chapter eight

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"Sweet sister, there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." Torrhen said with a smile. Lyanna had been reading in the Godswood, sitting by her side was Errick as usual. He was keeping watch over his princess.

"Torrhen.." She looked up at him with worry in her eyes. She thought he would be leaving her again to defend Winterfell.

"Don't look at me so sadly, Lya. I only wish to walk with you." He said with a charming grin. Torrhen always knew how to make his little sister smile. Lyanna sighed relieved and stood from her spot on the ground. "Go make yourself useful Errick, no need to hover over this one while Im here." Torrhen winked at Errick who gave him a laugh.

"Princess, My King." He gave them each a small bow before walking away from the pair. Lyanna took her big brothers arm and the two walked around the Godswood. Lyanna couldn't help but smile at her brother. He had really grown into his position as King, he was good at it. A leader of men, and his men were nothing but loyal.

"You look well brother, even in the middle of war." She said with some sadness in her tone. He chuckled at her.

"I wish you would not be so sad, I know war has but a heavy weight on your heart but you are safe. You will always be safe as long as I'm around." He said stopping and looking down at his younger sister. She had a frightened look in her eye.

"I worry for you brother, I do not care what happens to me. There is a target on your back as King and I wish there was more I could do to protect you." She sighed looking down at her hands. Torrhen shook his head and smiled. He gently took her hands in his and squeezed them.

"You don't need to protect me Lya. All you have to do is stand by me, As my sister. I need nothing more than that." He said softly looking into her eyes. Their eyes reflected one another. Both blessed with their mothers icy blue eyes, both full of life.

"I could fight! I could follow you and Cregan into battle and fight with you, I know how to use a sword. I want to fight for Winterfell." She pleaded looking up at him. He sighed at her.

"I will not let you risk your life for me, you are worth more to me than the crown. You will not die for it." He responded.

"I would gladly die for you and for Winterfell." Lyanna said a bit annoyed at him for not letting her fight. Torrhen just chuckled and ruffled the hair on her head.

"You sound like father, and the answer is still no. You are the princess of Winterfell, the only daughter to our father. You will stay put." He said resting his hands on her shoulders. Lyanna just sighed looking up at him.

"Fine. But if a battle comes here I will fight." She said confidently. Torrhen smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Of course you will, because that's who you are. A fighter. Now come, the hour is late and you need to get to bed." He said throwing an arm around her. The two smiled and walked back through the Godswood.


Princess! Princess wake up!!" Errick yelled shaking Lyanna awake. She rubbed her eyes looking up at him.

"What is it?" She mumbled while he yanked her from her bed.

"We need to go now! Winterfell is under attack!" Errick said holding onto her shoulders looking at her with wild eyes. Lyanna quickly blinked waking herself up. She picked up her sword and followed Errick out of the room. She could hear screaming from outside the walls and fire was catching on the buildings. Errick led them through the halls keeping his sword infront of him.

"Where are my brothers??" Lyanna asked with fear growing in her heart for them.

"Torrhen commanded You all leave immediately, we will meet them at the stables to get away." He said pulling her along.

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