chapter four

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During the treaty ceremony the King stood with prince Torrhen signing their names and pledging oaths to the other. Lyanna yawned standing with the rest of her family near the throne. The Starks stood on one side while the Targaryens stood at the other. The signing was short but boring. Young Lyanna was not a fan of diplomatic missions, she'd rather be out playing in the woods or training. On the other side of the room Aemond stood with his mother and siblings. He couldn't help but notice how the Stark brothers had grown since the last time he saw them. Torrhen was huge, finally a man grown. His hair was long and parts of it were tied off with silver jewlery. His eyes blue, piercing. Cregan was almost twenty now. The sides of his head shaved so his dark brown curls fell over his forehead. The brothers still definitely frightened him, they were terrifying compared to the youngest sibling, Willam. He looked more like his sister, kind and gentle with soft doe eyes. The ceremony was short but quickly followed by a feast and a tournament.

Lyanna sat between Torrhen and Cregan at the table while the Targaryen and Valaryon siblings sat across from them. Aemond couldn't even look at Lyanna without blushing from what had happened earlier in the day so he kept his head down while he ate. It didn't seem to even faze her, she went along like nothing had happened. Music played and people danced while they ate. The families laughed together and everyone was getting along. The King stood from his throne and raised his glass.

"I'd like to raise my cup to Torrhen Stark, I have watched you grow since you were just a boy and you have become a strong honorable man." He smiled while the table listened. "I hope to one day further our union with The North with a betrothal even. Here's to many more years of peace!" The King smiled and everyone cheered.

A betrothal? Lyanna thought. She prayed to the old gods it wouldn't come to that. Torrhen thanked the King and stood from his seat.

"I owe you a great thanks King Viserys, you've shown my family nothing but kindness over my lifetime and I appreciate it all. You can rest assured when I take my fathers throne and become King of the North, we will only live in peace among one another." Torrhen said lifting his glass high. They all drank from their glasses once more smiling.

"What did you do to the young dragon prince? He keeps looking at you with scared eyes." Cregan whispered to his sister watching Aemond who sat a few sears down from them. Lyanna giggled to herself.

"Nothing brother, maybe he's just afraid of girls." She said sipping at her wine. He smirked at her.

"Do you perhaps like the boy?" He whispered again.

"Not at all, he's too elegant and regal. Id much rather have a northern boy." She reminded her brother and he nodded at her.

"Northern boys are wild boys. You and that Mormont lad get along nicely. How about him?" Cregan asked while eating his food. Lyanna smiled.

"His name is Errick, brother. He's nice I guess, why do you ask? Trying to give me away already?" Lyanna laughed at her brother and he did too.

"Not at all little sister, not for a long time now." He said reminding her.

Later that day was the tournament in celebration of the peace between the two counties. Lyanna was excited to watch men fight, she wished to be able to compete one day. Cregan and Torrhen were both competing just for the fun of it. They were the finest swordsmen in The North. Lyanna sat with her little brother.

"I do not understand how men find joy in fighting one another." He spoke. Willam was only ten and two but brilliant and wise for his age.

"It's fun Will, simple as that." Lyanna said annoyed at her brothers philosopher mind.

"I will never fight for fun, only for duty and honor." He said softly staring off onto the field. Lyanna chuckled and searched the field for her brothers. She found them sitting atop their horses dressed in their armor. Lyanna wished to have armor as fancy as theirs one day, she wished for lots of things. Helaena filled the empty seat next to Lyanna and smiled.

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