chapter twenty-eight

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Aemond stood around Erricks chambers twirling his dagger around his fingers. He had seen Errick kissing Lyanna and the rage would not simmer away. He was out for blood on this night.

Errick eventually found himself ready to get to sleep but when he walked down the hall he was not prepared for what awaited him.

"Mormont, lovely of you to finally arrive." Aemond said tossing his dagger up into his dominant hand.

"Prince Aemond, can I help you?" Errick asked with furrowed brows. Aemond smirked and pulled his eyepatch off his head, revealing the scar on his eye to him. Errick, already confused was taken aback by the blue stone that sat in place of Aemonds eye. This side of Aemond sure was dark and frightening.

"Did you think I would let you touch Lyanna and get away with it?" Aemond said with a smirk. Errick chuckled and looked annoyed at Aemond.

"I did not harm her, I will remind you I was her protector long before you came along." Errick said back, taunting Aemond. He huffed and stepped closer to Errick.

"You may not have harmed her, but you pressed your dirty heathen lips on hers and I will have to kill you for it. She is not yours anymore." Aemond spoke proudly and confidently. Errick just laughed in his face.

"The little dragon prince thinks he could kill me?" Errick shook his head and sighed. "If Lyanna could've chosen she would have chosen me. But your father was greedy for power and gave her no other choice but to marry you. She hated you." Errick hissed, stepping closer to Aemond.

The fire only grew in Aemond and he couldn't hold himself back anymore. He grabbed Errick by his arm and threw him towards the ground.

Errick stumbled back a bit but quickly found his feet.

"You Targaryen princes and your poison." Errick laughed, standing back up. Aemond stood only confused by his words. "The princess came to me after your first night together. She told me everything, how she hated you. The way you felt, the way you looked, a monster with one eye, i think she said." Errick circled Aemond and only taunted him more.

The anger in Aemond grew and his fists met Erricks cheek. Errick tripped back but was not knocked down. The two grabbed at the other and threw punches into each others faces.

"You will never touch her again!" Aemond spat wrestling Errick. Errick continued to laugh at him.

"No little southern boy is going to tell me what i can do! Lyanna has never loved you. You were duty, nothing more." Errick laughed, grabbing Aemonds face and smashing it into the floor. Aemond quickly wiggled out of his grip and got back on top and threw punches fast into his face.

"I am going to kill you Mormont!" He hissed, throwing punch after punch. He picked his dagger up and held it against Erricks neck. Errick, with blood streaming down his face spat into Aemonds. The two continued to wrestle against each other for the blade. That is when Willam and Lyanna came down the hall, when they found the two Lyanna yelled for them to stop and ran towards the pair to pull them apart.

"Fighting infront of the lady little prince? Not very honorable of you." Errick spat holding back the arm Aemond held the blade in.

"Do not speak to me of honor! Throwing yourself at a married woman!" Aemond yelled with the blade held just over his shoulder. Errick was strong and was able to hold him above him but his grip was loosening.

Lyanna grabbed and pulled back at Aemonds shoulder but the blade went with him. Flinging back and slicing into Lyannas arm. She screamed out and both the men stopped, realizing what they did. Willam ran to Lyannas side and looked her over, taking the injured arm in his hands.

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