Ch. 20

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"Hey! I didn't realize you were in this class," Issac said, his face revealing a charming smile.

"Hi. Yeah, me neither,"

"Did you get my text earlier?"

"Text? Oh, no, I haven't checked my phone in a bit. What did you need?"

"Are you by chance in 3rd lunch?"


"Same! We can have lunch together and then go to class together if you'd like?" Issac said with enough volume to make every human pay attention if they hadn't already.

"S-sure Issac," I said. Then Issac stood to his impressive height and made his way over to his own desk, right on time for class to start.

I had a hard time focusing on class knowing that Issac was so near. He wanted to sit with me at lunch? What did that mean? Last time I'd tried this whole lunch with a friend thing it didn't go so well. Also, I did need to talk to Issac about the rumors those girls Lisa and Veronica had told me. I can see how someone could make stuff up about Jacob, Parisa, and I since I've been seen with them, but I've never event spoken to Issac at school until just now. Did that mean he told people I'd went to his house? That's not weird is it? Ugh, I wish I knew what was normal at high school!

When class finally came to a close, the teacher, Mrs. Gales asked me to stay after class a moment so she could have a word with me. I felt embarrassed to be singled out, and immediately started thinking about ways to come off more polite or kind.

"River, do you know why I wanted to speak with you?" Mrs. Gales asked as she bent down next to the human sized desk I was still at. Mrs. Gales was a giantess, and though she wasn't very tall by giant standards, she was still intimidating. I looked up at her, feeling anxious. This was probably about me skipping class. "River, you skipped my class yesterday. I just want to let you know that I understand that this must be a difficult time in your life, and that if you ever need to skip it's better to see the school counselor instead of leaving school grounds. Especially since you're human, no offense. But, it's certainly a good thing you weren't seriously injured walking around Wendleton in sections not designated for humans, yeah? Anyway, Off to class you go,"

Great. Another reminder of how small I was. As Mrs. Gales stood and walked back to her desk, I finally placed my laptop back in my bag and walked over to my e-scooter. I felt rumbling steps re-approach the human area, so I turned, expecting to see Mrs. Gales back with more "advice" but instead I saw Issac towering over the desk.

"Hey! What's your next class?" Issac said, beaming down at me with a smile. Why did I feel both excited, and kind of scared to see him?

"Hi. I have art for 6th period."

"With Mr. L?"

"Umm yeah,"

"That's great! I'm headed that way for choir. It's in the art wing too. I only take choir cuz it's an easy A. Maybe I should have taken art though. Uh, I could give you a ride to class if you'd like? I can carry your scooter too. I have plenty of room!" Issac said, lifting up both of his hands as if to show that he could carry both me and my e-scooter.My initial thought was that I wasn't exactly excited to be carried, but seeing that Mrs. Gales had already taken up the first few minutes of our class change time, and I'm already not the biggest fan of this e-scooter, so I decided to be brave for once and let Issac carry me. He placed his hand down, palm up, and I carefully climbed into the middle. His hand was even roomier than Trent's or Jacobs. This might be the biggest hand I've been in actually. That fact should probably intimidate me, but somehow the extra room felt safer.

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