Ch. 53

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For once I was holding a wonderful secret inside as I sat in the warmth of Jacob's hand about to watch Morgan get carried down the aisle. Jacob and I had kissed. We had kissed more than once, and all I wanted to do right now was kiss him again. Normally I'd be overwhelmed being in such a massive room with so many people I didn't know, and so many cameras, but all I could think about was how excited I was that not only Jacob wasn't mad at me, but he liked me!

The wedding was in a special room of this hotel that had been decorated in the most unique, personalized way in honor of the union of Trent and Morgan. The room was made of glass and felt like we were outside in the forest, only we were still inside. Around the perimeter of the room were human walkways and seating areas all covered with different Earth trees that reminded me of the trees from Purl Town. These were small trees from Earth that looked more like bushes in comparison to the massive giant trees that populated most of New Earth and created the beautiful backdrop that surrounded this magnificent glass room. In the center of the room was a green carpet that was lined with electric candles that looked like real fire candles from a far.

When the music shifted an announcement was made asking everyone to rise for the entrance of the Mangello-Reed wedding party. We walked down the aisle, meaning the giants walked down the aisle, holding those of us who obviously were too small to walk it- or who'd cut open their foot by being a clumsy mess. Once we made it to the front of the room we formed a semi circle where Trent stepped into the center. I saw Trent fidget with his hands clearly nervous and anticipating Morgan's entrance. I also felt the slight thrum of Jacob's heartbeat beating behind me. While Parisa, Daria, Jade, and Aaron were standing within the circle on the designated human pedestal, I was still being held by Jacob.

A human woman with long gray hair sat on the right side of the room where she began playing the most beautiful melody on an earth instrument called a harp. This music sounded regal and angelic, and ultimately signaled that the woman of the hour, Morgan, was making her grand entrance. Apparently it was a special Earth tradition for the bride and groom to wait until the ceremony to see one another, which meant that Trent hadn't laid eyes on Morgan yet. As soon as Mr. Mangello rounded the corner into the decadent room and began to slowly make his way down the green carpet, I noticed Trent sucked in a deep breath. Even though Morgan was so small and could hardly be seen in detail from this far away, she managed to take Trent's breath away.

Could I ever have this or at least a version of this some day? Could I be the one to take the breath away of the one she loves? Or was what I've thought of as true affection too fragile to think of as more yet? Was I immature for picturing myself being carried into the most beautiful room by Thomas so that I could form a union with my partner foolish? And was I foolish for thinking of the very boy who was holding me right now? We'd only just kissed, and yet I cannot help the fantasy that grew in my mind.

If you had told me a few months ago that I would be fantasizing about a giant boy I would have been shocked. I thought I would spend my entire life in Purl Town. It was all I could remember, and I was never in a situation where I was allowed to truly dream of something more. While my life was a complete mess as far as carrying the overbearing weight of lies that have been weaved upon coming to Wendleton, I also have been able to experience a glimpse of a future. A glimpse of something more. Family who rooted for me. I'd gotten to go to school. A real school with humans and giants. A place that is supposed to be an example of how this world could be if people accepted one another. I was raised to fear the giants who inhabit this planet... their planet. Humans showed up here uninvited and brought the prejudice tendencies from Earth with them. I am happy I got to experience this beautiful ceremony to see that love like this was real.

As Daria, Mr. Mangello- Joe, Thomas, and Blue stepped into the center of the circle, Trent took Morgan into his cupped hands and placed her on a pedestal that made her level with his face. This close I could see how beautiful Morgan looked in the stunning dress that apparently had belonged to her bio Mom from when she originally married Mr. Mangello. That was the first legal wedding between a human and a giant in New Earth. And now, she carried her mother's energy with her through the white gown as the 4 parents did what was called a "Unity Candle Ceremony". I could hardly pay attention as they lit the numerous candles that symbolized characteristics of family, for my mind was still questioning whether I could experience a moment like this someday.

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