chapter thirteen

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(trigger warning: descriptions of rape)

Lyanna quickly walked around the keep looking for Errick. She rushed around the halls looking in every corner unable to find him. While she was walking down the halls she was quickly grabbed and pulled into a dark room. She didn't even have time to scream before the door slammed behind her. The room was dark but she could still make out the face infront of her, he smelt heavily or alcohol and his face had a sloppy grin plastered on it.

It was Aegon.

"What do you want?" Lyannas voice shook, the last time they ever spoke was when she was still a child. She remembered the grip he had on her that day, the fear that filled her heart.

"Just want to play with my brothers toy, I am sure he won't mind sharing." He whispered brushing his knuckles across her cheek. She tensed before him, he had her arm gripped in his hand. She thought about screaming but she knew no one would hear her. She was in the emptiest part of the keep. She could attack him and try to get away but he was stronger than her. What could she do?

"Just let me go, please?" She said trying to pull away from him but he had her pushed against the wall. His hand moved down to where her dress covered her chest. She decided she would at least fight back. Lyanna began to push at him with her free hand but he pushed back harder. "Please.. please don't do this.." She begged and he just chuckled.

"I love it when you girls beg, though I guess you aren't any girl. You've grown into such a beautiful woman, it wouldn't be fair for my brother to have you all to himself." Aegon whispered making the gap between them even smaller. She moved her head away trying to keep as far from him as she could.

"My brothers will kill you.." She said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Your brothers can't touch me, I'm the son of a King." He said as he squeezed her side and kissed down her neck harshly. Lyanna could do nothing but cry, she was helpless. When she tried fighting back he just fought back harder, ripping the sleeve of her dress and tearing down the front leaving her exposed. He spun her and pressed her against the cold stone wall with harsh hands.

She just shut her eyes while it happened, his breathing and grunts echoed in her head as he pushed himself into her. She prayed the old gods would just take her in that moment. She asked what she did to deserve this life. If her marriage to Aemond damned her to live in misery. She would rather be with Aemond right now then him, at least he didn't force himself into her. She went willingly, they had a duty to produce an heir so at least with him she could find reasoning behind it. With Aegon it was different, this was hateful and ruthless.

She tried focusing on the coolness of the wall, just imaging herself back in Winterfell in her cold room, nothing else. He gripped onto her hips and pulled at her skin, he would surely leave marks on her that she would have to look at for weeks. When it finally ended he could just smile at himself.

"Until next time, little wolf." He whispered and left her alone in the room. Once he was gone she fell to the floor and began to cry. She sobbed as she leaned her head back against the wall. The area between her legs ached and when she stood she felt something warm drip down her legs. She choked back on her tears and sighed. Her shaking hand wiped against her thigh, looking to find blood smeared on her fingers. She could do nothing but cry even more. She couldn't stay here forever so she wiped the blood against her blue dress and picked herself up. A sleeve was torn off and she had to hold her chest piece against her to keep it up but she quickly wiped her tears and walked out of the room.

The sun was setting so the halls were darker now, she had no idea how long she was with Aegon. Time seemed to disappear during their encounter. She tried walking as quickly as possible and hid herself behind walls to not be seen by anyone. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. She finally got back to her chambers without being seen but when she opened the door she was surprised at who was there. The other dragon prince, Aemond. He was standing with his back turned to her looking out the window. His dark figure stood tall with his hands behind his back. Lyanna froze at the sight of him, before she could turn to run away he was already facing her. When he saw the state she was in his eye widened. His mouth hung agap, not sure what to do. Lyanna just looked down in shame. Why did it have to be him in here? She wished it was anyone else.

"Who did this?" Was all Aemond could say. Lyanna was shocked by the softness of his voice, she had never heard something so gentle escape his lips. Aemond stepped closer to her reaching for her hand but she stepped back against her door, shaking and afraid. Aemond bit his bottom lip and watched her shudder under his gaze. He sighed and knelt down infront or her to look up into her eyes. "I won't touch you, just tell me what happened." He whispered even softer than before. Lyannas eyes slowly fell onto his face. His purple eye connected with her blue ones and his gaze softened looking into them. Aemond never noticed how blue they were until now. She looked tired, and afraid.

Suddenly, his heart ached for her. He had wasted so much time trying to hate her, he forgot how nice it felt to love someone. Deep down he knew, he always knew he loved her.

"It was Aegon.." Lyanna finally managed to say. Aemond huffed angrily. His soft gaze falling to the floor and growing dark. His mind flashed back to the time he saw Aegon touched her when they were young, how he was helpless to stop it. Now he was helpless again, he couldn't save her for the second time.

"He will never hurt you again, I promise." Aemond whispered his eye returning back to her. She just looked at him with tears in her eyes trying not to cry infront of him. He opened his arms to her and she hesitated at first. She was curious as to why he was being like this, kind. For the first time, he was showing her the man he could be. Lyannas tears began to fall as she ran into his chest. She wrapped her arms around him embracing him as the sobs started again. Aemond was surprised she actually came to him, he froze for a moment before wrapping his arms around her protectively. One hand cradled her head while the other wrapped around her back. He pressed his face onto the top of her head and sighed, running his hand through her hair gently. Lyanna never felt safe in Aemonds hands but right now she did. He was warm, the opposite of the coldness of the wall Aegon held her against.

"He wouldn't stop! I didn't know what to do!" Lyanna cried out and Aemond just held her tighter.

"Shh, shh, I've got you." He hummed softly trying to calm her down. The two stayed like that till Lyannas crying slowed down. She pulled away wiping her eyes and held her torn dress close to her. Aemond noticed and thought to himself for a moment, how could he make any of this better. "I'll have the servants prepare you a bath, get you something else to wear." He whispered but she shook her head.

"I don't want anyone else to know about this, I can take care of myself." Lyanna sniffled walking towards her washroom. Aemond took her hand before she could get far.

"Let me help you, it's the least I can do." He said shyly. Lyannas brows furrowed slightly. She didn't understand what was happening with him, why he was being so kind. She just nodded and looked towards the floor. Aemond wrapped an arm around her and walked her into the washroom where he prepared her a bath.

"Thank you.." Lyanna whispered while she stood in the corner. She wasn't shaking so bad now and the ache in her legs was fading. Aemond nodded and walked back over to her.

"Can I?" He asked softly, his fingers trailing over the ribbons that tied her dress together. Lyanna nodded and the grip of her dress loosened. Aemond carefully untied the ribbon of the corset and the dress hung from her body. When the dress fell to the floor he couldn't help but notice the blood that stained between her legs. His mouth hung open in shock looking at the bruises that were beginning to form on her hips. Seeing him stare, Lyanna moved her hands to cover herself and he just sighed.

Aemond gently helped her into the bath and grabbed a stool to sit by her side. He took a sponge and gently washed down her arms and legs.

"Why are you being like this?" Lyanna asked, more confused than anything. He didn't often show her kindness.

"What do you mean, princess?" He said looking into her blue eyes that were wide with curiosity.

"You've hated me since we were children, Aemond.." Her voice was soft. The way she said his name so softly gave him goosebumps, he wanted to hear it again.

"I was a fool for that my love." He said, almost annoyed at himself. Lyanna couldn't say anything, she didn't know how to respond. She just watched him while he washed her. He had never called her anything other than a heathen or a savage. Hearing him call her something so sweet made her heart skip a beat. She had always disliked him, why suddenly was she having a change of heart? Maybe it was the way his gaze softened when he looked at her, she always thought him handsome. But something about the way he looked right now, the sunset shining through the window on his silver hair made him look different. She could see more of him now, a kinder more gentle side to the dragon prince.

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