Ch. 16

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It was surprisingly easy to ride my e-scooter out the back exit of the school. I thought I'd be caught by one of the human parapros, or even worse, that giant parapro, Mr. Sharp, but instead it was smooth sailing for me as I made it past the human parking lot and over towards a vast patch of forest.

I felt free as I hopped off my e-scooter, thinking it would be easier to maneuver through the tall grass and massive leaves if I was on foot. Luckily, I was correct. I quickly made it so far into this forest that I couldn't even see Wendleton High anymore. In fact, I couldn't see anything but nature around me. It was wonderful. It was as if my entire reality had melted away, leaving me here where I could find peace. I could find my peace, and then do whatever was necessary to protect my peace. I wouldn't let some annoying adults drag me to go live with strangers. I wouldn't let some annoying therapist pressure me. I wouldn't let some stupid teenage boy have such an effect on me. I would just close my eyes and take myself back to the days when things were simple.

I walked deeper into the forest until my legs grew tired and I needed to take a break. I'd probably been walking for almost an hour, which meant it was just about time for 6th hour. 6th period art class, where Jacob and Candace could sit together. Whatever. I'm going to take this time to do my own art.

I pulled out my notebook, and a nice sharp pencil and I began to draw. I didn't have a plan for what exactly I was drawing. I started with eyes, followed by shading in a perfectly straight nose. Then I drew thin, almost wispy tendrils of hair that hung past the shoulders. Hair that was always so much finer than mine. Thin hair, for a thin body. And despite the fine lines around the eyes and peeking through the forehead, the image that finally stared back at me felt like home. I never thought I could miss such an awful person so much, and yet, here I was, with a perfectly crafted portrait of Kerry Reddington staring back at me.

I wonder how Kerry is doing, awaiting her trial in a jail cell. No one's even offered to arrange a visit, and I've felt too awkward to ask. Kerry is probably so mad that I haven't even tried to check on her. Afterall, I'm the only family she has.

Ugh. See, this is what is so confusing. Kerry is bad. I know she is. I am not even her real family anyway. What does family even mean though? I'm no less Kerry's family than I am to Blue, Thomas, and Trent. It's not like I'm blood related to any of them. I'm not blood related to anyone. I'm really just one small person floating through space trying to figure out how to keep my head above water. - Speaking of water- I'd just felt my first rain drop.

Before I knew it, the one rain drop had turned into a series of drops forming a steady rhythm. No no no! I needed to find shelter. I ran through the forest trying to find a tree that could provide enough protection from the rain. Oof. I tripped, feeling a burning sting on my knee. Great, just great. Finally I ran until I ended up in what appeared to be a backyard belonging to a giant. The enormous yard was well maintained, and it was instantly easier for me to walk through the short grass until I'd reached the massive steps that led to the deck.

I was so small that the top of the first step hung out enough to shelter me from the rain. Okay. This was going to be okay. I took a deep breath allowing the cool air to fill my lungs. Everything was okay. I was in control. Everything was okay.


My phone, still in my pocket, rang. I pulled my phone out and was surprised to see it was Trent calling me. A twinge of guilt filled my heart, but I ultimately sent his call straight to voicemail. Then after Trent called me, I started getting text after text, and call after call from all 5 of the people who even had my number. Trent, Blue, Thomas, Morgan, and Jacob. Grrr. Jacob was texting me from 6th period class. Shouldn't he be focused on Candace! Why did I even care?!

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