Ch. 37

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Will there ever be a day where interactions with other people wont give me so much anxiety?!

After school I had to go straight home to have my session with Carol, who kept trying to dig into my past and get me to confront my memories. Instead, I chose to use the session to talk about something that was happening in the now.

"So basically I'm feeling anxious because I have a memory of a time that I lied, and I don't know what to do," I admitted.

"And what did you lie about,"

"Umm... I can't tell you without telling another lie,"

"River, these sessions are spaces for complete honesty. Nothing you tell me will leave these sessions," Carol said, for the third time today.

"Yeah, I'm just a very private person. And I think maybe I'm feeling anxious because I haven't been doing art that much."

"Hmm. That's interesting. Art is a wonderful outlet to relieve stress. Why haven't you been doing any art?"

"Well, I still do art in my art class. I haven't been doing it much outside of class though because I haven't felt like it,"

"Why do you think that is?"

Ugh, Carol always had to keep asking questions. I guess I can admit a little more to her.

"Okay, so I think I'm really into art because my- Kerry Reddington. Kerry did a lot of art, and taught me how to do art, so I only like art because of her,"

"I see. And how does that make you feel?"

"Uh... confused I guess. LIke I wonder how I would have been if everything hadn't of happened. Like maybe I would be into sports or music or something. I don't think I would have been so quiet either. I think I would have been a lot better,"

"There's nothing wrong with how you are now. Lot of people are more reserved,"

"But I wasn't. I remember that much. I was happy before it happened,"

"You remember times from before?" Carol asked, trying to clarify as she leaned closer.


Perfect timing, the timer that let us know this session was over sounded!

"River, I'm happy to stay longer if you'd like to talk more about your memories from before-"

"I think it's better if we stop now. I'm having someone over for dinner, so I'd better go um see if maybe I can help or something. Like help Blue set up or something!" Okay even to my own ears that sounded like a dumb excuse. There's no way I was helping set up for dinner when each place setting was giant sized. Oh well, Carol didn't necessarily know that. Once Carol finally left I lingered at the kitchen table. Blue seemed happy I hadn't disappeared into my room- or Trent's room, which was basically my new room now that Thomas moved all of my stuff in there. I like that his room had a window that showed the sunrise. It seemed less dark somehow.

"Are you excited to have your friends over?" Blue asked as she headed into the kitchen area getting food out.

"I guess so. I think you will like Issac. He's very... friendly," I said. In the back of my head I wanted to add, he is also part of some pretty crazy rumors that have to do with Eric, who is still missing. People have made up all kinds of things about seeing Issac in the same woods where Eric had apparently also been seen. Issac avoided the topic altogether, and turned our conversations back to Fall Ball, which was just 2 days away. We were going to meet up with a couple of people from the football team to have dinner before going to the dance. The thought of having to meet so many giants from Issac's team plus their giantess dates made me nervous, but Issac kept reassuring me that they were all super friendly and excited to meet me. While I'm sure they're "nice", I'm also not particularly a fan of meeting new people in general.

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