Ch. 21

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Hearing Noah Stross say that Issac Green was trying to date that human- meaning River, made me feel like flipping the f#cking table in front of me. ISSAC GREEN? How did they even know each other?! Why was he holding River? I was the only one who'd walked her to class. She wasn't cool with being held by some giant she barely knew. She just started to let Trent hold her! What the h3ll?!!!!

River wouldn't even want to date some football jock like Issac Green. River deserves someone more introspective who's into things she's into- like art. I like art! I've always loved art. I grew up making art even before I went to live with my parents. And then when I was obviously too big to do physical activities with Morgan and Parisa, my parents only encouraged me to do art more. I actually like art. Just like River actually likes art. River likes art, not Issac Green.

"Jacob sit down," Candace practically hissed. Reluctantly, and painstakingly slow, I found my seat once again. I never took my eyes off of River though. Not until Issac had finished setting her down safely, and finally left the room. He'd had some back and forth between the football dude in this class, Noah Stross, but other than that Issac swiftly left.

"Are you okay?" Candace asked, leaning in close to me.

"Yeah," I replied, sure to keep my voice quiet so that it didn't carry over the 'free drawing' music.

"I have to point out that you reacted to Issac holding River as if she was Parisa or something."


"Nothing Jakey. I'm just saying it's cute how you've taken River under your wing... like a sister,"

"River is not my sister," I replied- Sh#t- way too loudly. Everyone on my side of the room had turned my way, giving me a strange look.

"What's wrong with you?" Candace whispered.


"Whatever. I guess just draw it out..." Candace finally shifted her focus back to her picture.

Logan- Who I have to call "Mr. L" while we're at school finally came back into the classroom looking tense. His eyes went straight to the human seating area.

"River, could I have a word with you?" Mr. L said as he approached the human seating area. Suddenly I was standing once again. I was trying to see River's reaction. If she were to go 'have a word' with Logan, I assume he'd have said word at his desk or in the hall. He'd have to carry River. Was she cool with that? I should probably help.

"Hey Jake, give me a sec," Logan said as he kneeled in front of the human seating area and placed his hand next to River's desk, palm up. To my surprise, River got up from her seat, turned, looked directly at me, and then stepped into Logan's palm like it was nothing. What the h3ll?! I just assumed she would have wanted me to hold her since I've done it before. Ugh- Why did I even care?

I saw Logan take River into the hallway. I wish I knew what they were talking about. Had something happened? Logan is best friends with Trent- What if something happened to River's family?! Shouldn't I know about it too? My sister's marrying Trent.

"Where are you going?" Candace asked as I made my way towards the classroom door. I didn't care to answer her just yet. I carefully opened the door and saw Logan finishing up his conversation with RIver.

"So just remember, if Mr. Sharp ever pulls something like that, call me, text me, I don't care about any school rules," Logan said, in a gentle tone as he held River up towards his face.

"Everything okay?" I asked, closing the classroom door behind me so that no one would overhear.

"Hey Jake, what are you doin out here?" Logan asked with his usual chill attitude.

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