chapter two

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The next day the princess Rhaenyra had arrived with her husband and children. Lyanna stood from the steps watching the family come in. She heard the rumors that the princesses three sons were bastards but Lyanna didn't care enough to think deeply about it. Though their brown hair a mystery, she still saw them as Targaryen princes. They had dragons after all.

While Lyanna got ready for the wedding in her chambers her brothers were off playing with swords in the yard. Men didn't have to worry about looking nice for things, but she did. She was a princess. As she struggled to braid her hair just right she heard a soft knock at the door. She looked back to see a silver haired woman poke her head in.

"Oh, apologies I didn't know you were in here dear. I was looking for my son Lucerys.." Her voice trailed off looking at the girls tangled hair. She smiled softly and walked up to the girl. "May I help you with this?" Rhaenyra asked the girl. Lyanna nodded and sat back at the vanity. Rhaenyra pulled up a chair beside her and began brushing away the tangled braids.

"You are princess Rhaenyra Targaryen." Lyanna said with wide eyes. She looked at the woman through the mirror like she was an angel. Rhaenyra nodded with a smile.

"Yes, and you are princess Lyanna Stark." She looked back at the girl through the mirror. "What beautiful hair you have." She said beginning to braid the sides out of her face.

"Thank you, my brother Cregan usually does it but he's off doing whatever boys do." She said sadly. She wished she could be as wild and free as them, but she was a lady and that was looked at as wrong.

"Ah yes, boys and their games." She chuckled while she braided. "I have not been blessed with any daughters yet." She smiled at the thought of her sons. Her sweet boys.

"You seem like you'd be a good mother, you braid hair better than Cregan for sure." Lyanna laughed and so did Rhaenyra.

"Do you miss your mother?" She asked softly and gently as a mother would. Lyanna gave her a sad smile.

"She died when I was about three, I do not remember her well." Lyanna said softly. Rhaenyra smoothed down her finished braids and looked at the girl in the mirror.

"I knew your mother, she was a kind gentle woman. You look so much like her." Rhaenyra smiled.

"Do you think she would like me? As I am now?" Lyanna asked sadly. She thought of the ways other lords and ladies would look at her. Like she wasn't proper enough to be here. Rhaenyra cupped the girls cheek and lifted her chin to look at her.

"She would love you, I hear you are quit the free spirit, and you hold your own with all those men around. She loves you, sweet girl." Rhaenyra gave her one last smile and nodded for her to get up. "Now let's get going, there's a wedding to attend."


The ceremony was a long and boring affair. Young Lyanna found herself counting the candles to pass the time. She even contemplated taking a nap. She stared off at the bride and groom and sighed. Neither of them looked happy, this is why she wished to never get married. Her brothers would all live as lords in Winterfell, as princes. But not her, she would one day be sold off to the highest bidding suitor and she would have to leave her family. Forever.

Aemond couldn't help but notice Lyanna. She wore a silver dress with blue detailing and her hair was pulled back in braids. It was beautiful, she now looked like a proper princess. Aemond was caught staring by her brother Torrhen. He gave him a glare and Aemond quickly went back to watching the wedding infront of him. He hated her, didn't he? Why was he so worried about what she looked like. He forced himself not to care, not to feel too deeply. As he always did.

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