chapter fourteen

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Days had passed since the incident with Aegon. Lyanna and Aemond once again went back to ignoring the others existence. Things had been strange since what happened. Aemond showing a kindness to the princess shocked her, she didn't know how to feel about Aemond.
With her older brother and close friend gone to fight a war she spent her time alone or with her younger brother now. He noticed his sisters mood seemed to be better, she was lonely but she still smiled at the weirwood tree.

"Sister.." Willam whispered to her while they knelt at the red leaved tree together.

Her bright blue eyes opened to meet his and his eyes furrowed.

"How are things with the prince?" He asked cautiously, worried of what the answer may be. She turned back to the tree.

"He hasn't spoken to me in days, maybe he's grown tired of me as a wife." She managed to chuckle a bit and Willam shook his head with a smirk.

"Are you happy at least?" He asked, resting his hand on her arm. Lyanna sighed and thought for a moment.

"I am content brother, my only wish is to go home." She said looking up at the tree. Her eyes saddened at the sight of it, reminding her of home.

"I want us to go home too. I received a raven from Cregan, our cousins aid their father in this war. Benjen calls himself the new prince to Winterfell. Rayric is his fathers hand." Willam sighed watching the leaves on the tree blow around in the breeze.

"There is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin." Lyanna muttered under her breath. Willam looked back over to his sister and thought to himself quietly. She was right, this war would end with only half of the family alive.

Aemond watched the Stark siblings at the weirwood tree from afar. They seemed to be praying together.

"If you wish to speak to her just do it." The soft voice of Helaena said from behind him. Aemond turned around to find his sister watching him.

"If it were only that easy." He said tightening his hands behind his back.

"The wolf cradles a dragon in her belly." Helaena said just barely above a whisper. Aemond was too focused on Lyanna to understand what his sister was on about. "Go speak to her." She added, shoving Aemonds shoulder. Aemond huffed and watched the pair of siblings walk away from the tree hand in hand.

Aemond walked off in the opposite direction towards his chambers running into Ser Erryk.

"Ser Erryk, please bring Princess Lyanna to my chambers immediately." He said quickly to him.

"Yes, my prince." Ser Erryk nodded and went on his way to fetch the princess. He found her with her brother in the halls.

"Prince Willam, Princess Lyanna." He said with a bow to them both.

"The hour is late Ser Erryk, what can we do for you?" Willam asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Prince Aemond has ordered the princess to his chambers, immediately I might add." Erryk said, putting out an arm for her to take. Willam held onto his sister.

"I shall escort her myself then, be on your way." Willam said with a smile before walking Lyanna down the hall.

"What could he possibly want at this hour?" Lyanna grew nervous, before when Aemond would call her to his chambers she would have to lay with him. She prepared herself with a deep breath trying to calm her nerves.

"Don't worry sister, Im right here with you." He gave his sister a smile as they arrived at his door. Aemond opened it, surprised to meet not only one Stark but two.

"Lyanna.. I was uh, I was only expecting you." Aemond said looking over at a smirking Willam.

"Just wanted to bring my sister myself, and remind the prince of what I said." Willam looked coldly into Aemonds one good eye, reminding him of their conversation. Aemond nodded and moved aside from the door.

"Of course, now if I may I'd like to speak to my wife. Alone." Aemond said. Willam stood his ground with a frown. Lyanna nudged her brother away with a smile.

"It's alright, go to bed." She whispered to Willam before heading into Aemonds room alone. Aemond closed the door behind them and watched as Lyanna played with the rings on her fingers.

"You have no need to be nervous my love." He said softly trying to look her in the eyes but she just watched the floor.

"I do not wish to lay with you tonight.." Lyanna said softly still afraid to meet his gaze. Aemond stepped back, is that all she thought he wanted from her.

"That's not what I called you here for. I just thought perhaps tonight you could sleep here, with me and not on your own." He said brushing a stray hair away from her face. She looked up at him and a smile crept onto his lips at her.

She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on. He thought back again to their youth together and wished he'd been different towards her, treated her better than he did. His thoughts were finally interrupted by her.

"I would very much like that, Aemond." She said with a small smile. The sound of his name made him shiver. Her voice was soft and cool in his ears. As she went to take off her furs Aemond stopped her.

"Let me." He whispered. She nodded and he unfastened her cloak and set it aside. His fingers traced down the lace running down the back of her dress and he breathed in nervously. He wanted to take his time with her. He brushed her hair over one shoulder and slowly untied her dress. Lyanna chewed on the inside of her lip as he did. Aemond gently pushed the dress off her shoulders pressing soft kisses against her back. "I have something for you." He whispered picking up a light blue night dress for her. She smiled slightly and he helped her into it. The dress hung loosely against her body and he smiled at the sight of her, she looked so beautiful in blue. Aemond then began to untie the braids that held back her hair. Lyanna sat humming as he worked away. He kissed the top of her head gently and brushed his finger over the scar that still lived on her cheek. Lyanna was still confused from his behavior towards her and the sudden change in attitude. She liked this side of him though, much better than what he had been like.

"Thank you, husband." She said softly while his hand still held her cheek. He nodded and stood from the bed.

"You should get to sleep, i'll come to bed soon-" He began to say but Lyanna quickly interjected.

"Come now, I don't want to be here alone." She said softly. He nodded and started to unbuckle his leather coat but Lyanna stood to stop him. "I will do it." She began.

Aemond was hesitant but let his hands fall to his side as she went down his coat undoing each buckle. Lyanna had to reach up to push the coat off his shoulders revealing a white undershirt that she helped him pull off. Her fingers lingered on his chest and it made Aemond shiver, she was so gentle. Lyanna then helped him out of his trousers and boots. She reached around untying the part of his hair held back from his face. It fell loosely over his face and Lyanna couldn't help but smile at him. When she went to pull off his eyepatch Aemond pulled back. He didn't want her to see that part of him. She cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer to her.

"I am not afraid, let me." She whispered to him softly, she'd never seen him so nervous before. He looked down towards the floor as she pulled the leather patch off his head, revealing the blue sapphire that sat in place of his eye. Lyanna admired the stone and gently ran her finger down over his scar. "See, you're still Prince Aemond to me." She said and pulled him back onto the bed with her.

The pair laid tangled together under the sheets. They looked into each others eyes while Aemond caressed her cheek softly. Lyannas nerves calmed and her eyes slowly fluttered shut. Aemond admired her for awhile, how restful she looked. He eventually fell asleep with the northern princess safely wrapped in his arms.

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