chapter twenty-three

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Lyanna cried out as blood spilled down her legs. She paced back in forth as she screamed out in pain. The serving girls could only watch because Lyanna would not let them near her. She didn't trust who Queen Alicent sent her way.

"I need my brother!! Where is he?!" She cried, leaning against the back rest of the couch.

"Princess Helaena is out to get him Princess, but please let us help you." One of the women said. Lyanna shook her head and screamed in pain. Something was wrong, the baby was early Lyanna still had another moon to go.

Quickly Willam and Helaena came into the room.

"Lyanna!.." Willams stomach turned at the sight of his sister. Blood stained her gown and her hands covered in blood. Willam ran to her side along with Helaena.

"Something is wrong!!" Lyanna sobbed as she crouched on the floor.

"Let these women help you." Helaena said brushing her sweaty hair out of her face. Lyanna shook her head.

"No! They are The Queens ladies, I can't trust them I can't trust her!" Lyanna cried and Willam just held her hand not knowing what to do to help her. Helaena stood sending the women out of the room.

"It's just Will and I now, let us help you." Helaena said quickly coming back to her side. Lyanna was terrified she'd never felt something like this before. She held on tightly to Willam who held her in his lap. Helaena sat before her and held open her legs.

"You need to start pushing." Willam said as his sister held onto him tightly.

"I can't! I can't do this! I wanna go home!" She just sobbed and screamed out in pain. "Oh Gods do not let me die like this!" Willams eyes filled with tears as he looked at Helaena for answers.

"Lyanna we need to get the baby out.." Helaena said looking up at her. Lyanna shook as she hollered out in pain from pushing.

"Get out!" She screamed as she pushed and pushed. her blood was stained on Willams hands now as she held onto his.

"Almost Lyanna." Helaena said, reassuring her they were close to finished. With one final push the baby was born, but the room was silent. It filled the room like a poison and Lyanna choked on the air of it.

Helaena looked down at her hands sadly as she held the dead boy in her hands. Her gaze looked up at Lyannas who watched her face in horror, knowing something was wrong.

"No.. No Helaena no.." She said sitting up in agony. When she saw her little boy her heart shattered. She took the small child into her arms and wept silently. Willam and Helaena moved aside to let her breathe.

Lyanna rocked him back and forth gently, imagining that he was just asleep. She stayed like that till the silent sisters were called. Lyanna would not let them touch him. She took the young boy who she decided to name Rickon, after her father, down to prepare him for a funeral herself. She decided to give him a funeral in the way Targaryens do.

She wished she were home, she wished to put him in the crypts along with her family. But that was impossible. She wrapped him up gently and carefully. Preparing him to be cremated. Candles were lit throughout The Keep to mourn the lost prince. Princess Lyanna sang him a lullaby while she held his cold boy. The news would not find Aemond till a time later.

The funeral was held on the side of the hill. Lyanna stood next to the fire pit alone watching the flames dance around the small babe wrapped in cloth. Willam and Helaena watched from afar along with The King and Queen and their guards. It was quiet, the wind was even lower than whispers. It was Helaenas dragon, Dreamfyre that lit the hay pit. She wept for her little boy that would never see The North. Her tears were silent but heavy, it seemed they would not stop falling.

Willam walked up to his sister and took her hand in his. It was still stained red. All he could do was hold her hand. He had no words, he couldn't fix this. He couldn't protect her from this. All Willam ever wanted to do was protect his sister, but it seemed pain only ever followed her. He wanted to take her home, he wanted to go home. The two of them were of The North, he thought to himself. He had to get them back.

Weeks passed before a raven from Kings Landing arrived again. It kept Aemond worried, he wondered why Lyanna hadn't written back yet. The letter was quickly brought to King Cregan when he was alone in his tent. He read the letter carefully.

To my brother, The King and Prince Aemond,

I write in place of Lyanna. We have unfortunate news about the babe, he did not make it into this life, for he is with the gods now. He was born sleeping, as Lyanna has been saying. She decided to name him Rickon, after father. Rickon Targaryen, a name for a true prince. It seems their is a cloud over Kings Landing making everything dark and unsettling. Lyanna has not been doing well since her sons death. I intend to stay at her side until her pain subsides. I send my sympathies to Aemond, your loss has left the whole keep in sadness.

Well wishes,
Willam Stark

Cregan ran a hand through his scruffy hair and stood from his table still in shock. He held onto the back of is his chair trying to wrap his mind around what he just read. He pulled on his cloak and went to search for Aemond. He went right to his tent but he wasn't there, Cregan continued to look around the camp until he found the silver haired prince standing out in the open field, watching the sky infront of him.

"Aemond." Cregan spoke from a few steps back. He held up the rolled up paper and sighed. "Word from Kings Landing has arrived." He said holding out the paper for him to take.

"Finally." He said with a relieved sigh. Cregan watched him with sad eyes, not knowing what his reaction would be. Aemond unfolded the letter with anticipation. But his smile quickly faded reading over the words. Aemond let the letter fall to his side as he stood in shock.

"I am sorry." Cregan whispered. Aemond stared at the ground and walked back out, leaning against a tree with his head down. He took in a sharp breath, looking back out at the sky. Tears blurred his vision but he closed his eyes trying to shove them away.

"I must go to her.." Aemond said turning back to look at Cregan. He just sighed and looked at him sadly.

"I cannot allow that, we are in the midst of war you cannot leave your post." Cregan said sternly. He felt bad for keeping him North but they needed Aemond, he was a fierce warrior who gave them a chance on the field. Aemond shook his head.

"Then we must bring them here, I swore to Lyanna I would come back for her!" Aemond argued. Cregan looked at him and frowned.

"I do not intend to bring the rest of my family into a war we have not yet won." He said. "I am sorry for what has happened but we cannot lose our heads. Write to Lyanna as soon as you can. She could use kind words from her husband." Cregan said before leaving Aemond alone.  Cregan felt pain in his own heart and needed to escape any company, he needed to be alone.

Aemonds heart ached deeply and Vhagars cries could be heard from the field. He had no words for it, just empty screams at the sky. Cregan heard him, just a few tents away. He looked down at his feet trying to figure out what to say, what to do. But he could not think of anything.

Aemond found his way back to his tent and just stared at the fabric wall, he felt empty. He felt angry, but he felt this pain for Lyanna the most. The only thing he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and hold her. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair and tell her it was going to be okay. All he wanted, was her.

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