Luckily I'd carried my phone with me. Once in the hall, I headed straight for Blue and Thomas's room. This time I had to wake them up. I dialed Thomas's number, seeing his huge phone on his bedside table. By now I was standing on the opposite side of the bed, on Blue's bedside table. I was so nervous that I wasn't even concerned with how rude it was that I'd once again invited myself into their room. Thomas's movements were slow, as his hand reached for his bedside table, finding his vibrating phone. He must have seen that it was me calling, for her quickly sat up answering the phone.
"H-hey. Sorry. I'm in here,"
Thomas's head turned, and his dark eyes squinted, finding me on Blue's table. He gently leaned over Blue, and reached for me. A few weeks ago, I would have been terrified to see this massive hand reaching for me in the dark like this, however, now I was much more scared at the possibility of being grabbed by someone else. Being taken from this.
"Are you okay?" Thomas whispered, as his eyes seemed to be searching for some sign of a new injury or something,
"I-... I'm sorry. I- I think there's something in my room," I said. Ugh- why'd I say something. I should have said someone.
"You're shaking!" Thomas stated. Then I realized he was right. I was shaking with fear, just as I'd done when I'd first come to stay here. How had I gone from shaking from fear to see the Reeds to seeking them out when I'm afraid?
Thomas stood, holding me close to his chest. Wait- where was he going? No, he can't go in my room. I can't face her!
"Wait- I- I don't want to go in there!"
"Why don't we turn the lights on and have a look around?" Thomas suggested in a gentle tone.
"I- I don't know," I replied like an idiot.
"Did you see something big or small in your room?" He asked me.
"Small... kind of like my size,"
Thomas frowned, before fixing his face back into a gentle expression.
"I think we should be alright then. Let's go check together."
Finally, Thomas opened the door to my room and flicked the lights on using the giant sized light switch. To my embarrassment there didn't appear to be any hole. There was nothing. No light beam. No Kerry dressed in all black ready to snatch me away.
"Where did you see it?" Thomas asked.
"I- I thought I saw something down there. I'm sorry. I shouldnt have woken you up,"
"No, I'm glad you did. Hmm, let's get a closer look down here,"
Thomas crouched down to the ground landing exactly in front of the spot I was so fearful of. I asked him if I could get closer, so he allowed me to slide off his his, landing with my bare feet on the wood floor. I stepped over to the wall, examining the smooth wooden panels of the wall. Everything was fine. This was nothing. I'd been freaking out for nothing.
"River, can I ask you something?" Thomas asked, seeming nervous all of a sudden.
I turned and craned my neck to make eye contact with him as he kneeled in front of me.
"Do you... How should I say this... The other night, while you were sleeping in our room... you'd said some things that made us think you might remember certain things,"
I felt so many emotions right now. The first one was embarrassment. I'd been talking in my sleep? Who does that?! Have I always done that?! And then- what had I said? Thomas asked if I'd remembered certain things.... Maybe I should just tell him?

Found (New Earth Saga)
Teen FictionMeet River. A teenage girl who just found out the woman she's called her mother, is actually a criminal, who illegally adopted her in a blackmarket human trafficking scheme. Now, River, finally found, must return to live with the original family tha...