chapter seventeen

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Aemond stood in his chambers alone once again. He watched himself in the mirror as he buckled his leather jacket. He hated himself sometimes, he hated what he did to Lyanna. Everytime he thought maybe he was getting past her walls he gives her a reason to put them right back up again. He just wanted her, all of her. He thought maybe he should take her north, maybe then she wouldn't hate him so much.

Aemond walked down the halls to join the family in their feast. When he walked through the big doors he found his mother and father sitting at the head of the table with Aegon and Helaena at their side. Rhaenyra sat alongside them with her children. Lyanna and Willam sat on the other side, the only space was next to Aegon and Willam. Aemond scoffed at the placement.

"Nice of you to join us Aemond." Aegon said drunkenly as he sat down next to him. Aemond glared at his brother who he hadn't spoken to in months. Willam glared at him from his other side.

"This should be pleasant." Aemond mumbled sarcastically. Alicent gave him a stern look as the King struggled to stand from his seat. He was getting older now, whispers that the king was dying were spoken of all across the keep.

"A toast! To my new grandchildren, Daella and Daeron Targaryen. This world welcomed them swiftly with open arms today. And to my family, who I hold very dear to me. This old King won't be around very much longer, we all hear the whispers in the halls. So let's be thankful for one another and the time we have." The King raised his glass and the family followed, except for Willam and Lyanna. They never felt like apart of the family here. "Let us have some music!" The KIng proclaimed.

Music played while the family ate in mostly silence with a few whispers here and there. Lyanna was still in pain from wearing her body down with childish fighting. Her gaze looked past her brother at Aemond who sat sipping at his wine. He looked cold, and annoyed. She wondered if his annoyance was with her or with the fact she was not sitting at his side. Aemond couldn't even look at Lyanna. He felt rather guilty for what he did in the field.

Willam could just listen in to conversation around them. The King and princess Rhaenyra were discussing the continuous war in the north. The pair went on about Daemons efforts to rally the Northmen, Willam couldn't help but be annoyed. It was like they thought Cregan wasn't strong enough to be King. They believed him still to be a boy, not fit to rule a kingdom.

"Aemond is to be taking Vhagar north, yes?" Princess Rhaenyra asked, looking over at her half brother.

"That is what I am told." Aemond said with a groan.

"The north will be lucky to have you fighting at their side. Perhaps you could teach them some manners while you are there." Queen Alicent spoke with a smirk. The table of southerners laughed, but not the northern prince and princess.

Suddenly, Willam pounded the table and stood raising his glass.

"I would also like to toast, to my good brother Aemond." He began with a smirk.

"Will." Lyanna said sternly taking his arm.

"No sister, let me say something." He said softly before raising his voice. "To the reason we're here stuck in this prison called Kings Landing." The groups faces filled with concern.

"Willam." Lyanna interrupted again but he went on.

"To the man who chopped up my sisters face, disrespected our gods, on multiple occasions I believe. My sister has finally gifted you with heirs, mayhaps we can go home, since none of you want us here!" He spat while the group was silent.

"You should sit, boy." The King said sharply. Aemond was growing irritated and Lyanna sat with her eyes down. Willam looked over at the king and laughed.

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