chapter thirty

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Willam hurried to catch up with Aemond who was walking quickly in front of him. The pair had barely spoken since their arrival to Torrhens square. Willam knew his anger towards him wasn't justified, he just wanted someone to be angry at sometimes.

"You do know I do not hate you completely, right?" Will asked, catching up to Aemonds pace.

"You have every right to hate to me, I abandoned your sister with our children under the watch of my mother." Aemond stopped walking and looked at Willam. "I could've come back, but I did not all because I was ashamed. I am sorry" He said, Willam stood stunned at him.

"It was not so bad helping raise them, they are good kids." Willam said with a slight smile.

"Mayhaps it was a good thing I was not around then, I would've made them monsters as my mother made me." He said before beginning to walk away. Willam grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards him.

"Do not say that, no child is better off with an absent parent. You should've been there, you really should've but you also had honor to keep. You could not break your word, and as a Stark I understand." Willam said with a sigh. "You are present now and that is what matters, get your children's, and Lyannas home back." He finished, finally letting go of his arm. Aemond sighed and looked out at the stable holding horses.

"Let us leave stable jobs to stable boys. I know a man who brings the best ale on our travels." Aemond said leading the young Stark away with a smile.

Meanwhile at the other side of camp, Errick and Lyanna walked the edge of the woods. The two hadn't spoken much since the incident between him and Aemond. But Errick always kept an eye on her from afar, never trusting of Aemond.

"Do you intend to fight?" Errick asked as Lyanna huffed and puffed around the woods.

"Of course I do, I did not come here to watch." She said kicking stones around the ground. Errick chuckled at her. She would always become a child again when anger came over her.

"Promise to stay by me, I will protect you from any harm." He said, holding her arms in his to look at her. Lyanna shook her head.

"I do not need protecting.." She mumbled but Errick frowned.

"If the enemy discovers that the princess is among us they would be quick to use that against your brother. Benjen and Rayric may be your blood but they will do anything to keep The North in their hands." He explained to her. Lyanna sighed and looked down.

"I did not think of the consequences of me being here, I am sorry." She whispered. Errick sighed.

"Apologize to Cregan, you know he is just trying to protect you. He just doesn't want you to end up like Torrhen.." Errick said, letting his grip loosen on her arms. Lyanna felt tears pull at her eyes, she hadn't thought of Torrhen in so long. His death still seemed to hurt the same as it did all those years ago.

"I will speak to my brother when he is less stressed." Lyanna said, continuing her walk in the woods.

"He is stressed because of you." Errick laughed, shoving her arm playfully. Lyanna chuckled and shoved him back. The pair smiled at one another and walked arm in arm back to camp.

Cregan, Cedric, Aemond, and Willam all sat around a campfire together. There would be a battle tomorrow so tonight they ate together before resting up for the fight to come. Cedric was telling old tales and legends of The North.

Lyanna and Errick soon joined in with the pack, Lyanna found her way to Aemonds side and Errick sat himself across from them. Aemond glared at Errick but he just smirked back.

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