Is all he whispered to himself.

Another six years would go by till they met each other again.



so we're done with a look back at Lyannas childhood with lil Aemond !! I'm so excited for the journey this story is taking hope everyone is enjoying it !!

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