chapter twenty-five

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Cregan stood welcoming the army from Kings Landing to their post in Torrhens Square. They set up camps on the grounds that awaited the southern men. Cedric and Errick stood at his sides watching the army march in. It wasnt until it neared the end when all three men noticed two faces that werent supposed to be there.

"Gods be good.." Cedric mumbled as their eyes widened at the youngest pair of Stark siblings. Lyanna and Willam sat confidently on their horses as they made contact with their family they hadn't seen in years. The pair rode up to the three men that only stood silently in shock that they were there.

"Do not look so happy to see us brother!" Willam said sarcastically, jumping off his horse. Cregans jaw was dropped at seeing how his brother had grown. He was barely a man grown when he had left him. Willam was as tall as him now and Cregans brows furrowed still in confusion at the sight.

At first he was angry that they were there when he had orders for them to stay put in Kings Landing. But the sight of his siblings made his feelings quickly change. He smiled, and embraced Willam tightly. It had been so long since he last saw him and it made his heart ache. He pulled away from his younger brother proudly. He wished Torrhen could've been there to see him too.

"You're not going to kick their arses!?" Cedric asked wide eyed. Cregan chuckled looking at his brother.

"I do not care, I am glad to see you both." Cregan said looking up at his sister. She looked older now, still she held her childlike smile but her eyes were different now. Tired eyes, that had felt much pain. Her hair fell down her back the same way their mothers had. Cregan teared up for a moment smiling at his once little sister.

"It is good to see you too, brother." Lyanna said as Cregan helped her off her horse and held her tightly. The pair pulled back from each other and just looked at one another with hope. It had been a long time since they spoke.

"Errick, you look well." Lyanna said, looking up at him. He smiled at her lovingly, and he felt the same feelings he did when he left.

"I guess that's life in the open air." He said with a smile. She chuckled at him.

"Perhaps I should try it, The serving girls like to talk." She said jokingly.

"No. You still look beautiful, princess." He said, sweeping his thumb under her chin. She shoved it away playfully and looked around the yard.

"Where is Aemond?" She asked, Errick looked down at the ground and sighed.

"Not here." Errick said annoyed that she wanted to see him. He had always had feelings for Lyanna. Apart of him hated Aemond just because he had her and not him. Errick was what could've been for Lyanna, if life had been different.

"He is in the stables, feeding horses." Cregan interjected, noticing Erricks change in emotion. Cregan watched Erricks eyes as he held young Daella up on his shoulders. Erricks gaze found Cregans and he sighed looking away.

"Gods Cregan, why do you put him up to such things." Lyanna said, shaking her head at him. Cregan chuckled along with his brother.

"His life was far too cushy south. We all get put to work here." Cregan reminded her.

"I am off to see him then." She sighed turning away.

"Should the children come with you?" Willam asked quickly before she got too far.

"No, not yet at least. Lets not overwhelm him with all of us so soon." She said before walking towards the stables to find Aemond. She was nervous, she twirled her rings around her fingers as she walked. She didn't know if Aemond would be angry she was here, or thankful. She pushed open the doors and immediately spotted the back of Aemond by his long silver hair that he still wore tied back away from his face.

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