***JACOB POV***My chest burned when I saw Issac walk away holding River. Then, almost an hour later anger consumed my body from head to toe when I finally linked up with Parisa. River had mentioned that Parisa could use a friend, so I of course called and texted Parisa repeatedly until I finally coordinated with her. It took time for the humans to get the all clear to leave their secret underground bunker they all were hiding in to escape the police. Then Parisa was ready to head my way towards the entrance of this human subdivision so I could take her home. As soon as I saw Parisa step out of the passenger seat of Natalie's little car, I could tell she was not her normal self.
Normally, Parisa was the type of person who always seemed to have a pep in her step. She'd leap out of the car instead of just step out ha. Then she'd always crane her neck out to make eye contact with whoever was bending down to give her a ride. After a party, Parisa should have been looking up at me with a mischievous smile, ready to tell me all about the crazy human drama. Instead, she stepped out of Natalies car slowly, with her head down, and her typically pulled back hair falling forward, covering half of her face.
"You okay?" I asked immediately as my hand came in front of her. Paris stepped on and still didn't try and make eye contact with me. "What happened?" I asked.
"Can I ride in your pocket?" Parisa asked softly. She seemed upset. I hate seeing Parisa actually upset. Usually she only cried to get attention, which worked way too well in our house. However, this time Parisa wasn't crying. It looked like she had been crying earlier but was trying to hold it together now. I didn't like this. I started walking home, feeling Parisa curl up in the front pocket of my shirt. Normally she'd be trying to stand and peek her head out while she told me stories. I now started to embody Issac Green and found myself nervously talking.
"I'm really sorry about everything that happened with the cops being called... It's kind of my fault actually. I broke things off with Candace and then she retaliated like this,"
"Candace called the police?! Wait, you broke up with her?" Parisa chirped from within my pocket.
"I guess we're both single now,"
"E-Eric b-broke up w-w-with me," Parisa cried in my pocket.
Eric. What the hell? Why would he break up with Parisa?! He's lucky a girl like Parisa would even grace him with her presence. I freakin hate that idiot!
I place my hand over my pocket feeling Parisa's almost rhythmic crying. Anger grew within me. How easily I could make Eric sorry he ever broke my sister's heart. That little f#cking as2hole. I swear to the gods, if I saw him right now, he'd regret running into me.
Once home, I was happy to see the lights to our house were off. Hopefully my parents were asleep, and Parisa and I could slip in without having to face them. Of course, the lights only appeared to be off from the outside. Once I entered the house I could hear the TV on in our living room. My parents must have been watching a movie still.
"Home over an hour before curfew!" Dad said as he exited the living room carrying Mom on his shoulder. "You beat Parisa home,"
"I gave her a ride," I said, gesturing to my shirt pocket. Instantly my parents gave the pocket a strange look. They knew as well as I did that it was strange for Parisa to be hidden away like that when it wasn't raining or something. We were inside and she was still curled up at the bottom of the pocket.
"Parisa?" Dad was instantly leaning down using a gentle tone to address his little princess, Parisa. I carefully reached into the pocket and grabbed Parisa. As soon as my parents saw her they were alarmed.

Found (New Earth Saga)
Teen FictionMeet River. A teenage girl who just found out the woman she's called her mother, is actually a criminal, who illegally adopted her in a blackmarket human trafficking scheme. Now, River, finally found, must return to live with the original family tha...