chapter nineteen

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The feast was a grand event held in the great hall of the Red Keep. As the couple walked in through the large doors their names were called out by a guard and the tables of lords and ladies stood for them. Aemond was the man of the hour after all. Aemond sat close to Lyanna at their table while different people came up to them wishing him well on his journey. Lyanna couldn't help but feel sad deep down about Aemond leaving. She twirled her rings around her fingers nervously, Aemond couldn't help but notice. He rested his hand over hers and continued to talk to the lord infront of him.

"I appreciate you here tonight Lord Borros, thank you for your well wishes." Aemond said over the music, squeezing Lyannas hand tight.

"Of course my prince." Borros nodded and left the pair alone once more. Lyannas eyes blankly watched the crowd dancing in front of her. Aemond leaned in and whispered softly into her ear.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He said watching her closely. Lyanna looked over at him and back at the crowd.

"Wont we get in trouble?" She whispered back. Aemond smirked at her.

"I think I've shown my face long enough, I should get to spend my last night here as I wish anyways." He said, keeping his gaze on her.

"Where would we go?" she asked, a smile forming on her face.

"Its a surprise." He whispered standing and putting out his hand. Lyanna smiled and placed her hand in his.

The prince and princess ran through the halls of the keep and out of the doors to the training field. The prince grabbed them cloaks and they covered their heads giggling at one another. Aemond held onto her hand as he led them out to the stables. He helped her onto a horse and jumped up infront of her. Lyanna wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him.

"Where are we going then?" She said raising an eyebrow. Aemond smiled and looked back at her.

"Its a surprise remember." He said before taking off. Aemond took them away to where Vhagar nested. She laid curled up on the side of a hill. Aemond hopped off the horse while Lyanna looked up at the beast in awe. She had only been around dragons a few times but never Vhagar. Vhagar raised her head at Aemond who looked up at her proudly. Lyanna followed after him but stopped abruptly before getting any closer.

"She's beautiful." Lyanna said looking up at Vhagar who was watching her with her golden eyes.

"Would you like to go for a ride?" Aemond said with a smile. A grin formed on Lyannas face and she nodded happily. As a kid she was always fascinated with dragons, and always wondered what it would be like to fly. "Come." Aemond said and the pair marched along the hill meeting with Vhagars head. Lyanna looked up wide eyed, Aemond looked over at her. He saw something familiar in her eyes that night. She looked exactly the way she did when they were kids looking up at the same beast.

"Do you think she likes me?" Lyanna asked still looking up at Vhagar. Aemond took her hand and pushed it against Vhagars snout gently.

"I know she does." Aemond said, holding her hand there for a moment. The connection between a rider and a dragon was a strong one. Aemond could feel Vhagars heart and she his, Lyanna would be loved by both.

Aemond helped Her up the large ropes that hung around Vhagar. Aemond sat himself in front and She wrapped her hands tightly around him.

"Soves Vhagar" Aemond commanded and Vhagar stood taking a few steps before leaping off into the sky. Aemond heard the most joyous laugh he had ever heard escape from Lyannas lips as they flew higher into the clouds.

"Whoooo!!" Lyanna howled watching the city below them shrink. "How come you've never taken me up here before?" Lyanna Questioned and Aemond laughed.

"I suppose I just never thought of it till now." He said with a smile.

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