chapter seven

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It was a cool fall morning. The leaves were falling from the trees and the sun was rising over the horizon filling the rooms of Winterfell with light. As the castle rose awake they were saddened with what they had found. In the Kings chambers, Rickons body lay cold and pale. The King of the North was dead. A servant boy rushed to Torrhens chambers to give him the message. He had just awaken from bed when the guard entered with the young lad.

"The King is gone my prince." The young boy said out of breathe. Torrhens eyes furrowed while he thought. He became overwhelmed with emotion but quickly calmed himself, for he knew what came next. He would be crowned the new king. He nodded at the boy and sent him away quickly.

"Tell the rest of the guards, prepare his place in the crypts immediately. Wake the small council, I want to meet with them, I also want a raven sent to Kings Landing." He commanded. His guard nodded and quickly went on his way. Torrhen sighed and looked at himself in his mirror. He took a deep breath standing tall. For the first time in his life he felt fear, he did not understand why. His father had been preparing him for this moment all his life. He dressed himself in all black attire before making his way to his fathers chambers. His body still lay in his bed under the furs. Torrhen stood at the end looking over his fathers body. He felt a tear fall down his face but he did not wipe it away, it fell to the floor quietly. He picked up his fathers cloak that hung on the wall and threw it over his shoulders, securing the wolf emblem over his chest.

The funeral was short. The siblings stood together in the crypts with their father. Lyanna let her tears fall down her cheeks while the stone was placed over his stone casket. As the stone closed she choked back on her tears. Willam pulled his older sister into his arms and cried with her, his tears were silent.

"Sleep well, father." Cregan whispered before closing his eyes and sighing softly. Torrhen stood beside him and looked down at the stone with his fathers name carved into it. He wished it wasn't true, he wished he had more time. The coronation would be soon after the funeral. Servants prepared the hall while the Starks got ready. Lyanna sat in her room awaiting a guard to escort her to the hall where her brother would soon be crowned King.

"Princess?" Errick said from the doorway. Lyanna looked up at him with sadness in her eyes. "It's time." Lyanna nodded and stood from her bed. Her deep gray dress dragged across the floor. She pulled on her black cloak and walked with Errick to the hall. There, her two brothers already stood next to the empty throne. Lyanna went to stand between her two brothers.

"Today we say goodbye to King Rickon the brave and pass his throne to his first born son, prince Torrhen Stark." A member of the Kings guard called out. Torrhen walked in at the other side of the hall. He looked up at his siblings waiting for him by the throne. As he walked down the cold Winterfell floors the Northmen knelt to their knees as he passed. He stood at the bottom of the steps as the knight came forward with his fathers crown. He carefully placed it on his head. He turned towards the crowd and stood proudly.

"I present to you King Torrhen Stark, second of his name, Warden of the North and protector of Winterfell!" The men of Winterfell stood and pulled out their swords to their new King. When Torrhen turned back towards his siblings they all took their turn bowing to him. Cregan gave him a small nod while lyanna curtsied with tears still in her eyes. Willam bowed his head at his older brother before he climbed the steps and took his seat on the throne.

"The King of the North! The King of the North!" The crowd cheered and chanted for their new ruler. Torrhen smiled out at the crowd proudly, still with sadness in his eyes. He would not sit the throne long...


Word of Rickons death spread life rapid fire. The message got to Theon Stark in a matter of days. He was angry that his nephew had not sent a raven informing him of his brothers death but why would he expect him to. Theon marched with his men south to Winterfell. He would have his throne no matter what it took.

"My King! I have message from your men at Long Lake!" Errick said walking into the hall where Torrhen sat with his council. Torrhen nodded and Errick handed him a rolled up letter. He frowned reading over the content.

"What is it my King?" His council man asked. Torrhen looked up tossing the letter to the table.

"My uncles men have been spotted in Long Lake, marching south. Headed here Im sure." Torrhen said angrily. In the weeks that had passed Torrhen fought alongside his brother in mountains near Bay Ice and the Woods of Wolfswood. They came out victorious for the size of Theon's armies was not great. But men kept coming. Now they were almost to Winterfell.

"We shall have men patrolling the walls and station men on our grounds." One of the men of the council spoke.

"That is not wise, we should march north and meet them before they get the chance to get here." Another man continued. Torrhen shook his head.

"I will not loose anymore men, we've won many battles but this time is different. I can feel it." Torrhen said.

"Your grace if I may, feelings alone should not decide what happens next in war." The men on the council looked at each other and awaited a response from their king.

"We will send men north to meet my uncles army. But I will continue to have men watch the grounds and the land outside of Winterfell. They cannot make it here." Torrhen said.

"I propose you send a raven south to Kings Landing, perhaps his grace Viserys is willing to send his dragons north for extra protection." The Kings hand, Eddard mentioned.

"I cannot ask him of this, my father tried once and he did nothing. What makes you think he would now?" Torrhen said annoyed.

"Your grace, Viserys owes the North. After everything your father did.." Eddard said softly. The council all nodded in agreement.

"Fine, tell the maesters to send a raven south asking once again for his aid." Torrhen finally gave in. Deep down he knew it would come at a cost to gain his aid. What would he have to do to win the King of Westeros over.

Errick left the council and headed out to the stables to get away for awhile. He had just returned from Long Lake and needed to tend to his horse. He was surprised to Find Lyanna there brushing her white steed.

"Princess!" He smiled walking towards her. Her head turned and a smile grew across her face.

"You have returned!" She ran up to him quickly embracing him in a hug. He smiled squeezing her tightly.

"I will always return." He smiled. As they pulled away from each other Errick held her face in his hands and rested his forehead against hers. She smiled before pulling away, confused as to why he was back.

"You would not return for no reason though, what has happened??" She questioned. Errick sighed and looked away from her.

"Theon and his men have been marching south, Toward Winterfell. He will not get here your brother will make sure of it." He reassured her. Her face saddened.

"Are my brothers to leave again to fight?" She asked growing upset.

"I do not know princess.." He whispered.

"Everytime they march to fight in this war I pray to the old gods they return.. I feel like i've spent more time in the Godswood than my own chambers." She stepped out of the stables and looked out at the Northmen staying on the grounds.

"Your prayers must be working then my lady." Errick walked up behind her and brushed her hair back behind her ear. "We will win this war once your uncle is dead, it will happen sooner than late. He is old and injured from battle."

"He has two sons, they will make sure to continue in their fathers footsteps Im sure. My cousins will also have to die for this to end." Lyanna said softly. She thought of all the death that went on and felt sick. She prayed to the gods this war would end soon.

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