Ch. 33

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Kerry Redington was missing.


Kerry Redington was actually missing.

My first reaction was to feel panicked. My hands grew clammy as I listened to Thomas and Blue explain what had happened. All the while Blue kept her focus on the kitchen table, while Thomas's dark eyes felt like they were gazing into my soul. I felt so confused right now. Could Thomas tell how messed up my thoughts were? Why was I like this?!

When I heard that Kerry was missing my heart somehow started to hurt. Apparently Kerry was being transported to a different prison, closer to where the courts were, and during the transfer she went missing. Thus far, authorities don't know if there had been an accident with the transfer, as there had been giant officers handling some of the human prisoners, or if Kerry had somehow actually escaped whether with the help of someone from the inside, or on her own. Either way, Kerry had vanished. My heart hurt thinking that Kerry was possibly dead. But then, a part of me almost hoped she was gone for good, as that way she couldn't hurt anyone ever again. She couldn't hurt me.

"I know this is probably a lot to take in... and we can understand how-" Thomas appeared to be struggling to find the proper word. "How um... upsetting this may be for you,"

Blue couldn't even look at me. I think Thomas and Blue thought I'd be super sad that Kerry could possibly be gone, as in gone, gone. I mean, up until recently she was the only mom I'd ever known. Even though Kerry wasn't a good mom, she still was in a messed up twisted way the person I thought of as my mom. Ugh. Now when I think of a mom, I see two people, Blue and Kerry. Blue is the mom I want, Kerry is the mom that made me. Okay, none of it makes sense, neither is even related to me by blood. No one was related to me. No one related to me by blood wanted me... that's a spiral for another time.

"Thanks for telling me," I finally responded, looking up at Thomas. I was making an awkward smile for some reason. I think I wanted them to know I was okay. But I was not okay, that's for sure. I'd just finally stopped feeling nauseous after eating something, but my body was still sore from being too small for the people around me. I don't want to be fragile.

I returned to my room and plugged my phone in, realizing it had zero battery. As soon as my phone was charging I saw so many text come across the screen. Text from Parisa. Text from Trent. Text from Jacob. And, text from Isaac. Just thinking about Issac had me feeling flushed.

ISSAC: I'm so so sorry! I hope you're okay. I feel like I could have really hurt you, and I'm so so sorry!

ISSAC: Hey River. I tried to call you.

ISSAC: Hey! I hope you're okay!

ISSAC: Hey River! I totally get it if you're mad at me. I'm mad at me too. Just wanted to apologize. I hope you're having a good rest of your weekend.

So many messages from Issac. He thought I was mad at him? Why would I be mad at him?!

RIVER: Hey. I'm not mad at you. Sorry I haven't used my phone all day.

I hit send and then saw the little dots that tell you someone was typing show up immediately.


The dots kept showing up but then disappearing. Finally my phone rang, and of course it was Issac.

"River! Hey! How are you?"

"I'm alright,"

"I uh, wanted to apologize again. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No, I'm all good. It was a very crazy night. I was feeling sick all day mostly cuz I accidentally drank this juice at the party that had alcohol,"

"No way! I've never tried alcohol before,"

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