Ch. 8

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Thomas and Blue looked beyond confused when they entered Principal Howard's office. I was sitting in a human sized chair on top of his desk, feeling foolish. Why did I push Parisa? I didn't want any harm to come to her. I'd just felt so frustrated, and not just at her, but at the entire circumstance.

I missed my old house, no matter how small it was. I missed my old routine of getting up and working on art before having my day to study or clean up, before returning to art. Now I was forced to feel nervous more hours than not, just by living here. And here in Wendleton I'm being watched and judged with every step I take. The Reed's look at me as if I might disappear at any moment. Other students look at me like I'm strange just for existing. And then this Parisa had to act like I'd been some burden to her. I didn't ask for this! I never asked to come here to encroach on anyone's lives. It's been less than a week since my life got turned upside down, and I'm absolutely exhausted.

"Parisa and her mother are in the human medical wing, checking to see if Parisa received a concussion," Principal Howard said as he updated Blue and Thomas on the mess I'd caused.

"Oh my goodness! River, what brought this on?" Blue asked.

"I'm sorry," I replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Listen, we know that River must be going through a lot, but we have zero tolerance for violence at Wendleton High. Depending on the severity of Parisa's condition, the Mangellos may even decide to sue,"

Thomas coughed when Principal Howard brought up the Mangello's suing. "Is Joe here? I 'm sure he'll understand,"

"I am not at liberty to share that information, however I know your families are close. Thus far, we've heard nothing from the Mangello family about seeking legal action. For now, we have no choice but to suspend River for the next two days. Please note we'd typically suspend someone longer for physically assaulting another student, but we are taking into account the situation with River,"

They spoke about me as if I wasn't there. They spoke about my "situation" as if I myself was broken. Despite having a very sheltered life, It wasn't all bad. Kerry wasn't always a good mom, but she wasn't all bad. My life had been simple. I missed it.

Thomas pulled his phone out as soon as the meeting ended. Blue carried me in her noticeably smaller hands, compared to Thomas and Jacobs I'd ridden in earlier, and we made our way out of the office area. I could hear Thomas on the phone, telling whomever he was speaking to that we were near the front entrance of the school.

Then I saw a giant man turn the corner and my stomach sank. This man looked to be around the same age as Thomas and Blue, but he was certainly not the same size. This broad shouldered giant dressed in a charcoal suit, approached Thomas, and I saw how Thomas barely reached this man's shoulder. Blue would only reach his chest. Luckily, Blue didn't approach this terrifying man. Instead she just held me gently, while I supposed she too could have been listening to the exchange Thomas and this gigantic giant were having.

"I think it's impossible for our kids to go to school and not get into some type of trouble together," The massive giant said, eliciting a laugh from Thomas.

Thomas didn't look nearly as terrified of this man as you'd think nature would make one feel. The two appeared to be friends, speaking and occasionally looking in my direction. The next thing I knew, Thomas and this massive giant were headed straight towards Blue and I. We needed to get out of here! Why wasn't Blue backing up. This is exactly why I don't like being carried. I would have booked it if I saw a man that size coming towards me, not stood there greeting him.

"Oh my gosh," The large man said under his breath as he looked down at me. He gave me that same look the Reeds gave me when they'd first seen me. They looked at me like I was a miracle. Like I was a figment of their imagination they couldn't believe was before them.

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