chapter nine

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King Viserys sat with the letter from Cregan Stark in his hand. He told him of the murder of his brother and that he was now King of The North. Cregan spoke of how he planned on coming to Kings Landing to find an ally in the Targaryens. Viserys sat with his council and discussed once again the matter of the Starks.

"They come seeking refuge, I say we give it to them." Lord Corlys began.

"If you let them stay here it will draw in northmen who wish to kill them. It's unwise to bring the war here." Otto Hightower, the hand spoke.

"The Starks gave an oath to keep peace, to aid Westeros if ever need be. You gave them your word as well. You can't take that back because you're afraid of a few northmen." Corlys laughed at the hand.

"We should let the Starks and their men into our lands. Perhaps we can create a stronger union with a betrothal to ensure peace. The princess is not yet married, as is your son Aemond." One of the men spoke.

"You're right. If the princess married Aemond, that could ensure our union." King Viserys said.

"Then it is settled, you shall aid them in their war in return of a marriage." Corlys said. Viserys nodded and dismissed his council to take the news to his wife.

"Ah Alicent, I have news." The King hobbled into the lounge room with his cane to meet the Queen.

"Yes, husband?" She said standing by the window.

"Before aiding The North in their war, I plan to propose a marriage between Aemond and princess Lyanna. That way we can ensure a close alliance between the two realms." He said proudly. Alicent nodded but gave him a frown.

"Have you told Aemond of this?" She asked thinking of the past relationship the princess and prince had with each other.

"He will know soon enough, but I will hear no arguments. This is what must be done." He said with a sigh. Alicent tightened her lips in thought.

"Aemond will not be pleased to hear he will have to marry a northern girl." Alicent continued. "I believe he wishes to marry a lady of Westeros. Someone, closer to home."

"We do not always get what we wish now do we?" The King gave Alicent a sarcastic smile. She scoffed to herself before leaving the King alone.

Alicent marched to Aemonds chambers where she found him reading.

"Aemond.. I have something to tell you." She said standing in his bedroom. He stood from his chair and walked over to her.

"What is it mother?" He asked sweetly.

"The King had proposed a marriage, between you and the princess Lyanna Stark." She said. Aemonds eye widened and he felt his stomach turn at the thought. "Before you say anything your father will hear no arguments. This is what must be done, it is your duty as a prince of the realm."

"She is a cunt!" Aemond spat. "I do not wish to marry that heathan. Do you not remember how she treated me as children??" He argued even though no one wanted to hear it.

"Aemond.." She began but was quickly interrupted.

"No, I will not do it! I won't marry her!" He spat. Alicent sighed and looked at him with heated eyes.

"You will do as you are told, their will be no argument. Your hand will be offered in marriage and if the Starks wish to get their home back they will agree and you will be wed." Alicent finished and left Aemond in his chambers angrily. He groaned and slumped back into his seat. Why him, why did it have to be him? He thought to himself and grew even more upset. He hated that girl, with her stupid doe eyes and messy brown hair. He hated that he was obsessed with her, ever since she kissed him he'd been a mad man.


Weeks of traveling had passed and the Northerners were almost to Kings Landing. Lyannas body ached from sitting on a horse for so long. She wished for a nice bath and a warm bed to sleep on. They had been sleeping in tents and washing in rivers and lakes for weeks now and she was tired of it. She marched next to Errick while Cregan, Cedric, and Willam rode upfront.

"Is Kings Landing nice?" Errick asked her. He had never been south before. Lyanna smirked.

"It is warm and crowded. The fields are dry and it's often cloudy. I feel like the sun never shines there." She sighed thinking back to the few times she visited. She feared the princes and hoped that Jace and Luke would be there at least. For they were kind to her in their younger years.

"Sounds awful." Errick laughed. Lyanna nodded.

"Watch out for dragons and their Targaryen riders." She said with a smile. She hadn't smiled in what felt like forever.

"Half the Targaryens went mad didn't they? What's the saying? Everytime a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin?" Errick spoke watching the clouds in the sky. Lyanna nodded.

"I don't trust Targaryens. They say they're closer to gods than to men but it's because of their dragons. Without them they're just like everyone else." She said staring ahead of her. Errick hummed to himself and looked over at her.

"Aemond Targaryen, do you wish to see him again?" He asked staying on the topic of Targaryens. Lyanna scoffed.

"Last time I saw him he gave me this scar." She said pointing to the line that marked her cheek. "I just hope this encounter doesn't involve the spilling of our blood."

"You have your brothers and I to protect you. He would not dare lay a finger on you now." Errick said confidently.

"I don't think he cares, he had the audacity to hurt me once. What would stop him from doing it again?" She spoke softly and sadly. She never understood why he hated her so much. She didn't do anything to him he didn't deserve.

"I'll stop him." Errick said annoyed. He had never met Aemond but he already disliked him.

"Thank you." Lyanna gave him a smile as they arrived to Kings Landing.

After the northern had arrived they were marched through the gates meeting the guards that led them to the great hall where Viserys sat in his throne. Lyanna stayed close to Errick and kept her hood over her head. She would not be prepared for what happened next..

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